Grimalkin's Help - VII - [PT.6.7]

I'd played my fair share of RPGs back in the day, but I had no idea what to expect for the dungeon entrance, the fauna had been sort of a natural climate, I reflected for a moment and asked myself if I could even feel cold or hot, so far I felt normal, and I guessed my body was regulating itself.

My best guess is that my brain is picking up that information and giving it back to my cognitive senses, I had no idea how it worked, but that was something for the mods to worry about. 

We walked quite a ways through the pools and further deeper into Sonnet Forest, we passed through fields of flowers and open windy grassy planes until finally we reached it, it wasn't far off from the pools, but now I finally understood where all the water came from a giant water hole dead center in the forest, Neso had mentioned that the pools had an underground water system. 

"This is just the water from the top, there's much more hidden underground," Neso explained from my point of view she was getting ready to climb down into the underground spring, it reminded me of the time I went to Mexico and toured around the cenotes. This was like that.

But so much bigger. 

Vines and rocks were exposed from the top, trying to reach into the water below. 

Neso had finished setting up the way he was going to climb down. 

He took a hammer and a spike, which looked sturdy and heavy, and buried into the ground, several times, until only the top was visible. Then he wrapped a rope around it. 

He looked at me.

"Come on, get on my back then, we're going down there," he pointed towards the underground spring. 

I took a peek over the edge. 

In the middle of it, an old-looking tower, small in size, with overgrown vines and grass all around it, there was a door in the center of it. 

"Is that the entrance?" I asked Neso. 

"Sure is, inside a stairwell that leads to an underground passage, until you reach the caves, that's where our adventure begins," he explained. 

"Wait what about monsters?" 

"There be some, but it's mostly low-class mobs," he explained. "This is the dungeon that we send our grimalkin young-ins," 

"Do they all get teachers to accompany them?" he jumped at me calling him sensei. And got a little flustered, I didn't get why. 

"Actually yeah - it's part of the initiation ritual if they wanna join the clan - er - sorry - I mean the military,"

"The clan?" I got curious as I jumped on his back. He took the hint and started preparing to descend, his back towards the water, he pulled on the rope and jumped in one swift motion, he used the rope to rappel down. 

"So basically - " he started as we were descending. "Grimalkin military is sort of more like a brotherhood, for being in the clan means being an adult, training enough means you get to become like me," he said. When we reached the end of the rope, we were only a couple of inches from the water. 

He hung from the rope and balanced with one hand, the other one he got close to his feet. 

"Uku," he said as a small floating orb formed around his hand, he then stuck it to his feet, and it fit almost like a shoe. He did the same for the other foot. Then he let go. 

>New Spell Archived 

Suddenly Sybil spoke up.

Woah! Sybil can register new spells if she sees them being performed by other people. 

>Affirmative; Direct eye contact between the spell caster and the emitter is required.

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

Neso put his feet in the water, he floated on top of it. As he gained his balance, he then started skating towards the center of the spring. 

This is so romantic! 

We reached the middle of the lake in a jiffy! 

When we were safe on land Neso just popped the bubble on his feet. 

"That was so cool!" I exclaimed.

Neso acted shyly.

"You think?" he laughed it off kinda awkwardly. "Feels weird from someone who can control mana so purely," 

"Pure?" -" I scoffed and chuckled. "I don't know any spells yet," I confessed to Neso. 

"Oh, that makes a lot of sense," he said. "You can learn as you go," he continued "That's why we're going into the Dungeon anyway," he proclaimed and walked towards the door, it opened with ease. 

"You ready?" he said and walked in, taking me along on his shoulder.