
Luna is an ordinary high school girl, living a seemingly normal life. Her days consist of mundane tasks, such as waking up, taking a bath, eating breakfast, getting ready for school, and going to school. Her father works at a pharmaceutical company, and her mother owns a parlor. They are a wealthy family and want a bright future for their daughter, so they provide her with private tuitions.

One day, Luna's life takes a dark turn. She bumps into a guy named Ryder on the way to school, and they argue, making them both late for class. They exchange greetings during lunch break, and Luna seems to be warming up to him. However, things take a terrible turn when Luna goes to the rooftop to eat her lunch. A girl calls her a lunatic, and a group of girls show up, all calling her a murderer. Luna is taken aback by the sudden name-calling and confusion. One of the girls tells her that she is a murderer and a lunatic, which makes Luna tear up and run away.

Luna runs out of the school and right back to her home, thinking back to the time when she killed a 5-year-old boy. Luna was 5 years old at the time, and she was playing house with her neighbor. They got into an argument, and the boy punched Luna. Luna reacted and hit the boy with a stolen object she found on the playground, killing him. The thing that disgusted Luna the most was that she enjoyed it. She was disgusted by her true self and could not live with the guilt.

Overwhelmed by her past and the bullying at school, Luna runs in front of a speeding car and gets hit. The impact of the accident leaves Luna unconscious, and she is rushed to the hospital. Luna's parents are devastated by the news and try to find out what caused their daughter to take such a drastic step.