You should step down


Lucien stood before the king, his left eye swollen and an awful shade of bluish-purple, and his hand held up by a blood cast that hung loosely around his neck.

The king's court was filled with councilmen from both Arvenia and the other four kingdoms. The king sat before them, with Asmodeus his personal adviser standing at his left and the queen, Lucretia, sat at his right. Beside Lucretia stood Reggie, with his signature smug look on his face.

"We lost a total of fifteen dragon Knights, thirty knights, and fifty-foot soldiers," Lucien said, all the while maintaining a straight face. Standing in the middle of all these judgmental elderly men in his wounded state, it would be difficult for another person to withstand. But he had to stand tall and confident, that was what is expected of the crown prince.

The murmuring amongst the councilmen heightened, Lucien knew they were questioning his ability to continue commanding the royal army. He hated how easily they just sat there, judging his abilities, like they could have done better had they been in his position. Most of them would have fled, but he fought alongside his men. Yes he made a mistake, he knew he did. But he did not have an option, he was stuck between a rock and a hard place and he chose the option he thought was better at that point.

"My king," one of the councilmen, Cedric, stood to his, bowing slightly to the king. "The prince seems to be having a problem securing us victory against Valoria, maybe someone else should give it a try."

Lucien looked at the old man with greying hair, with indignation, "Correct me if I'm wrong. Thipps' war started twelve years ago, right? And none of the commanders has been able to secure victory for us. Were you expecting me to perform a sort of sorcery at the battlefield and secure victory for us?"

Lucien turned his focus to the king when he got no response from any of the councilmen, "My King, I have led your army for two years now, and we made progress. I take responsibility for this loss. No one expected that attack from the Valorian army, we were caught off guard."

Reggie whispered something into the queen's ear, who then spoke immediately; "So are you saying that you cannot win this war for us?" Lucretia asked.

"Mother, what I am saying is that, this was an error on my part and I can make this right, if given a chance." He was not surprised that his mother was also against him, in fact he would have been shocked, had she taken his side and defended him.

"You should step down brother," Zarek finally spoke. "Let someone more experienced and capable takeover."

"And who would that be? You?" Lucien scoffed.

"As a matter of fact no. Unlike you, I know my limits and I am not ashamed to admit it," Zarek snarled.

"I agree with Prince Zarek. Someone else should take the rein," another councilman opined.

"Yes!" other councilmen echoed in unison.

"My King?" Lucien turned to his father, his eyes pleading him his father to take his side.

King Magnus cleared his throat, "You fought mightily my son. And I am very proud of you for commanding my army even as young as you are. But maybe we should let someone else, with more experience take over."

"Father!" Lucien protested.

"You are injured. You need to get treatment and enough rest." King Magnus looked away from Lucien and faced the council, "It is settled then. Lucien will step down as the commander of my army and we will have to select a new commander as soon as possible."

Lucien looked at his father, the worst feeling of betrayal gnawing at the pit of his stomach. Even his father did not take his side, he didn't care that his mother thought him incapable, she has always treated him that way his whole life. Always favoring Zarek and defending him against all odds. He remembered how Lucretia had been against his father's decision to make him commander of the royal army. He had watched his mother in shock, as she debased him in front of the council, just to paint him as irresponsible and incapable. The king's decision to remove him as commander under these circumstances only proves his mother right, in the eyes of these men.

"You tried your best for your kingdom, your Highness. Sacrificing your youth to serve the kingdom, just shows how much of a great king you would make," Asmodeus said with a smile, an attempt to make him feel better about the situation.

Lucien sighed in defeat, "I will take my leave now." He bowed his head.

King Magnus watched Lucien leave, his heart aching for his son. He could only imagine how bad Lucien felt, but he had no choice. Lucien was too young to lead the army, and he was never truly in favor of his heir going to fight in the war. But Lucretia somehow managed to convince him that the right thing to do was to let Lucien join the royal army.

Lucretia smiled to herself, for the first time in months, she was hopeful. All her plans to turn the council against Lucien had failed. Even Reggie's master plan to kill him during the war failed too.

This might be a small win, but she was confident she would win this game of chess with the prince.