"Pippi Shrimp" sets off!

Time flies very quickly. Since the departure of the Toss civilization, 20 years have passed again, and the sea trials of all large motherships are gradually coming to an end.

After a while, people will officially set off and bid farewell to this familiar star field. Various resource reserves are being continuously moved upward through the space elevator. Rare earth, nuclear fuel, organic material warehouses, and conventional material warehouses are all fully arranged.

Under such circumstances, no matter adults or children, they all look forward to marching to the distance again, eager to contact other interstellar civilizations.

In the Spring Festival of the last year, fireworks flickered, and bright little suns flickered over the planet. Human beings are so wealthy that they can use hydrogen bombs to set off fireworks...and this type of hydrogen bomb can show all kinds of weird colors, and everyone is very happy.

The party before the departure was naturally extremely lively. The chorus, singer solo, and sketch cross talk always made people feel unsatisfied.

A party with endless meaning is a party with flavor!

Next, a grand voting ceremony appeared on the planet. In fact, it was nothing special. The main reason was to name the six new generation giant motherships.

For this matter, the people broke out with great enthusiasm for voting!

One of the Titan-class giant motherships, which can accommodate a population of 50 million, is named "Departure", which was named at the beginning and will not be changed. This name means the new journey after the new human civilization becomes a fourth-level civilization, and it also entrusts people's good expectations for the future.

So the public has the right to name the other five spaceships.

However, after the voting ended, something ridiculous happened. One of the names, "Pippi Shrimp", actually received the highest voting rate!

Relevant personnel in the government department could only hold their noses and agree. One of the interstellar aircraft carrier-class ships was named - "Pippi Shrimp".

But soon, more people began to complain about this damn name, because they felt that they might live on this "Pippi Shrimp" for most of their lives. It sounded too unpleasant! It's really ugly!

Some people have even moved to the spaceship. When they heard that their beloved homeland was named "Pippi Shrimp", they immediately became furious.

"The spaceship we live in, don't care about the rest of you! Why is our spaceship named Pippi Shrimp! We absolutely disagree, absolutely disagree!"

So they started to protest loudly again and voted to change their names... The number of people who jointly changed their names reached one million in one day!

This "voting accident" was also used as a negative teaching material and was written in the newspaper. The title even became - "Damn Democracy"!

All in all, after some twists and turns, all the names were decided, namely the "Start" interstellar Titan-class spacecraft...

As well as 5 interstellar aircraft carrier-class spacecraft including "Eastern", "Fuxing", "Shenzhou", "Progress" and "Future"!

These names sound quite serious and even a bit boring, but basically everyone can accept them and there won't be too many objections.

"...Hello, viewers, the starship 'Qi Cheng' can accommodate the normal life of 50 million people, and it is the economic, scientific research, educational, and industrial center of the entire civilization."

"The remaining interstellar aircraft carrier-class spacecraft can accommodate a population of 20 million each, and have certain industrial capabilities and military combat capabilities. The total population of the new human civilization is currently insufficient. Each aircraft carrier-class spacecraft can only accommodate more than 10 million people. The population There is still room for growth in scale."

"A population of 10 million can maintain all aspects of the spacecraft. In the next few hundred years, the population will increase slowly until it reaches 150-200 million."

"After this, we may try to build our own planetary fortress..."

"Scientists are also studying related technologies for planetary fortresses. We have basically matured the rest of the technologies, and the most critical one is planetary warp speed..."

These new motherships are introduced everywhere on the digital screens on the roadside. The residential population above has been carefully arranged, corresponding to the six major underground cities currently owned by mankind, with exactly one spaceship per city.

People's daily life will not be greatly affected.

If divided according to military strength, all spacecraft are divided into five categories.

The first is the Titan class, which is the largest curvature spacecraft that humans can build. Various materials and technologies have reached their existing limits.

The price and cost of building a Titan-class spaceship was very high, so only one was built. Too much trouble and unnecessary.

The second category is the aircraft carrier class, which is a giant spacecraft that can carry 20 million people. This type of spaceship can carry a large population, is also quite capable of fighting, and has outstanding combat capabilities.

Next are the cruiser-class, destroyer-class and escort-class spacecraft. These numbered warships are all curvature spacecraft, which can carry a large number of soldiers and are also storage points for drones.

Even smaller are the warp drones, also known as honeycomb attack swarms, which are quite expensive to build.

Next is the drone for ordinary people. Ordinary drones are like stormtroopers due to their small size and low cost.

The energy device of this type of small UAV is still ordinary nuclear fusion, which can obtain a relatively high initial speed through the electromagnetic ejection of the mothership. Due to the low cost, it can produce as much as it wants. They are usually equipped with high-power missiles, and you can earn money if you hit the opponent at close range.

Coupled with some electronic jamming spacecraft, early warning spacecraft, reconnaissance spacecraft, etc., basically the human military system is like this, multi-level and multi-dimensional.

There are a total of 320 spaceships, large and small, graded and numbered, which has reached a reasonable range that the current human civilization and economy can bear.

If we add more spaceships, we will have to recruit a large number of troops, and the maintenance costs will increase. It is not unbearable, but in a peaceful state, it is not very cost-effective.

After this simple Spring Festival, the next step is to go on an expedition to a distant place. Inside the captain's room of the Departure, an expedition ceremony was being held. The captain was in front of the TV, introducing matters related to the first long-distance warp voyage.

"...Ladies and gentlemen, our next target is Tabby's Star, which is about 400 light-years away from our current location. If calculated at three times the speed of light, it will take about 133 years."

"...But we can't always operate at the highest speed. The time required may be a little more, probably around two hundred years."

"Since this is the first long-distance voyage, we need to debug the fleet's flight process throughout the process. If there are no special reasons, we will not investigate the planets passing by. We will reach the end in one go!"

Captain Feng Zichen's introduction was quite colloquial, and even those without sufficient professional knowledge could still understand it.

The female captain's performance over the years has been quite good, she has done well in reforms, and she has personal abilities, so she has been re-elected. There is no objection from the members of the Science Council.

The current life span that the new human civilization can theoretically achieve is nearly 700 years old, and the regular personnel is about 500 years old. Therefore, a captain is elected every 50 years and can serve up to 4 times. A total of two hundred years of tenure is enough for a captain to do a lot of things, provided that he is capable enough.

Since it is an intra-party election, power is exercised peacefully, and bloody incidents such as party disputes will basically not occur.

Every era has its own style, and in this new era, people have survived many hardships and experienced a sinking accident, but have become more confident and more radical than before.

The entire civilization has stayed in this place for too long. It should go out and contact more civilizations, and people are willing to accept new development strategies.