One Final Choice - IX - [PT.5]

My body was becoming him, it was doing that on its own. Then I had transformed into him, I used the crystal to look at myself, look at Dragan. 

There he was like he was never gone, it was weird doing this, because everything about him, his skill his magic, it replaced my own. 

Sybil was also there, omnipresent and in the background. 

I spoke, my voice gruff deep, and intense. It was me, but my skin was Dragan. 

As soon as I thought that I had taken my human form once again, my smile formed. 

This power made me feel small for some reason. 

The color of my body was crystal clear blue, just like the crystal, that was an interesting development.

I decided to get out of there, out of this void. Opening up a portal underneath me, and jumping through. 

Suddenly I was outside the Grimalkin village, except 600 years in the future, I knew because all of the green had gone away.