The Queen

[Astra]: "Starting countdown 5...4...3...2...1... Transmigrating complete."

*No One's POV*

When Sarah opened her eyes, she was laying on a bed. She sat up and looked around to realize that she was in a bedroom made with marble floors, golden colors on the wall, and furniture all dusty. Suddenly, she felt a pain shoot through her mind, causing her a bit of pain.

"Ugh. A little warning would have been nice Astra."

[Astra]: "Oops, I forgot to tell you about that. Sorry, I will keep that in mind next time."

*Sarah's POV*

Going through the memories of the original owner just pisses me off, like seriously. Why the hell did the original owner of this body go back to that scumbag twice after what he did to her. Jeez, if he had abused you twice when you went back, what makes you think he won't do it again!! Breath Sarah, Breath.

Anyways, it is surprising that there is a queen in charge instead of a king. At least I got the same name as the original owner.

"What is my task Astra?"

[Astra]: "You have 2 tasks to complete:

1. Get revenge for the original owner (100pts)

2. Keep the bloodline going (100pts)

"Uhm...I can do the first, but how do I finish the second one because you do know I am not going to be with a man, guy, boy, or whatever other people call them."

[Astra]: "Don't worry host, headquarters know about this, that is why they gave you pills that are possible for the same sex to have children biologically."

"So, does this mean that if I were to have children, they would have my genes and the other women's genes?"

[Astra]: *Sigh* "Yes that is what it means."

"That is great. Now, where are we in the plot Astra?"

[Astra]: "We are at the part where the marquess, the man you just insulted, is going to throw the original owner away again like the first time."

"Great!!! This way I don't have to come up with an excuse to get away from him."

**Knock Knock**


A woman, whom I assume is a maid seeing as the things around me look expensive, replied "the marquess has requested for your presence."


Well, let's get this over with shall we.

*No One's POV*

When Sarah opened the door, she saw a maid standing there. Sarah followed the maid when they walked by a window. Sarah saw the original owner's body and face. She was so skinny that you can tell she hadn't eaten in a while, but if she was healthy, her looks could attract both men and women.

When they arrived at the door where the marquess, Leo, was, the maid knocked on the door twice announcing that Sarah was there.

"Come in," said Leo. The maid left and Sarah entered the room.

"Leave. I don't want to see your face any longer in my house. I have no use for you and don't bother begging," Leo said. What he didn't know was that the original owner of the body had changed, and this was exactly what Sarah wanted.

*Sarah's POV*

Yess!! Oops, got to act like I want to stay so I don't look suspicious.

*Fake cry* "Please. Please don't leave me. I will do anything you want, just let me stay by your side." I'm dying inside having to say all this.

Leo: "No. You're useless, I don't need you anymore. Now leave before I kick you out with broken bones."

Tsk, it's not like I wanna stay with you either dumba*s.

*No One's POV*

Sarah walked out of Leo's office while crying, but once she was alone in her room, her face showed a smile. The original owner didn't have much, so Sarah just took the money and left the mansion.

Leo looked out the window and down at Sarah. He was glad that she left, but he felt a bit of pain in his chest. Ignoring it, he went back to his desk to finish his paper work.

*Sarah's POV*

Freedom!!! Now I'm hungry. Alright, lets see how much we have. Hmm...50 dollars is not enough to last long. What am I going to do to get more money?

[Astra]: "Host, why don't you sell what you cook?"

"Good idea. Yea, let's go with that, but first, I got to eat."


*No One's POV*

Sarah used a bit of her money to buy vegetables, meat, sauces, and other things she needed after eating. Once she had what she needed, she bought a stall along the street where other stalls were and got to work.

After she cut and added some sauce to the beef, she fried it. Then she added the already washed vegetables to the pan once the meat was fully cooked.

The pleasant aroma started to spread around causing many people to drool and look for the source of the smell. Once people found the source of the aroma, they gathered at Sarah's stall trying to get a taste of the food she made.

Once Sarah was done cooking, she grabbed some plates and forks and put some of what she cooked onto the plates. Once she was done, she looked up and saw a whole bunch of people lining up, waiting to eat some of the food she cooked. Sarah chuckled at all the people then shouted her price.

"5 dollars for each plate!!"