Youji High Basketball Team

Hiroshi found himself standing in the entrance with a hesitation to enter.

He continues to observe the students walking in, to his surprise the school seems to support club activities as the moment he stepped in.

There's a lot of small stand for applying for clubs.

The butterfly in his stomach was the one forcing him to not enter the school.

As he looked at the stalls, he couldn't seems to find a basketball club.

Despite of the school being relevant, the sports team he wants to join was nowhere to be found.

Was his grandfather tale just a hoax? He couldn't help but to feel anxiety as he crossed the club stalls.

Volleyball, Football, Chess, Swimming and etc.

" Is the sports called Basketball dead here? " he couldn't bare to keep these thoughts.

As he continues to walk, a group of students passed him.

A conversation started that was too hard to ignore.

" So Sendou, which club are you going again? " one of the student turned looked at their central figure.

Assuming, the central figure was Sendou.

Easily, he's the most influential in the group.

The students were circling him.

His build was perfect, it's like an avatar body. Those 192cm in height, this guy isn't like some average joe.

Good enough, he also got the looks. A stylish guy who rocks the black hair with those yellow highlights.

He walked with his hands casually placed ay the back of his head, exuding an air of confidence and ease.

Hiroshi on the other side couldn't help but to eavesdrop in their conversation.

" I'm locking on Basketball, yeah. " once he announced that to everyone.

A spark lit up in Hiroshi's eyes.

However, the students beside Sendou starts to disagree with his decision.

" Basketball? Are you serious? Your talent will go to waste, play volleyball instead. " the guy with glasses retorted.

" No, we need you more in the swimming club. We need your athletic genes! " those were one of the many backlash he recieved from the group that he's in.

Surprisingly, Sendou wasn't even paying attention to them.

He wasn't even looking at them in the face, so listening to their opinion was far from happening.

Not in the slightest.

A fast projectile was directed at them and Sendou who seemed to be spacing out, instinctively caught the ball.

Everyone was shocked, but Sendou simply gave the ball back to the owner.

To even caught a baseball perfectly needs some abnormal reaction time and this guy nailed it like it's another day for him.

" What a beast, that guy. " said someone from the crowd.

" Having him in the team might give us a shot for championship this time! " an enthusiastic voice was heard on Hiroshi's side.

Coming from a girl who's holding her chin and her squinted eyes.

" Big Brother, we might've found him! " she looked very happy as she said those.

" What a bunch of weirdos. " Hiroshi said to himself.

" I heard that. " the girl gives Hiroshi a disappointed smirk.

" What do you think about the guy? " she nudged on Hiroshi as they both look on Sendou.

" Him? Oh, well if he's gonna play for the team. There's no doubt he'll end up being a central figure. " The girl's eyes lit up after hearing Hiroshi's analysis.

" Right? He's a diamond in the rough. " she was beaming with excitement.

" I don't think that's the right metaphor for that. " Hiroshi countered.

" If these guys were seeds, he's already a plant that's producing fruits. " Hiroshi added.

As the two walks together, Hiroshi noticed a clipboard that the girl was holding onto.

" Are you a manager of a club? " the girl was a bit surprised by the question but she immediately shaked her head.

" Not yet, but I'll be soon. " she smiled bitterly.

Once they reached the end of the hallway, the girl stopped walking.

" Oh, I'm finally here. Well, I have to go now. " she smiled once again.

" Thank you for accompanying me, it was fun. " those were here goodbye words before entering her classroom.

" I couldn't even get the chance to ask her name. What a shame. " it was a real shame.

To Hiroshi, it was a nice company too.

Despite of not knowing the girl's name, something tells him that it's not the last time they would meet.

Hiroshi soon reached his classroom and once he slides the door open, a wind blew past him.

Everyone else looked at him with utter shock in their face.

Hiroshi gets even more nervous than usual, but in reality. There was someone else that caught everyone's attention.

The person behind him.

A familiar dark hair and a yellow highlight blocked his view when he turned around.

" Sendou! " Hiroshi spouted his name by surprise.

Sendou raised an eyebrow and glared at Hiroshi.

" Do we know each other? " the tension was too much for Hiroshi to handle. Hence, he even ignored Sendou's question and entered the classroom like nothing happened.

The seating plan wasn't half bad, as Hiroshi was placed as seats away from Sendou.

What's more is that the school hasn't even started discussing lessons and Sendou was already taking a nap.

" That guy, he might be a real headache. " Hiroshi sighed.

The class finished up early with the purpose to give students more time to decide for their club.

Everyone got a chance to participate in tryouts, a spot in their chosen clubs was dreams of many.

Being the main character in a story, it's a sensation that many craves for.

That also applies for Hiroshi, to him basketball is his priority because of a lot of reasons.

For family honor and scholarship, not to mention the nationals.

That's why when Hiroshi heard the bell, he immediately grabbed his bag and make a run for it.

Without a sense of direction, he sprinted out in the hallways.

" Basketball team, here I come– " Hiroshi, who's filled with blazing desire. Wasn't able to anticipate that someone will come from the corner of the hallway.

He's too fed up by excitement which blinds him from seeing what's ahead.

It's a zone of disaster, the art of being reckless.

" It's so sturdy, what the hell was that thing? " Hiroshi pinched his nose.

Hiroshi, who fell down on the floor after the collision. Decides to look up and see whatever he stumbled with.

It was a guy that towers him, compared to Sendou. He's way bigger and bulky, like a beast.

What a monster, he's so menacing!

But before Hiroshi was completely devoured by fear, he snapped back when he saw the guy holding a ball.

Not any other ball but a basketball, Next to him was a guy who's wearing a glasses.

To Hiroshi, the two gives a Captain and Vice-captain vibes. When Hiroshi looked at them, he feels like he's shrinking.

" Oh, my apologies. " The captain offering a hand.

Hiroshi grabbed the hand as he was suddenly pulled upwards by an unbelievable force.

Once he got up, the two passes him.

" Wait. " Hiroshi's words stopped the two from walking.

" You guys are the basketball team, right? " Hiroshi turned around and looked at them.

The Vice-captain looked back and soon distance between them disappear. The Vice-captain took a good look at Hiroshi.

" Oh, now it makes sense! " the Vice-captain laughed.

Hiroshi remained confused while the Vice-captain continues to laugh.

" Sorry, I didn't realized it. You're one of the recruits. " the Vice-captain then taps on Hiroshi's back.

" You're right on time, follow us. " the three walked together as the Vice-captain started introducing their names.

" I'm Jin, the basketball team's Vice-captain. " despite his friendly nature, Hiroshi can still feel a disciple in Jin's persona.

He then pointed at the big guy in front.

" This is our mighty captain, Takeda. " Takeda grunted by Jin's introduction.

Somehow, Hiroshi couldn't help but to imagine a gorilla in Takeda.

" What a dangerous thought. " Hiroshi gulped.

As they're walking together, Hiroshi noticed the same clipboard that the girl was holding earlier.

Somehow, he feels a bit relieved.

" So, you're here too. " He said to himself.

Soon after, they've reached the meeting place.

The Captain opened up the gym doors and finds a group of players in a line.

Out of all the players in line, there's someone that caught Hiroshi's attention.

Sendou, his confidence was high as usual as his hands were on his pockets.

It looks like Sendou wasn't joking about joining the Basketball team.

The Vice-president then approached Sendou.

" So you came, Sendou! We have been waiting for you. " the Vice-captain gave Sendou a pat on the back.

Everyone's focused on Sendou. However, Hiroshi is busy on looking for the girl from earlier.

Unfortunately, she's nowhere to be found.

" Hiroshi, please line up here. " A woman's voice called out for Hiroshi's name.

He immediately looked on where it was, only to find a girl who's wearing a tracksuit and a ponytail.

Her beauty was so captivating that even the guys who's earlier than Hiroshi was glued on her.

Hiroshi lined up on where he was assigned.

He then looks at the placement of the players and noticed something.

The players were aligned with the other line.

He immediately grasped what's about to happen.

" A 5v5 game, this is the best possible way to gauge your abilities as individuals and as a team players. " The captain said as goes forward, in front of everyone.

As he looked at the teams, he closed his eyes for awhile.

" Since there's an imbalance in this group. " the group he referred was Hiroshi's group.

The captain placed himself to Hiroshi's group.

" I'll be joining this, while the Jin takes Sendou's side. " everyone was hyped before the game even starts.

Everyone wore their specific jersey colors.

Takeda who leads the Team A wears a red jersey while Sendou's Team B wears a blue one.

With that settled, everyone goes in their placed position and so, the game starts!

Team A vs Team B

Team A

Line up :

Jin PG

Ikehara SG

Sendou SF

Usui PF

Tabata C

Team B

Line up :

Namba PG

Hiroshi SG

Maizumi SF

Juro PF

Takeda C