Virtual World Research - Start!

Yamamoto explained very quickly: "Human memory itself can be read and copied, just like a hard disk. But you know, there is no way to work directly with just a hard disk. It needs power and a certain amount of memory. Driver."

"The quantum algorithm of 'self-awareness' is equivalent to the operating software of the hard disk, which cannot be forcibly read or copied, and can only achieve the overall transition. It must rely on the memory itself to have complete functions. …Otherwise, it doesn't make much sense. Software and hardware are indispensable."

Ichiro Yamamoto turned on the computer screen in the laboratory, and there was a "mouse" uploaded by consciousness on it.

This "mouse" was in a daze in the computer, motionless, as if stupid.

"Look, this is the self-awareness of a mouse."

"It doesn't move, because there is no connection between self-awareness and memory... There is no body, no instinct, and it can only stand here in a daze." "Wait a

minute !" Zhang Yuan thought for a while, and asked, "Why is a mouse displayed on the screen... instead of other things?"

This question sounds a bit weird, but it is extremely important.

Now that it has separated from the body itself and turned into a mass of two-dimensional data, why is the mouse still a mouse instead of a cat or a dog, and maybe it can become a human being?

"Oh, this is arbitrarily set. It is a virtual body that we added based on the mouse's memory... Of course, it can also be set as a cat." Yamamoto was stunned for a while, and then said after a while: "It is just data. Forget it, although there is no way to directly observe the core, we can observe the external performance. We can give it a virtual body, and we can know what it is doing." "It is no problem to observe this virtual body, and it will not affect the 'self-awareness

. ' collapse. If you observe the internal data, it will die directly."

Zhang Yuan pondered for a while, then smiled wryly: "It's really quantum mechanics... cover it with a layer of skin, so the function won't collapse?"

"Yes, once observed, the function will collapse, and the randomness will be lost.

" In this way, even God can't predict what human beings will do in the next second?

Yamamoto nodded, "In theory, it is impossible to predict what kind of thoughts will arise in the next second. " However, mind reading is still possible... because the algorithm itself cannot be directly observed, but the data generated by the algorithm, that is, memory, can still be observed as long as one is careful.

"...We may even change people's personalities by modifying their memories! " But this also involves the matching mode of self-awareness...Mr. Zhang Yuan, please support this technology. "

As he spoke, this guy became fanatical, and Zhang Yuan's back felt chills when he heard all kinds of cranky thoughts.

Well, this guy Yamamoto has no traditional morals at all. He doesn't consider these prying privacy at all, even What kind of panic will the technology of modifying privacy cause to the public?

Zhang Yuan bit the bullet and thought for a while, and quickly rejected some of his requests. What a joke, although the new civilization pursues progress, it is now releasing these technologies , It's the rhythm of killing yourself!

"I don't know how long it will take to realize these functions, but now it's just using the technology of Gaia civilization... Whether it can imitate biological computers is still a problem. "

Zhang Yuan patted the other party's shoulder, signaling him to be more down-to-earth, and don't think about reaching the sky all day long.

Then there are various comparison experiments. The consciousness of this poor mouse has been tossed over and over again.

The "self" "Consciousness" is connected to the memory storage area, and the mouse quickly recovered from its original sluggish appearance.

It was frightened by the background board with blue light spots, and ran wildly with its feet, but how could it be possible in such a place? Running to a safe corner?

After running like this for a few minutes, I don't know what's going on, and the conscious body seems to be tired too. It gradually stopped.

Yamamoto pressed a button, and the "self-awareness" was re-disconnected from the memory storage area, and the mouse became demented again, as if nothing had happened.

"Because the brains of mice are relatively simple, self-awareness and memory can be easily separated, which is more difficult for monkeys." Several

staff members reset the data in the memory area to its original appearance.

After reconnecting again, the mouse started running wildly again, and the whole reaction was exactly the same as the previous time.

However, in the two repetitions of the laboratory, Zhang Yuan keenly sensed some differences. There seemed to be subtle differences in the running movements of the mice.

He said, "In other words, even with the same memory as the basis, the same self-awareness, they will react differently, is that so?"

Yamamoto replied: "Yes, it is the so-called belonging to life itself. Randomness! But this kind of randomness is not random, but fluctuates within a certain area."

Zhang Yuan asked again: "Then, what will happen if the memory of one mouse matches the self-awareness of another mouse? "

It is very likely that they will become fools... But if the memories of two mice are mixed in a certain way, there is a small probability of success. We still don't understand why it is successful. It may be like fantasy One of them swallowed the other."

After watching this experiment, Zhang Yuan felt a little uncomfortable, memory and self-awareness, this may be the most inexplicable and incomprehensible black technology that humans have come into contact with so far. …

How should I put it, the top scientists in the entire laboratory, like the dark wizard in a fantasy story, are trying to manipulate—the soul?

Stuffing the "self-awareness" of a life into the memory of another creature, this kind of there any difference from the black wizard stuffing the soul?

Of course, science is science after all, a methodology, not so-called empiricism.

Quantum consciousness is not the soul; repeated experiments are not for slaughter, but for better exploration of nature.

"Then, Professor Yamamoto, what do you mean by recruiting VR game testers?"

Zhang Yuan frowned, and asked again: "If you want to use humans to do experiments on self-awareness, it is not allowed Yes... even if it is just reading human memory, it is a serious violation of privacy, I hope you can know and abide by the laboratory discipline." "

No, no, no!" Yamamoto waved his hand quickly, "I still know this. "

The VR game tester is mainly to test the background space after uploading self-awareness... that is, the technology of virtual space. It is not so simple to form a truly livable environment." "Background space?

" Zhang Yuan remembered that it was the space filled with blue light spots, where he could feel gravity and breathe, but the overall feeling was very monotonous.

"If you want to expand this blue space into a virtual world that is almost the same as the real world, there is still a lot of content to be filled, including various physical rules, as well as scene settings such as houses, air, and gravity. You have also seen that, The mouse on the screen moves a little weirdly, this is because the rules of physics don't match the reality... Relying entirely on memory is definitely unreliable."