Fusion Practice - IV - [PT.1]

The next morning I found the bed empty. It was still warm, but his scent still permeated the bed itself.

Where was he?

I suddenly started hearing like someone was chopping wood outside.

I slithered out of bed and took my human form. I looked at myself in the mirror that hung adjacent to the bed. My hair was a mess, and my face was still tired. Even in slime form, I still got bedhead. That seemed like an inconvenient feature.

I put on some clothes that were thrown on the floor, a hoodie was just lying there, I guess that's what he uses to keep warm at night, but this time he had me. He must have been tired.

I promptly placed the hoodie on myself, and modeled it side by side.

It was big, and loose, of course Dragan could fit it and probably leave little room to spare. But on me, it wore truly like a boyfriend sweater. It reached all the way down to the lower part of my knees. And the sleeves had to be pulled up or else they would dangle in mid air.

His muscles had clearly stretched out the fabric. It also felt like he used it a lot. The fabric felt like it had seen it's fare share of washes.

Still, It was a cute look. Smelled like him too.

Then, I decided to take a peek outside, the inside of the house was covered in shadow even though the sun was already shining brightly outside.

I open the door and was hit with the warm light, the sound of birds coexisting with the forest, and the smell that went hand in hand with nature.

I could get used to this.

I circled back towards the back side of the house, Dragan was swinging an axe, and cutting up some wood. He had only jeans, a plaid handkerchief hanging from a pocket, and no shirt, this time he had a pink snap back on his head.

It helped with the sun, he stopped as soon as he saw me..

He took a stance holding the pickax to the floor, and a hand on his shoulder.

"Morning little one, you sure took your time sleeping in," Never had I ever gotten such restful sleep like the one I did last night. I was still getting used to not sleeping-sleeping.

"Is it already that late?" I asked, still yawning. The sun was already shining, but I had no idea what the time it was. I bet it was a little past nine. It was the perfect time to wake up.

"Or are you just a very early riser?" I asked. "Since what time you've been up?"

"Around six in the morning, I've been doing things around the house, trying not to wake you," he said.

That was thoughtful.

"I could never get up that early, at least not anymore," I said coming through my long curls and pushing the rheum out of my eyes.

"Were you an early riser in your past life?" he asked, continuing to chop wood. It was kinda hot.

I moved into a little stump that was next to his workstation.

"You could say that, I was a doctor after all," I said now fully awake and with a smile on my face.

"Ah, a healer," said Dragan, hitting another one of those woods.

"I mean yeah, but those words signified there's some type of magic element to it," I said.

"And there wasn't?!" Dragan asked almost confused, breathing heavily from the exercise.

"We had medicine and science, but it's not like we could cast a spell and suddenly the person would close up the wound, or heal a broken bone, it's a long and arduous process, humans take time to heal their wounds." I explained calmly.

"That sounds - complicated - Minders, Fixers, and Healers all use spells to soothe our wounds," Of course they do, magic is real in this world.

Now that I noticed it, he started breaking quite a sweat. I wondered how his sweat smelled, but I would leave that for another time.

He stopped And looked at me. Took a whiff from his armpit. He shrugged his shoulders and made a sneaky face.

"You can smell all you want in a bit, all you need is patience," he said with a snicker to his voice and a devilish sexy smile on his face.

Crap I forgot!

We share minds now

Some of my thoughts will inevitably slip out. And they'll project in his mind as I was using a loudspeaker. I wondered what kind of thoughts might slip out perchance?

>Answer: Thoughts with intent towards user Dragan.

>Answer: Thoughts that serve towards another 'seed' ceremony.

>Answer: Thoughts that are taboo.

That last part picked my interest. But my face flushed with red.

I laughed awkwardly.

"Sorry!" I tried to play it off.

"No mind - It's good to feel wanted," he said and chop up another wood.

He let go of the pickax and pushed it to the ground.

Pushing sweat from his forehead aside with his wrist.

"In fact why don't you take a good whiff right now," he leaned down on one knee, reaching me at eye level.

"Come on, before the sweat evaporates,"

I suddenly got flustered, this early in the morning.


"Won't people see us?" I asked, we were out in the public after all.

"There's no one here for miles, and no one hiking up the mountain today, we have the hill all to ourselves," he said with almost a tinge of complication in his voice. He was getting good at this flirting thing.

"All right then," I put my hand on the side of his shoulders, my hands barely reached all the way across, they looked tiny compared to his massive build. I leaned in on the left side of his neck.

He had even more of a beard coming through, I roughed my face against it. It was prickly, but it grew in such a way that it looked trimmed and well-kept. You still could only see stubble's.

My face against his.

He flinched.

"I thought you were only going to be smelling me?!" he said, but not leaning away, leaning into the touch instead.

"I - couldn't help myself," I said and then took a deep breath.

He smelled like a mix between grass dirt and the sun. His natural scent came through as well. There was a tinge of lemon in it for some reason. He smelled great, even if he had been working all morning.

I wanted him, and he knew it. So he just hugged me and put my chest close to him. That's when I put my arms around him.

"I wanted to tell you something," he started not pushing away my embrace.

I cuddled with him even more. Things were getting exciting this morning.

His hands against my back, he could easily grab my whole waist with them if he wanted. Instead he just gently rubbed his hands against it.

"What is it?"

"I've been thinking, and -" he stopped like he couldn't get the words out.

I couldn't stop myself, his scent was invigorating, it drew me in. I kissed his neck, just pecks.

"Tell me, I'm all ears," I said as my breath got heavy.

"Well I don't always have to be one top," he said burying his face on my shoulders.

The moment stopped.

I tried to meet his eyes, but he just continued to shy away from me, so I couldn't do anything but look forward.

"You're saying you want me to top?"

A beat.

"Yes-" he said clearly very embarrassed. "But I'm really scared, that it might hurt a lot,"

"It doesn't have to be right away, we can take it slow, and if you don't feel comfortable with it, then we don't have to do it, I'm fine being on the bottom, it's how our bonds grow stronger right?"

"But - I have this feeling it might also grow the other way around, I'm just really scared of the pain," hearing a muscle man like him say those words, was kinda funny.

I smiled gently at him, he didn't see it as we were still holding each other in our embrace.

"Could we just try?" he said.

"Could we?" I said.

>Answer: Seed ritual will only take effect if (MISSING NAME) absorbs user Dragan's seed, not the other way around.

>Answer: User Dragan has no way of absorbing 'seed.'

>Answer: User (Missing Name) cannot produce power leveling 'seed.'

>Answer: 'Seed' is a natural occurring phenomena in human males.

I ignored Sybil for now.

"We could start small," I started.

"What do you mean?"

"In between your thighs," I said, now putting my hands on his neck, and holding eye contact.

"Let me do it in between your thighs, that is if you ever want me top," I said, encouraging as softly as I could.

"Okay, let's do that!" he said. He pecked my lips like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Then he stood up.

"You want some coffee? It's my roast." He said I stood up from the place I was sitting on, our size difference in plain daylight was staggering. But I grabbed his hand and headed for the entrance.

"You guys have coffee?!" I said surprised.

"It's blue though, is that okay?

"Coffee should not be blue!" I said.

"What are you talking about blue coffee is the best type!" he said incredulously.

"Coffee should be beige, and some types of teas can be green,"

"What's a 'tea' though?" he asked bewildered.

The morning continued and our conversation didn't stall, we shared secrets about each other's worlds, as we talked we got closer and closer, our touches felt more and more natural, I was starting to get accustomed to being close to him and softly touching him unprompted, being spontaneous is the key to any relationship after all.