
Hiroshi stares down at Sendou who struggles to stand up because of the impact.

The ego with Hiroshi's eyes was sent through Sendou who felt humiliated for the first time.

The rising between the two could cause a fight at any moment which the team leaders prevented before it happens.

" That's enough, Hiroshi. " Sugai and Maizumi quickly pulls Hiroshi away from Sendou.

" Great effort, Sendou. " Ikehara offered his hand to help Sendou.

Sendou looked at Ikehara which scares Ikehara and made him go away.

One thing's for sure, Sendou is very mad at this point.

" That's and one, bug. " Hiroshi's line continues to torment Sendou's pride as he stood up looking at the court.

" I just need to knock this one down. " his heartbeat compliments the rhythm in his dribble.

The pressure was unlike anything he faced, it's a down pulling mental battle.

It's extremely draining.

Everyone waits for the outcome as Hiroshi takes a deep breath and shoots.

The ball spins in the air–heads following it's rotation– Hiroshi's sweat falling in his face.

The ball swishes through and Team A finally gets the lead after a tough battle between transitions.

Jin regrouped his team for their possession, the play in slow pace as to declare a respect win for the victor.

" There's no way we're winning on this one. " Ikehara sighed as he recieve the ball from Jin.

Jin and his members were all in their halfcourt to let the clock to run out.

Ikehara suddenly felt a cold feeling in his back, a goosebump as someone stole the ball from him.

That man went ballistic as he passed his teammates at insane speed and blasted through the unprepared defensive team.

" Sendou! " Jin was completely shocked by the extreme amount of speed Sendou exerted towards that cut as he made it into the enemy perimeter with ease.

Sendou's last burst of energy runs out as he pulls up in the last second.

The perimeter was an unsure range for Sendou and everyone knows that but Sendou still believed in himself and took the chance.

The ball gets in contact on the ring and it falls on the other side, Sendou's legs finally gave up as the shot misses.

The final whistle cuts the game into an end and everyone was filled with different emotions.

" I missed. " Sendou was kneeling with his fatigued body as he collapsed on the floor.

Sendou's teammates quickly rushed up to help him.

Hiroshi was frozen in place as he realized what just happened.

" That sudden burst of energy, that unpredictability, no one couldn't anticipated that play at all. " he laughs in amusement.

" Sendou, you're a different breed. " his heart sets ablaze as he considered Sendou as his main rival.

Jin suddenly pats Hiroshi's back.

" That's a well deserved win, good job. " Jin seperated with Hiroshi as he comes to check on Sendou.

" Savour this moment, relive it in your heart. " Jin said as he walks away.

Sendou, who's face was planted on the floor started talking.

" Damn it all. " he headbutts the floor.

Even his team was terrified by his weirdness, but it's what makes Sendou as one of the dangerous guys on court.

" Stop it, Sendou. Be mature, besides this is a evaluation match. " Jin soft chops Sendou's head.

Jin's appearance calmed Sendou even for a bit, but everyone knew Sendou's agony.

Sendou simply brushed it off by removing Jin's hand on him.

" I know that, shut up. " he was carried by his teammates as they line up.

" In the match between Team A and Team B, the Team A wins with the score of 40 over Team B's 39 points. " the manager congratulated the players.

Everyone gets into their resting place in the gym ordered by Takeda to give them some time to relax before he choose the players.

Hiroshi noticed Hana who's looking at him along with her girl friends.

Hana decides to approach Hiroshi who's resting on the bench.

The two gave themselves a high five.

" That's amazing, I didn't you could do that. " Hana excitedly praise Hiroshi's last play as her friends agrees.

" I couldn't believed you manage to go toe to toe with Sendou. " one of her friend added.

Somehow, it feels an insult for Hiroshi.

Hana sat beside Hiroshi as notice Sendou who's chugging some water.

" What do you think about him now? " Hana re-asked Hiroshi his evaluation on Sendou.

Compared to the old Hiroshi, the new Hiroshi said something with certainty.

" He's a strong teammate and a rival, I'll be sure to crush him next time. " Hana's aloof attitude was quickly drawn away by Hiroshi's determination.

She simply agreed and smile.

A couple minutes later, Takeda goes in the center and called everyone.

" Everyone, round up. I got the players that made it into this years roster. " everyone comes forward to listen on Takeda's words.

The girl manager gives the clipboard to Takeda.

" First player, he excelled at offense and created his own scoring–he also surpassed everyone in terms of vision and his undying urge to win. Come forward, Sendou. " this decision was everyone could agree with.

" Second player, he manages to trade scores with Sendou and created opportunities for him and his teammates. Come forward, Maizumi. " another player which doesn't surprise everyone as he proved himself worthy.

" These guys created conquered the aerial battle and made second chances for their team. Come forward, Juro and Usui. " the two power forward made it into the slot as well.

" Fourth, this player rises up from the ground and hustled for his team. He didn't became ignorant and tried his best. Come forward, Namba. " during the six minutes of the game, Namba was put back in the game and finally showed his worth.

This only leaves one guy to made it into the roster, who would it be?

" Last, he's the guy that created a lot of second chances and observed the space better than everyone, his adaptability and scoring sense made the comeback possible. Come forward, Hiroshi. " everyone looked at him with each of their emotions as he stepped forward and accepted his position.

Everyone else who waited accepted their fate as Takeda passed the clipboard back to the manager.

As the chosen players celebrated their spot, one of them comes forward to complain.

" But what about Sugai? " Maizumi approached Takeda.

Takeda closed his eyes and Jin quickly stepped in to explain.

" Sugai, he's one of the players that doesn't n need to get picked, he's one of the players here. " Jin placed his arm over Sugai's shoulders.

" It makes sense, but he's only above average. Is he a starter then? " Ikehara asked an ice breaker question that piqued the selected players interest.

" He's one of the starters, yes. But he's here to file the spot for our chosen player to lead this team towards nationals. " Takeda was the one to say that as he looked at Sendou.

Everyone else beside Sendou felt envy as the captain holds great respect in Sendou's ability as an individual.

To even reach the dream of nationals through one player, he might've just be a delusional.

But now, everyone's uncertain if that's still the case.

" But don't be discouraged, that could change. Who knows, someone here might be Sendou's reliable teammates. " Takeda added.

This Sendou-centered dream, it couldn't help but to piss Hiroshi off.

" Those who doesn't gets the chance to play for the team, you can remain as one of the reserves and work your way up. " Takeda continues to explain the system of Youji High Basketball Team.

" If you want to play for the team, work hard for it. " surprisingly, none of the unselected players leaves the gym.

Takeda's speech manage to touch their sleeping hearts and turned them into passion.

" That would be all, dismissed. " Everyone disperse the area as the day finally comes to an end.

Hiroshi leaves as soon the number decreased to half.

As the dawn envelopes the sky, the air becomes colder.

Hiroshi's first step on reaching the national is already in the bag.

He placed his hand in the air, aligning with the sun.

" This is where my journey starts! "