Grimalkin's Help - VII - [PT.5]

Night and day had come and gone, Dragan was still under a heavy spell of sleep. I was worried about him, but the Grimalkins had shown me great hospitality, I had to indulge in it in some way or another, otherwise, I think they would see my actions as rude. It's the same as when someone offers you a cake for your birthday and says you don't want any. 

Except the cake was their hospitality. 

Neso had taken me under his wing, for the couple of days that were between my waking up and the Knox Gala, finally the day had arrived, and Neso and I were getting ready. He had managed to scrounge a small-sized tux, for me as humans were known to wear such things to gala events, the Grimalkin had their gala attire, and Neso had to wear a traditional warrior's clothing, which left a lot more room for him to breath. His chest was rather exposed, and he wore a shoulder blade that was much bigger than his muscles. 

He also wore black leather battlement around his arms and a flowing skirt that covered all of his legs. 

His chest fur was white, while the rest was covered in a light grey color, with stripes strongly resembling a tiger. He was after all an anthropomorphic cat, the largest of the village. 

The hair on his head was gold. And now that I gotten to know him a little bit more - he was quite a nice guy. Full of energy that radiated like the sun.

As he was putting the finishing touches on my tux a conversation arose between us. 

"I was never really good at parties," I confessed. 

"You don't like parties?" he asked, his voice deep and that accent of his different from the other Grimalkin, it had a feeling of being old English. 

"Yeah, they just make me nervous," 

"No need to be, you'll be great, you'll come by arm, after all, some of them might judge you, but you can never make everyone happy, right?" 

"I guess you're right," 

With suit tux and tie all ready we started heading towards the stadium inside the village where the gala would be held. 

The night breeze gently carried its winds through me, it was refreshing. The night spring made the night cool and breezy. Walking with Neso wasn't so bad.

As we passed other people walking along the street they would bow their heads to Neso, and he would bow back. They would throw a glance or two at me, but with a sweet smile, most of the time. Other times I could see jealousy in their eyes. 

Finally, we arrived at the stadium, Neso took a moment to breathe before we entered. 

"They'll make a big fuss as they see us enter, don't hold your breath, and remember to breathe, you're our esteemed guest after all," 

I took him on his words and placed my hand around his arm, he extended the courtship.

The tight leader bounds were cold to the touch. They held gold embroideries in between the seams. 

Neso stood proudly. 

He was much taller than me, probably much taller than Dragan, one or two heads at most, but still towering. It felt like he was around 6 feet.

After a couple of steps and some hung sheets with Grimalkin designs on them, we finally entered the ballroom. 

Instantly people looked at us and started gasping in awe out our entrance. 

Then they clapped, I would have assumed they were clapping for Neso, so I just went with it and so it was. Neso and I headed for our table, but he pulled me along as we went to mingle with the crowd. 

The party went underway, Neso never let me stray too far from his sight, and whenever I would go grab a drink or something he would promptly join me, after some time I found my rhythm, and was able to enjoy myself all be it with some of the Grimalkin alcohol in my system.

Neso drank as much as I did, but his tolerance was so much more. I was showing signs of being drunk here and there, I would catch myself and bring myself steady. 

I thought alcohol didn't do anything to me, but I guess I was wrong, at least the Grimalkin alcohol that is. It was sweet with a sour taste to it. I was loving every drop. 

Food was served here and there all of it was tasty.

Then the big reveal of the night, Zomearon finally showered us with his presence. 

His entrance was flamboyant at best, with tons of spectacle. As he entered dark smoke filled the room and he entered from the roof with a light show and everything. At this point the alcohol made me care less really. People loved it though. I just sort of hid behind Neso, then just before the lights came back on.

I got a hiccup, jumped, and turned back into a slime. Neso caught me before I hit the ground. I was still drunk, but I was back to a slime. 

My skin had turned purple. And bubbles that looked like poison were bubbling up inside of me.

It didn't register at that moment why I could turn back into a slime, but I knew, deep down I knew, Dragan must have woken up. Dragan must have wanted me to turn into a slime.

Zomearon approached our party, his feet not touching the ground. 

"Ah, Neso I see you have taken a liking to the little one here, and what's this, someone had a little bit too much Grimale?! HA! What a riot!" said Zomearon, I couldn't help but ignore him. My head was spinning.

"See - Grimale is made of a special kind of poison, the Grimalkin enjoy it because they digest the enzyme and feel a slight booze - you on the other hand, will suffer the consequences in the morning."

Poision?! That's why my skin had turned purple - and I felt all weird.

"Am I gonna die?" I said through my booze state.

"I wish - but no - not today little one." said Zomearon. "You'll have a hell of a hangover tomorrow though."

Neso instantly bowed to him as if he had done some sort of disrespect. 

"Master, I must have offended you, my apologize,"

"Neso, not at all boy, stand, this is a party, not my royal wedding," he laughed awkwardly as the mood changed around him. Everyone was bowing to him as they saw Neso do so.

I could feel the vibe change a bit. Like people would snap out of their party state and follow what Neso was doing.

Neso stood up but bowed to him with his head, then finally met him at eye contact. 

"Master, I have taken this one under my wing, by the protection of the Grimalkin council," 

"Yes…Yes. Formalities and all that. Oh! Well, don't let me stop you from having fun, I am but a mere messenger tonight, and will be taking me leave soon,"

"Master you must stay and enjoy the festivities,"

"Oh goodness no - shanty town parties like this one are so beneath me," 

I instantly felt the hostility brimming from Neso, his demeanor changed he was about to pool tooth and nail, but he controlled himself, Zomearon didn't notice, or pretended not to notice for the people around him

To keep the party lively.

He was looking around, waving at the people around him, like a celebrity or something. I just stood there on Neso's overgrown shoulder plate. Trying not to vomit.

"Stand down boy," said Zomearon under his breath and behind a smile. Neso managed to control himself. Zomearon let out a sigh. A beat.

"Oh come on Neso, I was only kidding, you know I love the Grimalkin," you could see the sweat dripping from the elder's forehead. I wasn't exactly sure what was going on. Had they also noticed?!

This party was for Zomearon in a way, right?! The moon rite was the thing that allowed him to traverse into the the Grimalkin village, right?!

"I am merely here to give this little one the news - you're dearly beloved has arisen, rejoice! Right?" 

"Dragan is awake?" I said in disbelief. Through my hazy booze.

"He's just woken up, that mana induced coma must have been quite something for him," 

Neso calmed down, my inebriated state was starting to go down.

I jumped into the floor, and shook of the poison like a wet dog shaking off water

With a jump I turned back into my human form, tux, and everything. 

"I have to go see him," I said feeling all better.

Zomearon was visible surprised.

"Bring him back to the party!" said Neso excitedly, with a big smile on his face. Everyone agreed and cheered. Zomearon but a mere petty smile. 

"Yes - you do that!" he said awkwardly and half heatedly. My face changed, it suddenly got filled with hope, Dragan was awake and I could go see him. 

"I'll go talk to him, I'll be right back!" I said facing Neso. I started running into the night breeze and towards Dragan. I had to see him. I had to talk to him. I had to explain that I wasn't mad at him, that he was forgiven and we could go back to the way things were before. 

I just had to!