I'm coming for Everything

Zarek grinned, with his set of immaculate white teeth on full display. His horse trotted through the camp, with his sword raised high in the air with one hand, and the other hand held on to one end of a rope. The other end of the rope was tied to the leg of the pale white, cold body of King Ortordok. The body bounced around as the horse trotted.

Sure, Lucien's plan worked. The dragons had taken out most of the Valorian soldiers, and the ones who survived were either badly injured or too shaken to fight. They had easily tackled the remaining Valorians.

There were bodies littered at every corner, and in some areas, there was still fighting going on. Zarek trudged on. He had disappeared and hidden in one of the trees close to the streamlet. War wasn't just about who was the strongest or swiftest but also about luck. He could not risk getting killed in battle due to his lack of experience. He still had a lot to do, like best his brother and take the throne.