There is no need for dreams in this era

Ai Ding was surprised to find that this small ramen shop had been divided into two adjacent shops, one belonged to Xia Yueyue's father, and the other belonged to herself.

"Come and try my new recipe!" Xia Yueyue greeted enthusiastically as she stood at the door of the store.

Aidin tasted it and found it to be okay.

Looking up at Xia Yueyue, this girl is still so energetic, just as lively and lovely as before.

"I have made a lot of new recipes, including tomato, pork bone, and spicy... Which one do you want to eat?" "Are you planning to

start your own business? But why is there no business in your store?" ?" Aidin looked at the next door, all kinds of seats were spread on the sidewalk.

Looking here again, it seems that he is the only customer.

"No one likes it? I think it's okay!" Aiding took a sip of the soup, and he thought it was delicious.

"Oh, I don't know... maybe my dad has more old customers." Xia Yueyue dragged her chin, very distressed.

Obviously more diverse than my father, but I can't compare with my father, which is very strange...

Then, in the second year...

Seeing that the business could not continue, the two shops naturally merged into one.

Because Xia Yueyue's father was getting older, he was already preparing to retire, and he only helped out occasionally. The civilian class who have been engaged in manual labor for a long time will not live so long after all.

However, with Xia Yueyue's ability, she was able to take good care of the store.

Apparently, after jettisoning those outlandish recipes, business was as hot as ever. The regular customers are still quite willing to take care of Xia Yueyue's business.

"You gave them up? I think they're delicious." Aiding asked puzzled.

"Maybe it's because you'll get tired of eating after a long time, or maybe it's other reasons... well, I can't help it. Anyway, it's the best way to do business." Xia Yueyue shook her head, slightly frustrated.

Then she said ambitiously: "I've decided to open another store! Otherwise, how can I be the queen of ramen!" "

Eh...the location must be chosen well." Aiding instructed. He was smiling slightly, this was the Xia Yueyue he knew.

"Do you want to invest in me?" Her eyes twinkled.

"Of course no problem."


Third year.

Xia Yueyue opened a new chain store, the location is very good, the traffic is very large.

And, she uses her father's old recipe.

But looking at the empty storefront, it was obvious that she had failed again.

All the old shops in the surrounding area were full, except for her ramen shop, which was rarely visited by anyone.

"Why? Aiding, I'm so sorry for wasting your investment."

After repeated failures, Xia Yueyue no longer had the aura to be the "Queen of Ramen". At this time, she has been in the society for three years, and she is no longer as young as before.

Ai Ding sighed, the little money invested was nothing to him at all. However, Xia Yueyue still didn't find the reason for the failure.

In the fourth year...

the newly invested ramen shop closed down again, and Xia Yueyue obediently took over her father's shop.

"I'm sorry, Aiding. It's really a big loss." Xia Yueyue said with a wry smile.

Four years have left her face with frost and frost. This line of work is really hard. She has to go to someone to start making soup at six o'clock in the morning and close the shop at eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening. think. Although the income is okay, it's just okay...

But, what can I do?

In the fifth year...

Xia Yueyue still made ramen in her father's shop.

The sixth year...

I still stayed in her shop. After so many years, it is impossible to start a business again.

seventh year.

Still stay in her shop.

The eighth year, the ninth year...

So, fifteen years have passed...

still staying in her shop.

Thirty years have passed...

Ai Ding at this moment is already a real sociologist.

He has traveled all over the planets of the solar system, gaining an in-depth understanding of the cultures rooted deeper in each planet. Many star domains have their own differences, but they have something in common.

Over the years, Aidin has seen many people and encountered many things, and wrinkles have grown on his forehead. These wrinkles are not a sign of aging, but a sign of growth.

On this day, he quietly returned to the earth to carry out his promise.

The business of the ramen shop is still booming, he sighed softly, "Xia Yueyue, have a bowl of beef ramen!"

Even though the business is busy, Xia Yueyue still cooks by herself, "Your ramen.

" At the table, he looked at Ai Ding with crooked eyes.

With the passage of time, it seems that nothing has changed, and it seems that a lot has changed.

"It seems that I realized my dream first." Aiding sighed after drinking the last sip of soup.

Talking about the past, Xia Yueyue could only smile sadly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Aiding, I was so young at that time..." "

Dreams are such a wonderful thing..."

" And really..."

"It's very far away..."


"Friends of the Earth Age and the Golden Sun, can you understand this kind of stability rooted in the entire society?" "

This world is no longer suitable for The dream exists. Xia Yueyue is not an exception." "

The gap between rich and poor in this world is not too big, but making money has become extremely difficult. Out of 1,000 entrepreneurs, only one can survive." "

... The chairman's son is still the chairman, the lawyer's son is still a lawyer, the doctor's daughter is still a doctor, the ramen shop's daughter is still making ramen... There is almost no communication between the upper, middle and lower levels." "Few people can get rid of this kind of situation.

" Fate. As long as they want to break free, they will face failure."

"Only people like me who are born free can do the work they want."

In fact, such a world is not necessarily bad.

A society with a large gap between the rich and the poor but with strong mobility, and a society with a small gap between the rich and the poor but with low mobility, choose one of the two. If you were an ordinary person, which one would you choose?

Many people think the former is better. But for ordinary people with mediocre IQ, courage, and knowledge, it may be better to choose the latter.

The former gives hope to ambitious people, but the latter is a good place for mediocre people, at least it means the stability of the family and will not be on the street.

If you make enough money, you can be free once in a's a good life.

In other words, most people in society have accepted their own mediocrity. The environment of the whole world and the culture rooted in the depths of civilization instilled them with such thoughts.

Is mediocrity bad?

Mediocrity is fine, the world is already productive enough that there is no need for technological development and more innovation. Even mediocre people can have a good life, as long as they inherit their parents' positions, they will have no worries about food and clothing for a lifetime, and being happy is not a problem.

In addition, the channels for upward promotion are too narrow. As the main body of class leapfrogging, young people's consciousness of leapfrogging is gradually sluggish, and they are falling into the sequelae of "effort disease".

The benefits brought about by struggle are too small and too small.

As for the lifespan problem, it is no longer a big problem. Life expectancy has stopped increasing as technology has stagnated.

As for the top class who can live for three or four hundred years, and the lower class who can live for two or three hundred years, it doesn't seem like a big deal... Isn't it natural for the rich to live longer? In the end, he was going to die anyway. If you can accept this point, there won't be so many big and small conflicts.

Deep Space Wandering Fleet