Captain's Resolve

" Let's give it our all, everyone. " the energetic captain says to his teammates.

The players were pulled by his enthusiasm which created a positive feedback for the team's morale.

" Captain, what do you think about our school enemy? " Takeda who's trying to tie his shoes, his captain who's also sitting in the bench looked at him.

Takeda who comes up with that question, was eyeing Daisen's players ever since.

His captain looked at Takeda's eyes and back on the enemy team.

His captain sighed.

" Sures to be a tough one, but don't stress yourself too much. " he pats Takeda's back trying to easen his underclassmen.

Takeda's seriousness was removed by his captains goofy attitude and his teammates optimism, the two waits for the other players of the other team.

It's Youji High first local tournament and everyone's rooting for them, because of this.

It creates a lot of pressure for a freshman like him as everyone cheers for them.

" It's okay to be nervous. " the captain stood up.

The captain's words were very comforting as Takeda finally loosen up and relaxed himself for a bit.

Youji High Team main power is without a doubt their captain, goofy as it may, he's very dependable wether it's inside or outside the court.

He stands as the big brother of the team, Takeda wishes to become like him too.

The fun disappears when two guys came inside Daisen's gym.

The crowd started talking as to who they are.

They're jersey number are 11 and 10, the one with 10 is muscular while the one with the dreadlocks is oozing in gangster vibe.

Another man created more reaction as that person approaches Youji High Team.

The captain of Daisen asked for a hand shake before the game starts.

He wore the number 30 and his aura screams a wild beast, he's a bit bigger from Youji High's captain and not only that–the two team captains difference were already shown.

" Pleasure to meet you, I'm Udai. " Takeda's captain introduced himself first.

" Same here, I'm Hoashi and these two idiots are the pride of Daisen, Ishikura and Okubo. " Daisen High captain proudly introduce his members.

Ishikura was the one with number 10 and Okubo for the 11.

" A precaution for your team, but our team goes hard especially when the enemy team is like a sleeping log. " Hoashi tighten his grip on the handshake.

" That's perfect, our team goes hard too! " Udai was shocked at first but fights back by gripping it back, Udai doesn't seems to fall down on the enemy's warning.

" Isn't that right, Takeda? " Takeda gets back with his seriousness and nods.

He maintains eye contact with the duo while doing so.

The two team splits and heads to their coaches to talk about their game plan.

A quick heads up from their coaches and the two team marks on their assigned positions.

This game plays out in the different roles, as Takeda was still on his first year.

A freshman greatest hurdles is their first match after all, so Takeda wasn't an exception.

The moment Hoashi wins the tip off.

The members of Daisen started working like a machine and the plays goes out like this.

One of the members grabbed the ball and made a quick pass towards Ishikura (SG) who stopped on his tracks after Takeda covered it.

" Hey, Okubo. Let's try that one move from Youtube! " Okubo nods as he easily passed everyone in Youji High's side.

" Sorry, bruh. I've gotta make this one count. " he throws the ball up front which looked like a turnover, Takeda thought this was a mistake as he tried to get the ball.

Only to get faked by Ishikura who takes the ball quickly and spins over Takeda.

" What the– " Takeda couldn't believe what just happened as Ishikura ran towards the paint area.

Ishikura leaps in the air and what looks like a between the legs dunk turned into a between the legs lob towards Okubo who despite his size jumped like a guard.

Okuba grabbed the ball and slammed the ball in.

" Oh yeah! We did it! " the duo did a high five after the spectacular scoring display.

Every member of Youji Basketball Team was shocked beyond belief as the crowd goes wild.

" Thanks for the Inspiration, LaMelo! " Ishikura bows into the crowd as he keeps the sinister smile.

The move Ishikura just performed was that one transition comes LaMelo a famous NBA player who's good at doing passes and scoring.

" Hey, Ishikura. How long did you watch that move to perform it? " Okubo grinned at Ishikura.

" Oh that? Just once. " a cold blooded words that further demoralized Youji High's team.

The vast difference between Daisen Basketball Team and Youji Basketball Team is already showing and it's just getting started.

It's their possession and Takeda takes the ball.

" Don't worry, we'll score back. " Takeda takes the ball all the way to the halfcourt and waits for the clock to tick.

As he waits for an opportunity to slip in, one particular guy created a strong position for scoring.

" Takeda, here! " Takeda ran to the left to create space and passed it to Udai who's trying his best to overpower his opponent, Hoashi.

" Come on, Udai. Man up! " Hoashi was enjoying the battle in strength as he completely devour Udai, who's struggling in strength but also made him to pass the ball back to his teammate.

One of Youji's guard takes the ball and shoots for a three.

Luckily, the ball manages to sink in.

As the team felt relief for that moment, Daisen was already on attack.

Hoashi gripped the ball hard and throws it very far.

The ball traveled at insane speed all the way to the other side.

Takeda and his team looked back to see where it will drop, only to see the duo who's already at the halfcourt.

" Here comes the duo's dance! " Ishikura sprinted with the ball as the two splits in the wings and heads to the paint.

" Now, Ishikura! " Ishikura slams the ball onto the floor which made the ball to bounce high.

From the looks of it, the ball almost went inside the ring but it suddenly passed through onto the side of the rim.

" Nice, it missed. " Takeda celebrated too early as Okubo grabbed the lob and did a windmill dunk via alley-oop.

That play created a loud wave of cheering as the two displayed their amazing combination.

" Such a magnificent assist and a monster finish from the duo! " the commentators said.

At that exact moment, Takeda realized something.

" This two, those movements are familiar. " he thinks for awhile until the final piece comes for the realization.

" It's street basketball. " he finally realizes the secret behind their weird movements.

The fake turnover, those unreasonable pass and alley-oops. Now, it makes sense for Takeda on why his team is having a hard time in stopping them.

" So street basketball was Daisen High duo's specialty. " as Takeda continues to deduce the secret behind the power of Daisen High.

A guy crept up from his behind to interrupt him.

" You're not technically wrong. " it was Daisen High's captain, Hoashi.

Takeda quickly turned around in panic.

" Chill, I was just helping. " he said in a calm tone.

However, Takeda wasn't buying it.

" That play also comes from NBA All Star where Stephen Curry made an alley-oop to Giannis Antetokounmpo " he added.

This information hits Takeda like a spear.

" Wouldn't your team lose because you said something vital? " Takeda smirked only for a moment as Hoashi's face quickly changed.

" I don't care. Your team is full of weaklings to stop them. " Hoashi walked away leaving the dumbfounded Takeda in place.

Someone pats on Takeda's back which made him look back.

It was Udai who's expression deeply shocked Takeda.

Game continues and it's Youji High possession, the point guard takes the ball this time and Takeda's team goes forward in hope to score.

Udai passed Takeda in split moment and Udai spoke something to him.

" Let's do this, me and you. " Udai's demeanor was completely different from before as the happy captain turns into madness.

It was the first time, Udai becomes serious.