Adventure Begins - V - [PT.5]

Back at Dragan's house, we were starting to make preparations to leave tomorrow. Kamika had given us helmets to survive the wasteland, and more importantly, a ton of little oxygen tanks that are sure to last us a while.

As Kamika had explained, there are several rest stops along the journey, but overall it takes around 10 days to reach from Tarragon Village to Veldoran on foot. We didn't have any modes of transportation, but there was a bike shop halfway through our journey, or so Kamika had said. She told us to tell the bike shop owner her name, that would be enough to get him to consider lending us one for a cheap price.

The wasteland would be perilous and we would have to camp at some point or another. Dragan was restless, he was packing nervously, but I could see his excitement.

"So what's the deal with this Bishop thing?" I asked, Dragan was running around in his underwear. His muscles were blistering, and intense, thanks to the training we endured, he looked even a little bit bigger I presumed.

"Do you have to go to a church or place of worship or something?"

"Bishops are sort of the connection between the divine and earthly," said Dragan as he moved from one room to another with haste, grabbing everything he could to fit into his medium-sized duffel bag. It sort of resembled a duffel bag someone would take to a gym.

"So there's magic involved?"

"Holy and Light magic are the main sources of power for a Bishop," said Dragan pushing everything as far as he could into the bag.

"But they're also known for their ability to hold heavy strong weapons," said Dragan, he stopped and looked around the room.

"What else do I need?" he said to himself, running through a mental checklist.

Suddenly just out of the blue, there was rain outside. A thunder crashed and it made me jump, I transformed into my human body like I had sneezed.

I was sitting on the counter of his kitchen.

"Woah, it's raining inside the dome?!" I said.

"It's a Summer shower, it'll be over in a second," said Dragan, It suddenly started coming down hard. We were at the top of a mountain, of course weather was to be the strongest here.

Rain made me uncomfortable - so I pushed away from it and back to Dragan.

"And are they going to be forcing religion on you?" I said, sneaking in my comment.

"What!" said Dragan stopping in his tracks and looking straight at me, I broke out a sweat He smiled sheepishly.

"No! It's not like that, there's no religion involved, no ideology to speak of, Bishops cast holy spells and use light magic to defeat their foes, plus they go through intense training to be able to hold large swords, hammers and spears," he said diligently, almost out of memory. He seemed annoyed.

"When Kamika gave me this spear," he pointed to the spear Kamika had given him, now neatly hanging from his wall, he had made a hanging stand to put it there when he was not using it.

It was shiny and blue, the blade was immense for its body, the size of a shovel or bigger, and it had a blue lapis lazuli color.

Finally, he was done packing the bag.

"That's it, finally I'm done," he said relaxing his shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I'm just asking because I don't know anything about being a Bishop," I said, Now more calmly Dragan responded.

"No - you don't have to apologize, Kamika must have known something like this would happen, otherwise she wouldn't have given me that spear, it's a common weapon among high-class Bishops and Clerics," said Dragan.

"Clerics?" I said, now suddenly it made a lot more sense.

"Bishops hold a level system in between their pantheon," said Dragan.

"You can only rank up once you complete a certain task, I'm sure the Veldoran people can explain it better than me," he said, walking slowly towards me.

"Tomorrow we'll be traveling, this is our last night," he put his hands on my waist. Our walls had come down more and more recently. Physical touch happened more out of the blue than I was expecting. Every time he touched me it was like electricity flew through my body.

"You wanna, you know, use our last night on our soft bed," he said pushing his body against mine.

"Kamika said-," I started looking up at him, and meeting his gaze. I place my hand on his chest. He hadn't change, he was still in his boxers.

"I know..." he said rolling his eyes. "But it's different with you - with other Z spirits it felt like a chore, usually they would push it on me - but with you, it's effortless, and addicting, I just can't get enough." those words made me smile. But still if Kamika found out, she would give me an earful once more.

"We'll have lots of free time while we journey through the wasteland," My hand on his chest, pushing slightly back. He seemed a little disappointed. His eyes went into puppy dog mode.

"Can we at least cuddle, then?" he said.

"That we can do," I said, he picked me up like it was nothing, and I screamed in laughter, I wasn't expecting it, but he squished me in between his chest.

I might be feeling something, as my body rubbed against his, he was hard like a rock, but I had to let it go. We crawled into bed, and we ended up front to back, me sitting in between his legs, him facing my back. Our usual little spoon big spoon routine.

I got a little red because this was my favorite position.

He started gently rubbing his nose against my shoulders.

"You smell -" he started.

"Like a flower that's done nothing but absorb the light of the sun all day, you smell like grass I could lay on for days, and you smell like a gentle breeze that flies across your face as you fall asleep in a comfortable place," he just said all of that. My face blushed. His hands were wrapped around me, he could grab my whole hips with his hands, wrapping them all the way around.

"I'm not so sure about that," I said looking down, hiding all of my shyness. "I probably just smell like sweat." I started. Do slime even sweat? I had never actually paid attention. My body was made of water, and the human form was sort of just an illusion I pulled with magic. As the days had come to a close, I had figured out. Especially that night my body secreted lube by itself, it had been most revealing.

"I'm pretty sure you do," he said kissing my neck. He had a way of moving his hands with such precise movements and no insecurities that his cuddles warmed me up in unexpected ways.

"I love your human form," he said. "Say - why do you only use it with me?" he said.

"Because I don't want anyone else to see," I said honestly. I felt a smile on his face as he kissed my neck.

"It makes it more special," I said melting down so my head used his chest as a pillow. He stopped in his tracks. A smile on his face. He spoke through kisses and mumbles.

"You mean for me?"

"Of course, I mean for you, you big dummy," I said putting my hands on his thighs. They were so perfect, my lower back side felt his bulge harden even more as I softly caressed them.

"The way you touch my legs makes me lust for you," he said in a whisper. "You sure you don't want to?" even though I too was hard. I still had to say no.

"They'll be another time, I promise, for now, lights out," and with that, the lights went out. We pushed into our usual big spoon little spoon routine and took deep breaths until we were no longer rock solid.

Dragan fell asleep in a couple of minutes, the now soft peter patter of the rain outside had slowed down into a drizzle. It soothed me as I too found myself flying into restless dreams.