Black Magic

Levina trudged on, willing herself not to look back, no matter what. He made his choice, and so…

"Arrrggh!" she heard Lucien groan in pain.

She halted almost immediately and spun around.

Lucien's groan sliced through the air and reverberated through Levina's eardrums. She spun around just as he crashed to his knees. Just as she was about to run to him, a retreating dark figure caught her eye. Rage propelled her feet to move as far as they could. Whoever the assailant was, they were... She gasped as the black hood fell off, revealing hazel or dark-brown colored hair. She couldn't tell as the tree shades cast a shadow on the hair, making it difficult to ascertain its color.

The "he" was a "she," and whoever she was, she was careful not to look back. Levina tried to catch up, but she was just too fast.