Grimalkin's Help - VII - [PT.1]

As we arrived at the other side of the forest things started to look a little weird, the forest suddenly expanded on itself, like a mountain had pushed through its underbelly, and had crashed, and created this valley, in the horizon, the end of this bubble.

It was this weird sensation of being out in the wilderness but with a big expansive space.

Above us nothing but rock. Dragan and I were in awe, the Grimalkin's in front of us looked at us with sneaky smiles. All of them had removed their mask, some of them were fully one color, but most of them were mixed in between their furs. 

Made me think their nit community must be from all over Cronus. 

Then we arrived at a solitary point between two rocks that arched upwards, and all of the Grimalkins started joining around the captain. 

We managed to catch up to them, we were only going at walking speed. 

"We're here," said the Emi, looking back at us. 

"Here?" I said. 

"Yes, as soon as the moon rises above us, you'll see," she said snarly.

Almost, on command, the moon showed up across one of the arches. She probably had all of this planned. 

When the moon rose just at the right altitude, hanging us in it's light. A beam of light descended from space.

"That's our cue, everyone links together!" she said looking at the cosmos, holding the red flag upwards. Everyone started to link hands together, no one was left out. Dragan was offered the captain's hand. Another Grimalkin grabbed onto his other hand. He had to squat down because of how tiny they were. I also made myself tiny and held it together in Emi's wrist.

"That's convenient, little slime," spoke Emi.

Her fur felt funny against my skin, it made me sneeze. 

She looked at me with disgust. But left it aside as the beam was now about to touch us. 

"One more second!" she shouted. She held her red flag even higher. The beam touched the flag. Infinity small pieces of the flag started to form against the drape of the flag, it changed color too, and now a sparkling white shined.

It was so pretty like diamonds hitting silk.

I felt like I could see all the colors of the rainbow.

The flag slowly gained its white color. The rest of the other cats were looking down. Dragan did the same and closed his eyes too. 

When it was all finally covered in white. The captain made a grunt as she gained speed from the top, then pushed the flag deep into the ground.

I felt the magic flow through at the moment of impact. 

>Running Moon Rite

"Huh? 1 Who said that?" said Emi.

Wait! Did Emi just hear the word of Sybil too?

Dragan seemed serene, did he not hear it?

What was going on? 

Magic was starting to overflow from the point of impact, it was so big it required all of Emi's attention.

"This is not how it's supposed to happen!" she screamed.

Then it started overflowing into all sides, it had formed a circle and was expanding, It hovered over us like an angel's halo.

Finally, it stayed atop the flag. 

Emi took a sigh of relief. 

"We made it, in one piece…" she said, trailing off. As the Grimalkins started opening their eyes, we weren't met with cheers of joy, but instead quiet voices of concern. 

Around us, Grimalkin's, but dressed in large gowns, expensive, all looking at us with awe.

They stopped right in their tracks.

They were looking at us from across a small pond. 

We looked back up at the flag, the halo was still there. Emi climbed with her claws, the other Grimalkins in the street gasped as they saw Emi do this. She looked through the halo. 

"This was not supposed to happen," she mumbled to herself.

"Oi, slime you better start explaining!" she said vigorously shaking her wrist.

"I - I didn't do anything!" 

"Sure you didn't! What was that voice?! And why are we back 100 years in the past!" she said having perched herself at the top of the flag. 

"100 years!?" I said.

"What are you talking about?!" I exclaimed.

"That can't be right"

"Then how do you explain this!" she put her wrist against the now shining sun, the time of day had changed, and it blinded me for a minute. When my vision finally adjusted. All I could see was a landscape beyond the village, an expanse of green, mountains filled the horizon.

The rocks that surrounded the village were still there, but in between them, beyond the valley, I could see nothing but a pure horizon. 

"I don't see anything wrong with it," I said normally. 

"NO BUBBLE! You idiot!" she managed to get me off her wrist and threw me down into the water.

"We're 100 years in the past!" she shouted.

I hit the water, using it to make myself bigger. I went upwards towards Dragan, but as soon as I met with him, he caught me in his hand, a small spelled triggered, it was so fast, I didn't have time to react, I changed into my human form, now with clothes because I had stored them inside me. She just said one thing, with a wry smile, and that sharp tooth hanging out. 

"It goes both ways, little one," he said and threw his hands up like someone had guns pointed at us. I looked where he was looking, a little shocked that he had just triggered my human form in front of thousands of Grimalkin's.

As I looked beyond the pond, Grimalkin with weird-looking hats, and all of them had matching outfits. A uniform no less. 

The other Grimalkins that came with us were also holding their hands, I mean paws, up. 

I got the memo, we were all about to be held prisoners. 

The other thing I noticed, there wasn't a single mixed-colored cat between them. Between the 100 year old Grimalkin.