History of the Taipu People

"These Tep people are very smart, are they launching satellites?"

"Yes, basically the first batch of transaction conditions is like this. They chose to use the first batch of transaction points and let us launch satellites on their behalf. Other contents are still being discussed slowly."

Looking at Taipu Civilization's transaction request, Zhang Yuan agreed in his heart: "There is nothing wrong with this. The satellite was developed by themselves. We just took a trip and paid a small price."

"...It's just that after a few decades, these satellites will be scrapped when they are launched. At that time, if they still haven't developed a high-thrust rocket, there is no way to replace it. We will only stay here for three to five years, After that, I will leave this star field, and I can't control them anymore."

"That can't be helped... This is already very good." A nearby member of parliament said: "Being able to enjoy decades of satellite dividends should greatly change their world, and they will pay more attention to this technology. With satellites, the communication of the entire planet will be smoother, and the huge planet will be reduced into a global village."

"Theoretically, as long as it is a civilization with a little foresight, it will pay close attention to research during this period of time. Otherwise, when the time comes, a large number of satellites will suddenly become unusable, and the people who are accustomed to satellite technology will have to riot."

Of course, there is no need for humans to worry too much about how the Taipu civilization will develop in the future.

Human beings are human beings, Tep civilization is Tep civilization, there is no need to worry about other people's internal affairs. The regulation of "limited assistance" has basically been completed.

Human beings' "running errands on their behalf" has successfully exchanged for the historical process of this civilization and a large amount of biological data about the native planet, which is also a profitable business.

Otherwise, it would be quite difficult for such a small scientific research robot to study the entire planet.

The historical data and biological data of planet Tep are also the focus of this scientific meeting, especially the traces of the enlightener civilization. People have found some clues. This is even more exciting.

A scientist came to the stage, and he is the host of this meeting, Professor Rodriguez.

First of all, the scientist played a photo of the native creatures of Tepu on the screen, fish, birds, reptiles, and the classification method of practical life on earth is not suitable. But for better understanding, it is still named like this.

"As for the traces of the enlightener, we have to start from the beginning."

"...Due to the high gravity of the planet, the creatures here have evolved strong muscles and hard bones."

The bone density of most animals is very high. Due to the unique hollow structure inside the bone, the overall mass is actually not too large. This is what surprised biologists the most.

"...on this planet, there must be enough strength to jump and run, and it must be light enough to evolve...so many creatures are somewhat slender and slender in terms of muscle structure, and the proportion of muscle is far greater than the proportion of fat , has a strong explosive power."

There are also some creatures that look bloated, but are not.

"...Because their outer skin has a thick layer of cuticle. The structure of this layer of cuticle is similar to foam. It is large in size and light in weight. It can effectively cushion the damage caused by falls and prevent easy fractures. Or internal damage."

"Tep people look fat, but in fact they are puffy, and their mass is not great."

There are also some life forms that have evolved the structure of exoskeletons, mostly small and medium-sized animals. These creatures live in water like crabs and shrimps. The existence of exoskeletons can provide support for the soft internal organs in the body.

But having said that, even if the life here has made a certain adaptation to the high-gravity environment, it is difficult for them to perform ultra-high-intensity exercise like life on earth, and it is even less likely to perform long-distance migration of thousands of kilometers like salmon.

After all, carbon-based life has a limit, and the energy contained in a unit cell will not be much higher than that of human cells. No matter how perfect the evolution is, the life here is still more prone to fatigue than the creatures on the earth when performing high-intensity exercise.

"So, the explosive power of life here is often very strong, but in terms of endurance, it is generally inferior to life on earth. People on earth can run a marathon, a distance of more than 40 kilometers, but Taipu people can't, they start after running a few kilometers Out of breath and exhausted."

A large number of beings like to sleep in water when they are resting, because this can save energy.

The Tepu people also like to use the buoyancy of the water to obtain the most comfortable sleep.

"... This habit has been maintained until now. Basically, every household has a large bathtub, and then sleeps in the bathtub when resting."

There is no need to think about drowning in the water. The Taipu people have good water quality. They have huge lung lobes, and there is a sponge-like buffer cuticle around the muscles of the whole body, which can easily float on the water.

These are all the objective environments on the planet Tepu, and the evolutionary forms of life in these objective environments.

After introducing these prerequisites, Professor Luo asked: "Then here comes the problem. Since the life here is all species with high explosiveness and low endurance, it means that it is difficult for the Taipu civilization to evolve to the most primitive stage. A real farming civilization."

"What is the most important thing in the development of agriculture? The first is plants, which require plants suitable for cultivation. The second is culture, which requires the birth of farming culture. The third is animals."

"...The development of agriculture requires livestock and long-term labor. Due to evolutionary reasons, even the Taipu people themselves have difficulty adapting to such long-term labor. They often work every day and take a day off. Otherwise, they are prone to fatigue and lead to a short lifespan. Archeology has also proved this point. In ancient times, the Taipu people stayed in the hunting era for a long time and stopped making progress."

As soon as this conclusion came out, there was a discussion in the conference room.

This is something that has never been thought of.

Zhang Yuan nodded and agreed: "In the civilization of the earth, there is such a saying that there is a very important reason why no real farming culture has evolved on the African land. There are no large livestock that can be domesticated in the African grasslands."

"In 1500 AD, the population of Africa was only 20 million, while the Xia Kingdom, a large agricultural country, had a population of 160 million. This is the difference between hunting civilization and farming civilization."

Without farming culture, it is indeed difficult to give birth to a truly brilliant and great civilization. Although human beings were born in the land of Africa, there is no real great civilization born in this land. Even Egypt, one of the four ancient civilizations, has long been assimilated by other religions and has not continued. until now.

Settlement enables humans to store surplus food, and farming culture brings stable food reserves. These grains can feed soldiers, craftsmen, artisans, etc. They are an important force in war and construction.

At the same time, with food reserves, civilized countries can start huge projects such as the Great Wall.

It is the wild animals that can be domesticated that enable the rapid development of human civilization. Cattle and horses can not only cultivate land, but also a means of transportation.