Ancient Yggdra - I - [PT.6]

I found it, the Yggdrasil-like tree, almost like the guardian of the forest. I climbed back down happily but stopped dead in my tracks.

There was a person, dressed in white, praying.

On his knees. I hid in between the branches.

I just guessed he was praying, because he was sitting down with his hands closed. Or was he meditating?

I peeked at him from the safety of the top of the Yggdrasil.

I shouldn't call it that, it's probably not its name.

He was dressed in all white, with a red teeth pattern covering the seems of the robe. He finished his prayer, and the tree started shaking.

I could barely hold on.

But managed to notice this tree had more white sacred hangings from its branches.

They were making noise as they rustled.

The tree shook so much, it almost felt like an earthquake.

I crashed down to the floor, it was very obvious as I made a squeaky sound as I hit the ground. I hid from the person, using the bottom of the tree as coverage.

Then from up top, small green orbs started to fall, now that I noticed, the tree had some dead leaves and other foliage that could use some work. This forest needed a gardener. They looked depressed.

As the green orbs hit the ground, those plants instantly came back to life. Perking up like they had always been like that.

Then from the ground outward, a green sphere extended, like a shock wave, reaching the rest of the forest, in all directions.

Was this because of the prayer the person had said? Had the tree responded to his blessing?

Wait - where was the person, I looked back at the spot - he wasn't sitting there anymore. I had looked away for one second, and now he was gone.

Suddenly I felt a presence behind me.

I shouted and moved backward, hitting my back against the tree. I went full defense mode.

He removed his hood, a snap-back on his head, red strands coming out of the front, the sun visor pushed back.

I could finally see his face, he had a perfectly symmetrical square chin, his lips were thin, he had a bandage across his nose, his eyes were crimson yellow, and his hair was vibrant blood red.

I've never seen hair color like that, it wasn't ginger, it was just red. His skin color read islander, yet freckles on it. His robe was loose and it covered his whole body from head to toe.

I couldn't get a good glimpse at his physic. It was like he was wearing clothes that were twice his size.

Then in even more shock, he started speaking.

"Shomu, omla shamila convey nu eve?"

What the!? He spoke another language. How was I going to understand him, or anyone in this world for that matter?

"Uh…" was all I could say.

Then inside of my head, I heard a voice.

Almost robotic, yet not quite, it was soothing and yet monotone.

>"Language processing unit activating."


>"Starting world language processing decoder," the voice stopped for a second.

Finally! Had the translator finished downloading!

>"More input needed, please concede."

"Oma tulapia senio mejuri yo?" said the man. "Yimia telupi come va," he extended his hand like he wanted to touch me.

"What why?!" I said and moved away with a quick jolt, he backed down.

"Gime, anita lo kogiara sonu tsimori was arimosheshiata,"

Now it was sounding more familiar.

>"Success, language barrier decoded, live translation now in place."

"Can you forgive me little one, I didn't mean to scare you," he spoke, now I was able to understand him, his voice with a deep treble.

My attitude changed very quickly.

"Ah, I can finally understand you!" I said getting close to him and holding his hands. He seemed rather accepting of my attitude change. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry about that, I wasn't understanding what you were saying just now," I said a little embarrassed.

He had to kneel down - I was just inches tall.

"You're speaking perfect Yomish right now,"

"Am I?" I said, laughing awkwardly.

I guess I am.

"Anyway, my name is Dragan Shu Neven, it's very nice to meet you little one, by the way. Where's your tribe? Are you lost? What were you doing on top of Ygga?"

So it is named Yggdrasil…

I explained what happened with the other slime's, Dragan looked at me curiously.

"So yeah, that's what happened, Dragan, sorry to bother you with my problems," I said cautiously.

He looked at me even more surprised. Did I say something wrong?!

He then embraced me putting me between his left arm and chest. Was it just me or were there muscles behind the robe? He suddenly seemed very happy.

Gods! It's way too obvious!

"First name basis already, I like you!" he said almost giddy.

Hold on… Was I supposed to use his last name as a form of courtesy?!

He held me tight and rubbed my head like a little kid.

"So what say you, want me to help you find your tribe?"

"Uh… I don't think they want me back, judging by the way they acted upon meeting me," I said a little disheartened. Even though they did treat me nicely.

He let me go, I floated to meet him at eye level. He was crouching down.

"Well, you could always join me. I'm the sole shield of this forest, it's my duty to protect it and the creatures that live within it." He said a proud smile pronged on his face.

"Yes! That sounds lovely - if you'll have me?" I said.

"Of course, consider this a party!"

We bumped fists or slime hand and his fist.

>"Light Party Accepted"

Certainly, one to celebrate.