29) Visiting Miss Theresa

I heard from the blacksmith that mana stones are also used in dresses but they only use basic rank mana stones because the work is so hard even a small mistake could ruin both the mana stone and the dress. The most talented tailor could still only work using the Intermediate rank mana stone. No one has ever seen someone use advanced rank mana stone in tailoring. I heard the robe that magic knights wear are also made of mana stones.

I got bored so I visited Miss Theresa. I heard from the officials that she went to a village called Nean and became a sister working at a church which takes care of orphans. I have never visited Nean before so I asked for its location and flew there in my broom.

It took about 15 minutes from the royal capital to Nean. I visited their church and heard that Miss Theresa is the head sister. I visited her and asked how she was doing and was speaking to her when a sister came running and said "Gauche is back and he is doing it again ". Miss Theresa rushed with the sisters and I followed her.

I saw a tall man with dark pinkish hair kicking Asta. He was also wearing a Black bulls robe just like Asta. Miss Theresa said " Stop it Gauche " and Gauche replied, " You are here you old hag go die". Asta tries to defend Miss Theresa and Miss Theresa said to call her sister instead and Gauche just calls her Sister old hag.

They had some quarrelling and it seems he is also a member of Black Bulls and he has a sister complex with his sister who's name is Marie. It seems Marie said that she is going to marry Asta (this is a 10-year-old kid by the way) which made Gauche turn into a stone and crumble so he started to beat up Asta. Miss Theresa said " It's time to go back to the church Marie," Gauche said, "No she is not she was just about to go out with me sister old hag". After some more quarrelling, Marie and Miss Theresa went back to the church and Gauche was acting like he died.

Asta said he was here to visit Rebecca someone who lives here and met Marie by chance. I heard that she has five siblings to take care of. She invited us to her house which is also a restaurant to eat. She asked me if we had a place to stay. When we said we didn't she said we could stay at her house and they have plenty of rooms.

After eating at her house we went to sleep upstairs. She kept blushing looking at Asta I really can't understand women. I went to sleep and had a really good sleep. It was not winter yet it was pretty chilly. I woke up and heard many people talking and shouting. I went down and saw that it was snowing. I saw Noelle who was saying "The magic knights will be here soon so don't worry ".

I quickly asked Noelle what happened and she said " All the children who cannot control magic have gone missing. Kids who are below the age of 5 didn't get affected. The snow was definitely made by magic.

I asked Noelle which direction they went and rushed there with my broom. I really have a bad feeling about this. Children have less mana and as they grow the amount of mana they have increases but as you grow old that decreases to when you were a child and finally there's death. Children above the age of 5 have more mana than when they were below the age of 5. Only the children with more mana but who can't control it are affected. I hope I am not overthinking things.