13) Magic Knights Entrance Exam

It is finally time for the magic knight's entrance exam. The magic knights are organised into 9 guilds and 9 magic knight captains rule over them respectively

Jack the captain of the green mantis, Yami Sukehiro the captain of the black bulls, Guildre Poizart the captain of purple orcas, Rill Boismortier captain of azure deer, Dorothy Unsworth the captain of coral peacocks, Charlotte Roselei the captain of the blue rose, Nozel silva the captain of silver eagles, Fuegoleon Vermillion captain of crimson lions and lastly William vangence captain of Golden dawn

I am very confident that I messed up at least one of their names. Wizards who came to take the test perform in a series of tests in front of all 9 captains those who perform well and catch the eye of the captains will be selected by them if more than one captains choose you, you are given a choice to choose the magic knight guild you want to join.

There will be tests to check your mana control. Most people don't train their control of mana and only practice their spells so this is hard for them. There is also a test where you are given a broom and asked to fly. The higher you go the harder it is to control the broom and finally, there will be a duel in which two members who have accepted to duel can duel in a fight. If they perform well they might get accepted regardless of their performance on previous tests.

I heard a sound saying "Everyone gather around the entrance exam is going to begin "The exam centre is like a coliseum but the only spectators are the magic knight captains and all the participants are standing at the duel area. A man wearing a mask says " The entrance exam officially begins "This guy is the captain of the golden dawn the top-ranked magic knight guild. There exists a ranking system between the magic knight guilds. The first-ranked is the golden dawn and the worst-ranked guild is the black bulls.

Captain vangence then creates a giant tree from the sky which creates brooms from its roots and gives them to the participants. The first test is to fly a broom then it is followed by a series of tests which test your control over mana since many people do not train their control over mana but only train their magic.

The exam then continues with the examinees performing various tasks, such as firing a blast of magic power at a wall, shooting at a moving target, creating something with magic, and pouring magic power into a seed to let it grow

The test was pretty easy for me since flying the broom and mana control are something hard only for commoners. But there was one commoner who could compete with me for the first place he was called Yuno.

It was time for the final test, the duel. This favours me as I can see others duel and copy their magic no one challenged me or Yuno as they don't want to challenge someone strong. Other participants only want to win and for that, they would rather not challenge a rising star and lose. (author's note - they tell out the name of the magic they use before every attack it is annoying to say the same magic every time so I won't .enjoy it).

The first match was between Yuno and a cocky noble who wants to beat the rising star and be praised. Yuno as the overpowered character he is, one-shots his opponent. When I had fun watching the other matches and copying more magic Eliana challenged me to a duel.