Ancient Yggdra - I - [PT.8]

"A contract, what does that mean?"

He closed off his hands.

"Not telling you," he said almost childish, and turned away closing his eyes.

What?! Why?!

"Um… Please tell me,"

"I refuse,"

I took a long sigh. He looked at me through one eye only.

"And, why not?" my sassy side came out again.

"Because if I tell you, you won't want to make a contract with me anymore," he turned back away.

"If anyone else gets hold of your power, bad things might happen,"

I have no intention of hurting anyone any time soon, but I guess this is what they meant by 'putting me in harm's way of a sexy hunk.'

"Fine," I said "I'll do the contract with you,"

"Huh, really?!" he said, now he looked worried and excited. "You will?!"

What was this bipolarity?

"Yeah, I guess,"

"Zomearon contracts are for life you know, it's a little like getting married," he said a little embarrassed, his cheeks coming through a little tinted. I finally noticed he had freckles all around the middle of his face. It made him look even cuter.

"And yet marriage also has divorce,"

"Well yeah, but with Zomearon you forget you ever were in a contract with that spirit,"

"You forget?!"

"Yeah, the words of the sphere make sure of that by deleting some kind of program,"

Words of the sphere?

Was that the voice I heard before?

Was he referring to Sybil? The AI in my head?

"Wait, how do you know so much about this, how many contracts have you had?!" I said almost like a snake with a smile.

There was a long pause. He scratched his face, probably not wanting to tell me.

"37" he finally said.

"37! That's a big number, and how come you remember all of this, if they erase your memories of your time with that spirit?"

"The Elders told me, they were disappointed after I tried to bond with so many spirits only to end in catastrophe,"

"What would happen, you know between you and the spirits?"

"We would always end up fighting like some old married couple, that doesn't tolerate each other, and for the smallest of details, I would just explode over nothing,"

Sounds like an internal problem.

"How can I call myself the Zomearon trainer, the shield of the Zomearon forest! If I don't have a Zomearon spirit myself?"

I guess that makes sense. It's like a personal trainer who's fat and doesn't do any exercise.

I was floating around him, listening to his woes. I touched his shoulder, trying to be compassionate.

>Downloading Executable;


>Program Start;


The words of the sphere spoke again.

He looked at me, with a gasp, did he hear the words too?

>"Complete; 100% Success; Formalize?!"


The text boxes appeared in front of our visions. He looked at me with vigor, he nodded once, and I nodded in return.

We both shouted.


>"Complete," spoke Sybil to the both of us.

>"Contract Formalize," it stopped like it was thinking.

>"Adding new user; Dragan Shu Neven,"

>"Control Permissions accepted; Root under system admin,"

>"Complete, Contract finalized;"

And with that, it stopped talking.

"Woah," I said, I could feel newfound power running through me. My slime body started glowing, my stats increased, I leveled up, and something else happened.

>"New Skill Acquired; Raging Elemental Dragon," said the words of the sphere.

>"New Program acquired; Evolution I, Execute?" it spoke again.

"Not right now, could we save it for later?" I said out loud.

>"Understood; Programed archived,"

"That's it, you did it?!" he exclaimed, he stood up and hugged me, placing me right between his massive pecks.

This was the contract? It felt anticlimactic.

My troubles suddenly melted away, he wasn't trying to do any harm, I could hear his heart, it was beating excitedly.

He just wanted the safest route. And besides I didn't have any trouble forming a pack with Dragan. I'm sure good things are bound to come from it.

I could stay here forever. I thought. In between his pecs. I was in bliss.

"Then why don't you, he said holding me tight," he smiled, was he enjoying this too?

"WAIT! You can hear my thoughts?!" I said out loud. I pushed against him to meet him eye to eye.

"All Zomearon contracts come with telepathic communication from the get-go," he said.

"We can talk, even if we're miles apart, as long as we're in Cronus we can talk with our minds," he said happily, still embracing me in his arms.

I didn't know if it was a good thing or a complete disaster, but I went with it for now.

Oh well! There's nothing I can do about it now.