A war she was sure to win

She had to stop thinking about Lucien. He certainly was not thinking about her; if he were, he could have come to see her or even sent for her if he did not want to come down to the infirmary. But he did not do any of that; instead, he went to a brothel to be with other women. And if Draven had not mentioned it, she would not have known that Lucien betrayed her.

Yes, he betrayed her. How could he go to a pleasure house after he had kissed her? He could have just continued visiting the pleasure house and left her alone.

"Levina?" he heard her call.


"What do you say?" he asked.

She frowned. She had zoned out and did not listen to anything he had said. "To what?"

He gave a small smile. "Let's start over. A clean slate. We can get to know each other," he lowered his voice, "you can get to know me."