Dyson Ball

The largest observatory in Qi Cheng has become the busiest place since two years ago, and people are scrambling to start the astronomical telescope, trying to see the appearance of the "Dyson sphere" clearly at the first time.

It's just a pity that a thin layer of curvature bubbles distorts all the light from the outside world, and people can only see a blurred image like a light bulb.

Even so, there are still more and more people looking forward to the end of the curvature voyage at the observatory, especially many students, who are most enthusiastic about talking here!

"Dyson ball! It must be like this, like this...like this, add another pipe here!" These are several people who specialize in design, and people who study design are usually proficient in drawing. They are painting this.

"When will I be able to see the Dyson sphere! I'm so anxious!"

"If we built a Dyson sphere, how long would it take?"

There are several seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys who are discussing on twitter.

"Well... this may have nothing to do with time. We don't have such technological strength, and it will collapse soon. What is our strongest material... super alloy - zmax, the strength is far from enough."

Building something like a Dyson sphere first requires enormous engineering capabilities.

Take the solar system as an example. The mass of the sun accounts for 99.86% of the total mass of the solar system, and the rest of the planets only account for 0.14%.

Even if all the planets other than the sun are turned into materials for the construction of Dyson spheres, it is still far from enough.

The other planetary systems are also in a similar situation, and the materials are simply not enough.

In this case, what should we do?

"The first method requires dismantling part of the sun, but most of the sun is hydrogen, and it is very troublesome to make the hydrogen solid. The second method is to transport planets from other planetary systems, such as It is said that the Alpha Centauri planet next door transports a large number of planets. It is difficult for human beings to do either way."

Secondly, building a Dyson sphere also requires extremely high technological strength, especially material science, which requires super materials that far exceed the limits of ordinary materials!

Because stars have strong gravity, no conventional materials can support the mechanical structure under the influence of gravity. Even if this Dyson sphere rotates at high speed, it is still impossible to completely offset the gravity at every point.

For example, two poles are almost equivalent to rest. How can we use centrifugal force to offset gravity?

On the other hand, the Milky Way is in motion, as are the stars themselves.

If a misalignment occurs and is not corrected, it could lead to a direct collision between the Dyson sphere and the star, with catastrophic results. So this Dyson sphere must be heat-resistant, powerful enough, and able to withstand the catastrophe of the star itself.

What a difficult thing it is to put all these things together.

"So, this might be a Dyson cloud..."

"The Dyson ball is too difficult, the Dyson cloud or the Dyson ring are easier... If only a Dyson cloud is built, humans might be able to try it."

Before the words fell, the spaceship had stopped its curvature motion, as if it had stopped abruptly in space.

Without the hindrance of the curvature bubble, all the pictures became clear at once!

Many people cried out in surprise at this moment: "It's...it's really a Dyson ball!"

It's really a Dyson ball!

In the astronomical telescope, a huge steel structure covers 70% of the star, slowly rotating like a circular boiler!

This huge "boiler", at this moment, opened a "lid" larger than Jupiter, revealing the stars inside, and it is bursting out with flares!

The endless stellar rage was vented at this moment, and the brilliant flame erupted from the chromosphere to the distance, and it has been sprayed for millions of kilometers, and then fell back unwillingly under the action of gravity, just like that A red loop is formed. This astronomical phenomenon is called "solar prominence".

The reality is indeed more shocking than imagined.

Dyson Sphere, it's here!

After the silence, the observatory made a noise, and more and more people were coming from afar, wanting to witness this truly behemoth with their own eyes.

It's incredible!

At this moment, the government department is holding a special meeting to discuss a series of future plans for human beings in this interstellar trading market.

Zhang Yuan sat in his seat, watching the related astronomy report, and fell into a deep shock.

First of all, it is certain that this is absolutely impossible to be the creation of a fourth-level civilization!

The mass of Tabby Star is 1.43 times that of the sun, its diameter is about 2.2 million kilometers, and its luminous intensity is much higher than that of the sun. And the diameter of this steel Dyson sphere is actually 10 million kilometers!

It almost swallowed the entire star completely, leaving only some small "gas outlets", well, these "gas outlets are not small", each of which is hundreds of times larger than Jupiter times.

Because the Dyson sphere is rotating slowly, there will be periodic changes in illumination when viewed from a distance.

The star is spitting out flames violently, but the entire area doesn't feel much solar wind.

This is the real...behemoth!

"A stellar-class spacecraft fueled by stars! Yes, a star-class spacecraft, the quality of its own materials may already be comparable to stars." A voice sounded in the conference room, and no one knew who was there suddenly. Be creative.

"If this planet goes out, I have no doubt that this Dyson sphere can swallow another planet as its fuel!"

It took humans and the Thos civilization more than a thousand years to build a battle star. Compared with this, it is not worth mentioning at all, not even a drop in the bucket...

The next piece of astronomical data made everyone's pupils dilate. There are actually 100,000 large and small planets in this ghost place, and the number of various meteorites is even more incalculable. The number may reach tens of billions...they They are so densely spread near the Dyson sphere, hundreds of astronomical units.

This number is completely beyond common sense. With so many planets, even the Dyson sphere plus the huge gravitational force of the stars cannot cover their chaotic movements, and they will easily collide with each other...

I don't know where so many planets come from. Some may be planetary fortresses transported from afar by other interstellar civilizations, and some may be innate.

This became the first unsolved mystery discovered by mankind.

In fact, there are many unsolved mysteries about this Dyson sphere. Every time one is discovered, people's level of interest in it will increase.