Crush of Wisdom Levels

Academician Ding looked at the two of them, "So, our eyes should be on the next generation, the generation raised by raising robots, not our generation itself." "They are the real citizens of the new civilization.

" Ah."

"...Our generation is not."

"We are the pioneers of the era, but also the hindrances."

Zhang Yuan took a breath, gritted his teeth, and understood what Academician Ding meant, "But, Will the members of the scientific council agree to mass-produce babies using artificial womb technology?"

Academician Ding smiled: "They will..."

"In the face of survival, all ethical issues are trivial issues! Natural birth alone How many future generations can be born? They also know the consequences of the long-term lack of population." "The

low fertility rate cannot be saved by talking about it and chanting slogans. The people can't see life and death decades later In a crisis, if you don't want to live, you don't want to live. How can the life and death of civilization be as important as the immediate happiness?" "

But they are elites, don't underestimate the wisdom of elites... They will choose to save themselves after decades of seeing it."

Zhang Yuan thought for a long time in a daze. Is this a mathematical prediction, a contest with the human elite?

There is no doubt that this group of elites will be completely crushed.

Academician Ding took a sip of water and regained his amiable look: "Of course, all our current policies and steps should slowly move in that direction... just don't cause too much backlash... "

"Formulate the entire education plan in advance, including the plan to raise the next generation through robots." "

According to the experience of the earth, every child has his own individual talent, and the process of using robots to classify education is very complicated... Fortunately, after all these years, Experience is enough, I believe you can do this well..."

"At that time, as long as thirty years pass, the power of the entire era cannot be controlled by a few diehards. Even if they vote against it, so what? Those grown-up children are your supporters. They There are even more of them, and they have penetrated into every aspect of civilization." "

They don't have parents, so they don't need so-called parents."

Academician Ding smiled slightly sarcastically: "That is, they use so-called democracy to Were you eliminated?"

Zhang Yuan suddenly felt his back was icy cold, as if he had betrayed his camp, from the side of the natural person to the side of the new human being.


so what? !

It is impossible for the wisdom of ordinary people to see through the future of the millennium. If you can see the decades in front of you, you are already a real elite. Ordinary civilians, even the few years in front of them, have no way to penetrate.

This is a different path, and someone has to take that brave step.

If the existence of natural people hinders the development of civilization, then we should simply eliminate the naturally born human beings...

"If... because of this policy, the disturbance is too severe, so we should divide it into two civilizations and let each one live their own lives." Anyway, our path may not necessarily be correct, but the probability of being correct is higher. Maybe there will be a discipline stronger than the history of new civilizations in the future?" Zhang Yuan was silent for a while, this probability is so

low can be ignored. Moreover, the division of civilization or something, due to the existence of the seeding plan, does not seem to be so unacceptable... It is equivalent to producing another brand new seed.

The topic returned to the "social public support system".

"In fact, new humans cannot be said to be clones. They are still humans born from fertilized eggs, and they must have the same rights as natural humans."

They have no father and no mother from the beginning, and even take the social public support system for granted. In fact, this point is very simple, because the people around have no father or mother, and the robot is so intelligent, they will naturally feel that raising the robot is already an object they can rely on.

As for Zhao Qingfeng, Zhang Yuan and other decision-makers, what they need to do is to prevent them from being discriminated against and to compete fairly with natural persons.

A natural chain of contempt may exist, but it can be banned from the legal and public opinion levels. Whoever dares to despise will be condemned by public opinion... After listening to

these predictions about the future, Zhang Yuan recalled his own father, although that is a story thousands of years ago. He sighed faintly, "But, can we really let go of the family relationship between parents? Countless great stories have been born in the world, all because of the love parents have for their children..." Academician Ding

sighed : "Zhang Yuan, take a long-term view, beyond your personal lifespan, and you will see more and more things..." "There are many great

parents in the world, but there are also more incompetent parents." Parents. The reason why most children are mediocre is because their parents are mediocre. If you need to take the parental certificate to give birth to a child, this group of people will fail at all. They don't even know how many rebellious periods children have and what nutrition they need to supplement , what kind of education is needed, so they educate their shortcomings to the next generation." "

Many great stories, shining points in human nature. It is because most people can't do it that they are called great. Most People are not great."

"If you regard these small probability events as the savior of mankind, you are very wrong..." "

Family love is just a derivative of genes, and it is also a part of survival. A game result in a harsh environment. The social structure of the family increases the survival probability of offspring when the environment is harsh, but is this ancient social structure really suitable for the interstellar era with huge productivity? Not necessarily... ..."

If parents are replaced by raising robots, the educated children will undoubtedly have better personal morality. In the earth civilization, these too honest people will undoubtedly be brutally exploited; but in the new world, a more friendly society will be formed.

In the end, Zhang Yuan took a deep breath, determined to obey the real calculation.

Eliminating the conventional family system became their first goal.

After talking so much, Academician Ding felt a little tired.

After resting for a while, he said softly: "The first point should be almost like this, and then the second point is the transformation of bionic humans!" "

Our destination, Gliese 581g, has a very high probability of having aliens. Star Life."

Academician Ding's words made Zhang Yuan look serious.

Brother Zhao saw his expression: "Don't worry, it's probably just some microorganisms... because this planet has not responded to the electromagnetic waves sent by the earth. Our spacecraft has not received the relevant signal yet." Academician Ding continued

: "Yes, microorganisms, even under the ice layer of Europa, there are complex organic matter. Why can't Gliese 581g have microorganisms? There may be some plants, and even more complex animals..." "These animals and

plants If there is no birth of wisdom and technology, there is nothing to worry about. But do you think we can overcome the alien microbial environment?"

Zhang Yuan was silent for a while, then shook his head.

It is almost impossible for the human immune system to have any resistance in the face of alien bacteria that it has never been in contact with.

Either kill each other overwhelmingly, or be infected overwhelmingly. With the current biotechnology of human beings, it is impossible to produce any "full-effect immune medicine" that is profitable.

Even if a vaccine can be developed, it can only be studied slowly one by one.

But how many types of microorganisms are there on a planet? Even if there are 100 million species, it is still a small number!

The most deadly is the allergic reaction caused by alien microorganisms. Allergic reactions caused by various complex organic substances, such as mild laryngeal edema, and severe acute upper airway obstruction, develop very rapidly and will soon have difficulty breathing.

This is the experience brought about by the microbes of Europa.