Wasteland Travelers - VI - [PT.6]

The animals scattered as we entered deeper into the forest. Beyond us, a fog of darkness. 

"Why are they leaving?" I asked 

"Their territory is in the outskirts of the forest, inside lies a much stronger beast," said Dragan lifting a small glowing animal with yellow horns, its body was almost translucent.

As he placed it on the ground it thanked him by burrowing in his hand and making a small hop from his hand into the ground. It waved goodbye and left. 

In front of us, the forest lay thicker than before, it was much darker, and the light was barely shining through, it was the middle of the day, but it felt like darkness had fallen over. 

"And we have to go through there?" I asked, a little dubious, my voice wavering. 

"If we want to get to Phantom's Peak, then yes we have to go through there," said Dragan there was some weary in his voice. I swallowed hard. 

"Beyond this point, it's Graffe's territory," he said with a sharp tone. 

"Graffe?" I asked. 

"You'll recognize them when you see them, they're not that difficult to point out," said Dragan.

"They're hideous fellas," said Dragan, promptly crossing the veil and heading towards the secluded part of the forest. 

I held on to the top of his head. 

We could walk without masks in the forest thanks to all the fauna. It was like a natural air purifier.

"At this time of day, they should be sleeping, let's try not to wake them little one," 

I nodded frantically. 

I had full trust in Dragan by now, and if he said these creatures were not to be messed with, then we shouldn't mess with them, and that was that. 

Dragan walked steadily, making little noise, making sure each step he took was carefully premeditated. Making too much noise might wake up the Graffe's. 

I noticed his breathing had calmed down, it was like he had gone into Zen mode or something. Even though he was placing more strain on his muscles, his stamina was keeping him from breathing too hard.

I activated our telepathic ability just for a second so we wouldn't have to talk. Which I had previously shut off, we still needed our privacy, but thanks to Sybil is was like flipping a switch. 

This was only a special occasion.

I, on the other hand, didn't have to worry, slimes don't breathe. As long as I didn't talk out loud, everything should be fine, Dragan thoughts went completely blank, it was like he was in the zone. He was a natural hunter, but this time he was making sure we weren't the ones being hunted. 

Suddenly he stopped. 

Is it close by? I asked telepathically. 

Just beyond those bushes, you see it? He thought. 

In front of us, I could barely see through the darkness and the mass amounts of threes, a creature, sleeping, just beyond a clearing. 

I couldn't form out its shape, it was like nothing I had ever seen before. 

Dragan got closer and hid behind the bushes, I could see everything from the top of his head. 

The creature was definitely on the gross side, it wasn't pleasant to look at, and its skin was dark and looked hard. It had patches of different colors all around. It didn't have any hair, instead just bald spots with specific strands of hair growing from it. Its mouth was only something I could akin to a rat. Two large teeth sprang from the top of his mouth, in this sleeping state, his tongue hung loosely, touching the ground. Its size was massive, 

I pulled out my information skill, the information presented itself in front of me and was relayed to Dragan instantly. 

Level 32

Passive Skills: Siren's Song

Regenerative Skill [Activates by]: Sleeping

Special Skill I: [UNKNOWN]



Empty? What does that mean?

Probably this Graffe has non-allocated points.


It's due for an evolution, that's what.

This was not an enemy we wanted to engage, our level difference was not that significant, at least not for me, but Dragan, it was around 20 levels under. 

We best be leaving. 

But that was not going to happen, suddenly we heard a horn, in the distance, people with masks started appearing from behind their hidings. 

I didn't even notice their presence, and the info skill didn't pick them up when I scanned them. 

Their mask was distinctive, painted black all over, with white fabric at the top of it, its eyes distinctive white, and a permanent smile on their mouths, they were all wearing the same mask. They all had different builds but were wearing a set of armor that covered their entire bodies. It was azure blue, with a sparkling white, on their shoulders, their hips, and their legs.

They looked like they were part of a clan. 

As they hurdled towards the Graffe, making as much noise as they could, they shouted a song in unison. 

"Moonlight Brothers!" spoke Dragan.

Below their armament - they were weirdly furry?

"I was hoping not to run into them." 

He stood up with haste, but before we could even move, one of them was already behind us, pointing a spear at us. Behind us now the Graffe woke up with a thunderous anger. It had been woken from its sleep, and it was probably regenerating its power. Maybe that's why the Moonlight Bros pin it for an attack.

It was weak.

But before they could even attack, the Graffe stood up. I turned around to look at it, Dragan was dealing with the Bro pointing a spear at us. I wasn't paying attention to their conversation, nor was I understanding it. They were speaking another language, and Dragan was speaking it fluently. 

The Graffe was bigger than a giraffe, but it had the build of a Rhino. 

It let out a cry, its voice was beautiful. A halo appeared above its head and expanded to an area big enough to surround the hunters and us. Everyone froze. Dragan eyes went white.

Everyone else had a mask on, but they weren't moving as well. 

Then my info skill was updated. 

>Special Skill I: [Mosh of Lights]

Then it started singing.

>Passive Skill: [Siren's Song]

The song was weirdly beautiful, yet alluring with a mysterious tone, it was alluring, yet strange in how dark it was.

I instantly knew what it was doing, the lights were meant to attack and subdue all around it.

But the song it was singing. That was it's special skill.

"Define Siren's Song!" I shouted to Sybil.

>Siren's Song: A beautiful melody plays from the caster, and entrances all those that hear it

Dragan and the rest of the hunters started moving toward the Graffe. 

What was it doing?!

Was it being friendly?

Why wasn't I affected by the song? 


>Siren's Song only works through manipulations in the ear drum, implanting a sound worm and taking control of the brain

Of course, I never actually had ears!

So, music that controls you.

I could hear it just fine, but I wasn't being taken control over.

The hunters threw out their weapons and started moving toward the Graffe.

It wasn't exactly looking friendly. 

One of the hunters stood dumbfounded in front of it, without a second thought the creature used it's mouth, chopped the furry friend in half, threw him into the air, and swallowed half of its body like it was nothing. 

A chill ran down through me, this thing wanted to kill us.