Ethical Refutation

It's not the social public breeding system, but its pre-plan - using artificial womb technology to reproduce human babies in large numbers to achieve a 5% annual population growth rate. In fact, many people have been informed of this proposal in advance and discussed it for a period of time, but various controversies are still very big.

Zhang Yuan restrained the crowd, and said slowly: "Everyone, according to our population report, how many people were born last year? The exact number is 1,823, a birth rate of 3.6 per thousand. The birth rate Very low, extremely low! Indeed, our population structure is still very young, and the death rate is zero. In addition, the quality of life is not high, and the objective environment is poor. It is not a big deal to give birth a few years later." "However

, Think about it, what will happen in 50 years?"

"Fifty years from now, our average age will increase by 50 years, everyone here is 80 or even 90 years old, how many young people are there? 100,000!"

"Yes, with a growth rate of 3.6 per thousand, after fifty years, there will only be 100,000 young people! The total population will only be 600,000, and this is based on a zero death rate." "Fifty

years Ah!"

There seemed to be a sense of crisis that exploded in the hearts of many people.

The current development model is bound to be unsustainable.

"Your Excellency Zhang Yuan, we can use the method of encouraging births instead of the radical method of artificial babies..."

The female congressman in the audience immediately stood up and said excitedly: "It has a real impact on our society. It's too big...too big to imagine! Have you considered the reality?" "

Yes, in a few years, the number of artificial babies will be more than that of natural people, so what's the big deal?" "

I object!

" The voices of this kind of discussion are getting louder and louder, and voices of opposition emerge in endlessly.

Zhang Yuan raised his hand and suppressed all the voices.

He said loudly: "Seat 145, Congressman Qian Lihua, as an electrical engineer, do you discriminate against these babies born from artificial wombs? Or, do you think they are not normal human beings?

" All the eyes of Mr. Qian looked over, the face of Mr. Qian was pale, and he quickly said: "There is no discrimination." "

Then, if there is no discrimination, the number of artificial babies is more than that of natural people. What's the problem?" "

... This gentleman's face turned red and pale. If he put on the big label of "discrimination", his political career would come to an end. It took him a long time before he said, "Is there any problem... I don't know."

Zhang Yuan asked another lady who wanted to vote against it earlier, his eyes were like lightning: "Ms. Zhong from the Ministry of Education, if A baby is born without father and mother, and you will raise it carefully. Can you make him neither humble nor overbearing, neither arrogant nor impetuous, form an independent and optimistic personality, and become a useful person to society?" Ms. Zhong said

hesitantly , "But..."

Zhang Yuan ignored the "but" she said next, and then asked, "I just asked, can he be neither humble nor overbearing, neither arrogant nor impetuous, to form an independent and optimistic personality, and become a person who is respectful to the society?" Useful people? Yes, or not!"


"Do you think this kind of raising can be promoted on a large scale? That is to say, a large number of babies without parents can become useful to society. Anyone?"

Ms. Zhong did not reply.

"Since one person can do it, a group of people should also do it."

Zhang Yuan came to a conclusion on his own, then turned his head, and asked again: "Then...Minister Ding of the Human Resources Department, if he actively encourages childbearing policy, how much can our natural population birth rate reach?"

The gray-haired Minister Ding quickly replied: "The highest can reach 2%-3%, but it is impossible to last for a long time, and it will drop sharply in the end. First, according to statistics, a couple who have one or two children the highest willingness, the number of people who want to have three children is very low, and the number of people who want to have four or more is almost zero. Therefore, it is impossible to reach a birth rate of 5% by natural growth alone. Our population is not a backward population, but a high Quality population."

"Second point, our population has gaps, and the age is almost all concentrated around the age of 30. After a wave of concentrated births, the subsequent birth rate will be infinitely close to 0, and another gap will appear... No one wants to One child at the age of 30, one child at the age of 40, and another child at the age of 50 or 60. For a civilization, there will undoubtedly be adverse social phenomena." "In addition, issuing policies to encourage births will consume a lot

of The social cost hinders the development of other industries. According to our statistics, the social cost of raising an individual child will be 3 times or even 4 times that of collective raising..." "That is to say, the cost of raising a child by a single person

, It is possible for the collective to raise 3 to 4 children..."

There was another few minutes of silence in the conference room.

Zhang Yuan turned his head back: "Minister Li of the Ministry of Resources, how long can our advanced equipment last?"

Minister Li stood up and replied: "Many of our robots are brought from the earth. High-precision advanced equipment, once started, depreciated The speed is very fast, and some equipment will not work in 10 years... In addition, 30 years, at most 50 years." "

Our industrial master machine is broken, it is really broken, and it is extremely difficult to repair. If At that time, the things brought from the earth were damaged, and we were not able to build an industrial mother machine of the same specification, so..."

Minister Li's face was not so good: "Technology... will go backwards!"

The meeting room suddenly became very quiet.

This year, the entire civilization has achieved great results, but most of them are just eating their laurels. Many people did not expect that time is so tight.

After a while, the person sitting below frowned, summoned up the courage to ask.

"But, sir, isn't it too many to have 20,000 to 30,000 children a year... Can our entire society support it?"

Zhang Yuan said coldly, "Sir, I remind you to take a long-term view. One point, if 1,800 babies are born this year, there will only be 1,800 more laborers in 20 years. If 30,000 babies are born this year, 30,000 more laborers will be born in 20 years... We must not only live in the present, but also Living in the future, today's hard work is for tomorrow's sustainability."

"Any comments?"

"No more..." As if suppressed by Zhang Yuan's momentum, the gentleman quickly sat back.

The lady surnamed Zhong stood up again, and retorted: "Babies need a lot of nutrition to grow, especially if there is no breast milk, they need milk powder and more supplementary food." "Mr. Zhang Yuan, have

you It has been calculated that with our current productivity, adding so many babies will invisibly raise prices and lower people's quality of life. Our economic structure and even production structure need to be greatly adjusted." "Madam,

you That's right, it's true...our productivity is not enough."

Zhang Yuan said blankly, "but...the quality of life will be reduced as a result, is that the reason for your objection? We have traveled 20 light-years, could it be that In order to enjoy life? People with this idea should have stayed on Earth instead of coming here!"

The lady's face was flushed, and she stood there in a daze.


Zhang Yuan slapped the table heavily, and roared loudly: "Then..." "

Since no one discriminates against these children, education is not a problem, and no one wants to have more than 10 children for civilization, and the population has become the most developed. constraints..."

"Let me ask you why you oppose this proposal! Why?! Do you want the entire civilization to be extinct here in a hundred years?!" As if shocked by

Zhang Yuan's roar, for a while, there was no one. Who dares to stand up and make trouble.

Perhaps, many people recalled that Dr. Zhang and Minister Zhang, who were usually polite and gentle, were a fierce man who dared to cut off his own legs, a fighter who defeated a super life form alone!