Chapter 32: Training & Future plans

guard captain pov:

'ahhhh why is my body hurting like hell'

the captain slowly opened his eyes in front of him stood a young boy no a monster that he would never wish to cross again his body instinctly tried to get away but....

"stop" Alex said in a firmly

suddenly the guard captain stopped moving without even realizing

"wha... what the hech! why is my body not listening to me!? "

he was shocked despite all his efforts he couldn't move his body

"now kneel" Alex commanded

the captain immediately fell on his knees unwillingly

"ghhhhh W..what did you do to my b...body you monster!?"

he screamed

"Nothing much your brain has become the host for my parasite worm, it takes root inside your brain connecting to your neurons and releases a biochemical that let's it control your bio electric signals all over your body as per my will"

seeing the captain's confused face Alex sighed


"basically I can completely control your body"

"impossible! I'll never follow you! " he roared in anger

" well you're just doing that you know? " Alex said in amused tone

seeing as the captain was about to refute Alex commanded

"alright your noisy now tell me everything you know about Isabella"

the captain wanted to refuse he was a very loyal person but unfortunately his nex words betrayed him

" understood master, Isabella was trying to completely break you and turn you into a slave to control your mother, sister and potentially your fiancee then she will.... "

the captain continued to say everything he knew about Isabella all of her plans to one day control the whole nation

the captain and his wife Margaret were with Isabella for a very long time meaning they knew everything about her strength and weakness

Alex was surprised to here how much strength she has amassed he already knew some of her strength but this was more than he expected

1.she's the daughter of pointer family one of the richest family in the entire nation in terms of wealth they even surpass our entire mansion

2. thanks to her crafty skills Isabella has created an enormous business network not just in their estate but throughout the country nearly 30% of all business in the nation is directly or indirectly owned by her and has connection with several high nobels and even Royal Family

3. she's one of the major investor in shadow guild who are infamous for their assassination jobs but also has extensive information network even in overseas

4. has backing of a powerful secret organization whose information even the guard captain didn't know

these are the information he got from the guard captain

hmm the dark organization made Alex little nervous for unknown reason but he decided to leave it for the time being

looking at the captain he said

"good now let's talk about your wife... I want to turn her into a my cumdump whore and you will help me"

'what nonsense are you talking about! ' is what the guard captain wanted to say but the words came were different

"of course it will be her honor to become your cumdump, what should I do master?"

Alex took out a bottle with pills and gave it the captain

"these are aphrodisiac pills which makes females very horny give one her every day by adding it to her food make sure u don't touch her for the next week"

then he gave him a recording artifact

"follow her without her knowledge whenever she goes out and from all the frustration from the lack of sex she will cheat on you make sure you get the evidence and give it to me understood? "

"yes master but what if she doesn't cheat? "

" she will this no ordinary pill it controls your dream and even gives you suggestions which I already have inscribed in the pill"

Alex said confidently then asked in a devilish voice

" how does it feel that your wife will soon become a prostitute and everyone will know you are a cuck? "

'you fucking bastard I'll kill you! ' the captain's consciousness was cursing inside but couldn't do anything because of the damn parasite

"it's my please to become a cuck if master wills it "

"hahaha good now go continue working for Isabella while being my spy soon you'll help me take her down"

after that both left Alex went to his room he made a fake slave symbol in his neck so Isabella won't get suspicious

he ordered the captain to inform Isabella that he had succed in his mission and I'm his slave now

"I need more time to increase my power to fight against her but that doesn't mean I can't do some small damages to her for now"

after entering his room he sat cross legged with closed eyes and started thinking about his fight with captain and teachings of dark Alex

when he came to this world and the system he assumed cultivation as a golden ticket like money from his previous world as long as he have high cultivation he can do anything, although it's technically true but that's only if he reached the peak of cultivation, without strong foundation and right comprehension of his powers he will never be able to reach the peak

'I can never win a fight with someone of equal realm much less higher one'

"now I understand why the mcs in cultivation novels usually give lot of emphasis on building a strong foundation"

a good example is dark Alex he was able to beat the captain even with a lower realm

Alex checked the system for his remaining cuck coins

[ Name: Alex Campbell

Cuck Coins: 9000CC ]

"I was originally planning to use all these CC to improve my cultivation but now I changed my mind "

"system show me everything that can permanently increase my fighting abilities"


[what level do you wish to reach host]

"strong enough to fight a higher realm opponent"

[ Understood searching for results..... ]

[ list of items useful for the current host]

Alex went through the list and... his heart almost stopped beating

" Fuck! why is everything so expensive!? "

[ any item related to permanent effects are expensive as it affects casualty ]

Alex gritted his teath convincing himself everything is an investment for the future

'damn it I just got some money but now I'll be broke again😩'

he carefully went through every items and selected the most efficient way to improve his fighting ability

[ items selected:

1. Diamond body refining pill

( helps create a powerful defensive body similar or stronger than a defense artifact )

2. Dao Bone (x2)

( a bone inscribed with laws of the world helps host to improve his comprehension ability if all 206 bones were replaced can give user the ability to control the world )

3. Phoenix blood (x5 drops)

( blood of the immortal divine being when refined into a body will increase host's healing ability if all 5 liters of blood is replaced will turn host into a true immortal Phoenix)

4. divine cultivation method (1st part )

( a peak grade mana cultivation method if practiced will turn host's normal mana into pure divine mana once cultivated to peak can let host become a god)

5. infinite weapon demon art ( 1st part)

( a powerful technique created by heavenly demon to fight against heaven it allows the user to take any weapon and use it as apart of one's body it's the only technique in the whole continent to stack up or combine other legendary grade technique with this one)

6. celestial footwork technique ( 1st part )

( A legendary grade footwork technique that uses wind and lighting to increase the speed and flexibility to a superhuman level once mastered fully can control space itself )


[ Total cost 9500CC ]

[ Host would you like to take a loan of 500CC ]

"fuck do i even have a choice? get a loan and tell me the conditions"

[ Condition: create a high class prostitution bar and let your women and slaves serve every men as they order ]

Alex thought for a while this is actually a great idea the things he brought are just the initial investment he needs to buy a lot more to quickly reach the top he needs tremendous amount of cc so starting a prostitute bar is a good idea, he immediately agreed

"ok buy everything I selected "

[ a loan of 500CC is granted ]

[ all items are successfully purchased ]

[ available cuck coins - 0 ]

he saw all the invaluable items lying in the floor each of them is enough to start a war in this continent

Alex eyes was gleeful he knew what he has here is not enough to make him the strongest or anything no not even close but it's a first step in right direction to create an ultimate foundation that most cultivation mc would be jealous off (well maybe not everyone)

anyways Alex didn't waste time he activated the defensive array and checked for anyone outside the room after making sure everything is safe he first took the diamond body refining pill

the pill looked like a small shiny crystal call once it entered his throat Alex felt all his nerves and tissues were pierced by sharp glass strands blood was leaking from every pores of his body

despite Alex's strong will he started screaming and crying he never felt this much pain he gathered every last inch of his will to not lose his consciousness else it will truly be over he didn't beg for help from dark Alex or the system he had been relying too much on them

'I need to do this myself' this is not just his useless ego or anything this was planned action to test his hypothesis

alex's screams continued to eco throughout his room if not for the noise cancelling feature in the defense array the entire mansion would have been alerted by now

1 minute passed, 5 minutes passed, 15 minutes passed by this point he didn't even have the strength to scream when ever he was about to loose consciousness he would slap himself or bang his head in the wall, anything to keep him awake

but he was still a human after all soon the pain reached a point he couldn't tolerate he even regretted his decision he wondered if his plan had failed but soon a notification he had been waiting for came

[ due to the host's ability to tolerate immense pain for an extended period of time a new skill has be awakened ]

[ A new skill - " pain resistance lv-1" has been created]

' yes! '

his plan worked alex was just testing it out he thought by doing an action repeatedly would let the system grant him a new skill based on the action.... luckily it worked

with the help of pain resistance skill he continued enduring his muscles getting ripped apart

even with this skill it was still hard as the pain continued to increase his muscle got destroyed and rebuild stronger and stronger like a metal being forged luckily his skill level also started to increase

[ pain resistance has increased to lv-2 ]

[ pain resistance has increased to lv-3 ]

after a full three hours his body started to glow like a diamond Alex looked at his body that become muscular not too much but right amount his height increased by an inch thankfully his thick femboy like appearance has changed and he now looks like a handsome model

but what Alex want is to check the durability of his new body

[ Your body have been successfully refined into diamond body ]

[ durability - level 4 ]

[ level 0 - human level

level 1 - resistance to knife stabs and metal rod strikes

level 2 - resistance to guns or fall from a 5 floor building

level 3 - handle a direct tank shot or TNT blast

level 4 - survive a small nuclear attack

level 5 - even an level 10 earthquake couldn't hurt you

level 6 - can tank a planet destroying attack

level 7 - ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️ ]

"Fucking insane my body can survive a nuclear bomb hahaha am I invincible now? "

[ Host don't get your hopes up there are several beings in this world capable of doing damage 100 times stronger than a tsar nuclear bomb ]

".... "

sigh* I forgot cultivation novels always have very absurd power scaling

after getting his reality checked he took the next item in order to defeat those absurdly strong opponents I need to use everything I have

he took the 2 dao bones and decided to use them 1 on each of his wrist, the bones were glowing in golden color there were mysterious symbols inscribed all over the bones

Alex cut open his wrist and put his new bones that melted and fused with his existing wrist bone the entire process should be painful but thank to his pain resistance he could handle this much

[ dao bones x2 has been successfully integrated ]

[ Understanding of world laws has drastically increased , control over a small portion of world energy is possible ]

Alex could sense the profound laws around him when he tried to absorb mana to cultivate he could sense a new kind of energy entering his body assisting his cultivation

" this should be the world energy hmm these bones are more useful than i thought "

if possible he wants to replace all the bones in his body but unfortunately they are too expensive and he's already broke...

then he took the next item - Phoenix blood

without any hesitation he drank it

he knew that's not how blood transfusion works but this is a fantasy world and the system told him to do too

immediately an insane burning sensation was spreading all over his body no he was literally burning even his pain resistance couldn't fully control the pain

he once again started screaming he felt like everything in his body is being melted and reconstructed especially his blood...




[ Pain resistance has increased to lv-4 ]

after few hours of sufferings he finally finished refining the Phoenix blood he originally hoped replace all his blood with the Phoenix blood but after undergoing this hell for just 5 drops Alex wasn't sure if he can handle this pain

[ Phoenix blood has be successfully refined into your blood ]

[ a new bloodline is created impure Phoenix bloodline (low) ]

[ host's healing abilities has increased drastically ]

[ host's fire attribute potential has increased dramatically ]

[ host has obtained impure Phoenix flame ]

luckily all those suffering paid off he has gained more than he thought

there are only three more items but they are not consumables they are training manuals he needs time to comprehend them and slowly start to integrate with his fighting style

"that's it I have decided no matter what I'm not leaving this room for the next week! "

Alex opend one of the books and started learning

unknown to alex during his training his cuck coins were also increasing at a fast pace which would even shock him later...


in the training camp area

inside a private room for the captain, a muscular beauty sat cross legged reading the reports in front of her is a old man in butler suit he was one of the few trusted aids of Eleanor who is currently working with the training captain diana to support Alex in his business

"so basically all the high grade pills Alex gave had been auditioned at hig price huh? "

" good, what about the excavation of the ores in mountain what did he call it again? aha yes! titanium did you start mining it? " diana inquired

"yes lady diana, thanks to the artifact you gave we were able to find several minerals including Titanium but what I thought these materials have no use unlike iron or copper why go such lengths to purchase and develop these lands? " the old man still couldn't understand diana has been spending lot of money into developing these useless mines

"you just have to follow orders or maybe you are doubting my loyalty? " she asked in a stern voice

" no my lady I wouldn't dare to! " he quickly shook his head

"hmph, anyways what about the other areas did you buy them? "

"we are trying to get all of them but some buildings you marked in the map are located in Central areas so they are either expensive or the owner is not selling them"

the mountains were just one of the locations alex had set his eyes on although diana couldn't understand why Alex wants these places she knew Alex was planing some kind of big business strategy so she decided to support him to the best of her ability

"the buildings in the main districts will become stores and the outer buildings will be rebuilt as factories connecting to the mines is what Alex said "

"factories? for what also how will we connect the mines in the mountains to the supposed factories that as per the map is on the exact opposite side of the town? my lady I do respect young master Alex but I don't think investing so much based on a teenager's words is reliable"

the old man expressed his concerns he didn't want Alex to waste all his money

"you don't have to worry about that besides all these are money earned from selling pills he made in one time this much is nothing to him"

"that aside what about recruiting the people mentioned? "

" aha some of them are slaves so we can easily buy them while others range from low class people in slums to even some nobles so it's hard to contact them without Isabella's knowledge "

"I see, no need to focus on the nobles for now try to bring the low and middle class people and make sure they are loyal to us"

"understood my lady" the old man let while shaking his head he didn't see anything special with these people

'why go so far trying to buy/recruiting them? young master Alex what are you thinking? '

not just the mines and land that could have high potential in the future but Alex had used the system's help to identify the talents in the estate get under his wing these are talents with untapped potential in various fields including medicine, manufacturing, craftsmanship, scholar ect.


the old man could only sigh thinking about how his master lady Eleanor is fairing...


Give me your value feedback on the comments any business ideas or kinky stuff to add in the story

ps. power stones and comments are most welcomed 😉