Fusion Practice - IV - [PT.9]

That night I could see Dragan's anxiety rising, he didn't want to say it but it was clear as day. He was trying to keep himself calm.

"Is there any way I can help?" I asked, not sure how to calm him down. "Talk to me," I said as calmly as I could.

"No, it's completely me, I'm the problem," he said stopping in his track.

"Why would you be the problem, you're the muscles in this operation," I said. "You're overthinking this, we'll be fine!"

"No - we won't be fine, everything will be destroyed and I'm not confident enough we can pass that test tomorrow!" he barked.

There was a beat.

"Look, that came out wrong, let's go over how fusion works, okay?" He said trying to calm down.

"Okay-" I said a with a tiny voice. I was still in my human form from earlier, so all my expressions were showing in my face.

He sat in front of me in the bar and started recounting how this fusion thing worked. I was a little spooked by his demeanor, but tried to ignore it.

He looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"I'm sorry -" he started. "I shouldn't have shouted."

"Don't worry about it - you're just anxious about tomorrow," I said holding out my hands. He taking them.

"Yeah - I just want this to go perfect." he said.

"And it will, I'll make sure of it!" I said bringing the peace once more. It seemed to work as he took a deep breath.

He started.

"Okay, basically you deconstruct down to the molecular level, then enter my body, and fuse my blood?" he said as plainly as he could. When you put it that way, it does sound kinda gross, but he was not wrong.

"Yes, but it's more than that, once I'm running through your blood, my magic also runs through you," I said.

Suddenly his mouth gaped and he took a deep breath.

"You're right! You're right," he said. I wasn't sure if that was the case, but it's what I remember from last time.

"But what about extraction, un-fusing?" he asked. "Maybe if we figure out how to make it less gross, we could find a way to control it," he said.

The un-fuse part certainly was the most horrendous part of the operation. He had to throw me up, that must not be pleasant for him.

Then it just sort of came to me, sweat glands, they were all across the body, if I could do it fast enough, maybe he wouldn't feel anything.

And all I would have to do is get under his clothes first, and then I could deconstruct to the molecular level, and enter my body within his.

"I have a plan!" I said.

"But you need to get naked first!" I said suddenly.

I could see his mind went to the gutter immediately.

A devilish smile came across him.

"No!" I shouted.

"This is strictly training," I said.

"Right, training," he said flamboyantly and grabbed me by the waist, carrying me to the bedroom.

He plopped me on the bed, spreading out on top of me.

A different kind of nervous came over him. Then he started talking.

"I'm just curious, if you'd like a fresh seed for tomorrow," he said holding my hostage pinned down.

I caressed his cheek and moved my hand across his massive back.

A fresh seed means more magical power, and we'd need the best chance at impressing Kamika.

"Yes please," I motioned, not breaking eye contact.

A lovingly smile appeared on his face, and he instantly blushed. It looked like he had been waiting to ask me this.