Fusion Practice - IV - [PT.10]

Morning had come, and Dragan woke with visible excitement. Jumping out of bed in one swoop, I've never seen this side of him. It was cute just how much action he took when he was nervous.

He almost jumped out of his PJ's, and within seconds he was ready, wearing his daytime clothes, his vestment was simple, a simple gym outfit he wore everywhere. The black shirt was compression, so I needed eyes to spare.

I was reminded how big his manhood was, even without any stimulation.

My eyes were still dry, and I had taken my slime form without me noticing.

"Morning sleepy head," he said squishing my slime body.

"5 more minutes," I mumbled.

"No can do!" he said as he steeped towards the kitchen. "We need at least one last morning practice!" he shouted over the dinning bar table.

I groaned and made my way to a stool in the kitchen, it fitted my squishy body just right, for me to droop and bask in the morning sun.

"So what's the plan?" he asked leaning close to me, putting his arms on the table, his arm muscles tensing up.

"Um…" I said "So my plan is, we fuse, but using your sweat glands, I'm a slime anyway, so you shouldn't feel anything," I said.

He made a disgusted face.

"Seriously? Sweat?" he said brushing off my ingenuity.

"Well, my body is made of water, and sweat is mostly just water and small amounts of salt, so if I can get my body into tiny particles, entry into your blood vessels shouldn't be a problem!"

"Ah, I see - sounds kinda gross, right? I mean won't it smell really bad?" he said concerned.

"Meh" I imposed. "There are worst things than sweat." I said, he raised an eyebrow.

A beat between us - I just smiled through my morning haze.

"Okay - then! Alright! That sounds like a plan! Let's try it!" I knew he would say that.

"Right now?" I asked.

"Yeah - right now!" he said confidently.

We decided it would be best if Dragan was wet all over, so he jumped in the shower and came back with only a tower around his waist.

"Would it be better if I was naked?" he asked. I wasn't sure so I suggested we play it by ear. So he just decided to drop the towel. I blushed a little, but it was only the two of us, and last night, even though it was about making sure he got his seed in me, he had made sure I had some pleasure as well. So all cards were off the table anyway.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Yeah - come on, hurry up!" he said.

I wasn't sure if I could do it on command, but it kinda just happened, I exploded into a million tiny pieces, all of them now floating in the air.

I circled the room, my particles making a hexagonal shape around Dragan.

"What is happening?!" He said, then my now hexagonal circular disjointed body circling Dragan started glowing a blue gentle color.

Magic, powerful magic ran through me.

It was intoxicating.

I felt high and drunk all at the same time.

Then I closed my eyes and my body adjusted to Dragan's shape.

It was like my slime had taken the exact form and shape of Dragan. Both sides compressing him.

This was the closest I could ever be to him.

His every fiver against my skin, then I sort of evaporated into him.

He swallowed. Like he was passing a big gulp of water. Except some of it had been me.

"That wasn't so bad," he said now my body inside of his body.

Then electricity ran through us both. A beam started shooting up into the sky, it was the middle of the day, and everyone in town turn their heads towards us.

The beam hit the ceiling encapsulating the town. It was bright.

"I've heard about this! But never like this!" he shouted over the loud winds that struck the room. His body started floating up in the air.


>Dragon Harvest has commenced

Said Sybil to both of us.

The blue light started spreading across the dome that encaplusated the village, like some sort of aurora.

I could feel everyone, their hearts connected to us. Then the blue light touched the ground, and the beam receded from Dragan body.

It was like a beautiful aurora borealis was settling through the buildings and towns.

Dragan suddenly ran outside, not worrying about putting on some clothes.

And we saw it, we were on top of it, but the light shined brightly and waved softly with the wind.

Small blue particles started floating down, the crops that were dying, once a blue drop hit them, they would grow back and stand up still. It was like it was invigorating them.

The blue orbs that hit the people, seemed to fill them with a sense of warmth and happiness.

Then something curious happened.

One of the orbs hit the place where the sun had set and cast down a beam of light that also helped the corps.

In the morning haze, as soon as a blue orb hit the tower, it started shining, and daylight poured through.

This time it didn't seem to want to hurt us. But the light shined upon us like a lighthouse pointing its light in your face.

I had to absorb it, it was almost begging us to take it, put its magical power within us. Or was it more like it had chosen us?

"I'm gonna do something," I said my voice coming out through Dragan's mouth. I put his hands together in front of us. The spell came to me as it had always been there.

"Sorbere!" I shouted.

"Second Movement!" I said though Dragan.

A circle appeared in front of us, it was made of slime, but it was made like a portal.

The light shined through, it was like a black hole, eating it up.

Until there was nothing left.

I let go of the stance I had made with his body and gave him control.

"What just happened?" he said in his normal voice.

A moment later, Kamika descended upon us.

Dragan didn't feel shame for being naked, or more like he had forgotten.

She didn't say anything, and only extended her cane and made a movement with it.

I stretched out of Dragan's body, like an elastic band being pulled.

Dragan squirmed in pain.

Then she pushed me close to her, even though she was several meters apart.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID!" she shouted, she was mad. Very much so in fact.

"Uh, maybe?!' I said not sure what she meant.

"Don't play dumb," she threw me to the ground, I made a weird noise, but it didn't hurt.

"Kamika!" Dragan shouted.

"You - put on some clothes boy!" she shouted and Dragan had no other choice but to comply.

"You just absorbed THE SUN GOD!" she shouted. "Do you know how much blight you've brought upon our village!" she shouted.

"No, it didn't, it gave itself to us! Dragan and I were practicing our fusion, in fact, we discovered a new way to fuse and defuse, I don't know why but that beam shot to the sky, and then it started shining and looking at us!" I said squirming, trying to get out of her spell.

She was left baffled in her tracks.

She looked out into the hill, the aurora was still there.

"You're right, by Cronus, when you fused, you must have released large amounts of magical energy," she said.

She started pulling up screens in front of her. She pushed down a binocular she had on top of her head, hidden away by a scarf. She started analyzing the horizon.

"And not just any type of magic, pure white elemental magic," she said. She pushed up her binoculars and the screens disappear. Where they holographic?

"How did you fuse this time?"

Dragan came back now fully dressed.

"I - Uh, I wanted to try a theory, entering through Dragan sweat glands, my body just moved on its own, I created these weird hexagonal shapes, and then I sort of molded my shape to Dragan's body," I explained. She pushed her binocular down, this time analyzing me.

"Cronus feet! She shouted you have the Zomearon blessing," she said.

"How did I not see this before,"

"What does that mean?" I said.

"It means your magical energy recovers by the double, and everything you don't use gets put on reserve, stored for later use, where in most cases, magical energy that is not used simply disperses back into the planet for others to use."

"Hold on!" she said submitting us both to a beat. We both stood there dumbfounded.

"Did you by any chance give more of your 'seed' to the little guy?" she asked in a dry tone.

Both Dragan and I blushed.

Dragan threw one hand over his head, I felt like I had done something wrong.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TWO!" she shouted.

"You just couldn't keep it in your pants, could you!"

"The seed ritual is only meant to be performed once every two lunar cycles, you couldn't even wait half! It's been less than a week since the last one!"

"How was I supposed to know that?!" shouted Dragan.

"I thought it could be performed daily?!"

She gave a disgruntled sigh.

"You big oaf! You're supposed to wait until the seed is completely absorbed by the receiver - that's you little one - if you don't wait two lunar cycles things like this can happen!"

I didn't really see it as a bad thing, as long the aurora was still up, it meant the village was protected by the power of the sun god, except I had absorbed some of it's magical energy.

"On the other hand - you seem to have an exceptional strong seed -" she said to Dragan.

"CAN WE STOP TALKING ABOUT MY SEED!?" he shouted, his face red, clearly uncomfortable.

Kamika smirked.

"You know magic comes from crystals hidden deep underground, they are the ones who control the flow of it," suddenly she started explaining.

She pushed her binoculars up. Then thought about things for a minute.

"I'm pushing your exam date up,"

"WHAT!" both Dragan and I shouted.

"Tomorrow at Dawn, I'll test both of you," said Kamika with a smile on her face.

"But-" I said.

"No - this is my final answer, then she boarded her stick like a broom, and left,"

"Don't be late!" she shouted as she flew off.

What exactly had just happened?