Secret Weapon


  A nearby military expert questioned: "How should we defeat the opponent? The subatomic light cannon is indeed effective, but it has been used up. This iron ball moves so fast, and the hit rate of various weapons is horribly low. Even if it is a light speed weapon... you have seen that the hit rate is too low."

  His voice became more and more excited: "Maybe it will take several hits from the subatomic ray cannon to destroy it. Let's hit so many with our heads!"

  "And the opponent's iron ball is so hard, even if it hits us hard, we can't resist it! If that doesn't work, I suggest abandoning this aircraft carrier, using life-saving airships, and escaping from all directions. There is still time! There is no need to wait. ah!"

  Zhang Yuan took a deep breath and said: "Don't be impatient. Evacuation must involve evacuating part of the population... We also have a secret weapon, which is left over from higher civilizations, but there is only one cannonball, which is more powerful than antimatter!"

  "If it can hit, I believe it can cause huge damage... If the iron ball really hits back and forth, the speed will inevitably be greatly reduced. Using the secret weapon, it can be paralyzed in one fell swoop and make a hole. !"

  Secret weapon? !

  Suddenly, the noisy crowd slowly calmed down.

  Several people in the hemisphere stared wide-eyed and began to wonder what the "secret weapon" that humans call it is, the legacy left by advanced civilization?

  Is there such a good thing? !

  Zhang Yuan ignored these wide-eyed hemispheres and forced his brain to calm down and think: "And I think that this iron ball should not use kinetic energy to kill, otherwise its shape should be like a bullet, not A round ball. A bullet is the only one that has lethality, so what's a round ball? Is it powerful?"

  "On the other hand, in curvature navigation mode, it is impossible to have high kinetic energy! Even a hyperspace engine that is further than curvature navigation has no kinetic energy."

  "Think about it, subatomic weapons are effective on it and create some cracks, and anti-matter weapons should also be effective... So isn't it stupid for this artificial intelligence to rely on kinetic energy to kill? It has no way of knowing that we don't carry too much Antimatter, if it hits, it will explode."

  "Then what is the purpose of taking the risk to fly here..."

  "Is it to send digital viruses? It is possible, but we have already taken a lot of precautions against digital viruses..."

  After thinking for a few seconds, Zhang Yuan clapped his hands vigorously, "I understand, the first goal of this detector's existence is to expand its territory, not to survive! It wants to rob our spaceship, or... Do you want to implant a so-called special chip into us?"

  "Stealing our ship and controlling the population of our ship will be enough for it to launch more colonial ships and complete the entire goal!"

  "So, it runs over menacingly, and is likely to engage in a boarding battle with us. Yes, it wants to snatch this spacecraft! If it comes too close, under the influence of the digital virus, our electronic system will still be If it is invaded by strong artificial intelligence, our entire spaceship will still be paralyzed. At that time, we can only use human sea tactics and send soldiers to the battlefield in person."

  Zhang Yuan's idea didn't have much evidence, it was just a bit whimsical, and many people present were a little unable to react... But after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to make some sense.

  Facing the electronic invasion of strong artificial intelligence, some experts are both excited and afraid, not knowing what they are thinking.

  This means that they can capture more digital viruses and obtain more complete information; it also means that their tasks are heavier.

  Is it to escape, or to start something here?

  General Guo's face was uncertain, but he also knew that this was not the time to hesitate. Even if he gave the wrong order, it would be better than whining here.

  At that moment, he bit the bullet and gave the order, "Damn it, just go ahead and do it!"

  He yelled into the walkie-talkie: "First queue, second queue, get ready. The iron ball is about to rush over. Hurry up and fly the small shuttle for external interception!"

  "The third group, the fourth group, hold on to the inside of the spacecraft!"

  "The fifth queue, urgently notify the rear, inform us of our current location and any emergencies we encounter, hurry up..."

  After making up his mind, Zhang Yuan immediately led someone to estimate the area where the aircraft carrier would be attacked.

  But the preparation time was too short. Suddenly, the entire aircraft carrier trembled violently, as if something was embedded in the wall of the spacecraft.

  The diameter of this iron ball is 150 meters, while the length of the aircraft carrier is a full 15 kilometers. The difference between the two is two orders of magnitude. It is equivalent to a pea embedded inside the human body.

  The huge vibration still made Zhang Yuan fly up and hit the ceiling hard. He accidentally bit the tip of his tongue and suddenly felt a spicy taste in his throat.

  But at this moment, he couldn't care too much. He immediately supported his body, and his mind was still thinking quickly.

  "This iron ball...has it stopped? The aircraft carrier seems not to have been penetrated...Yes, the aircraft carrier has not been penetrated."

  While the communication was still ongoing, Zhang Yuan turned around and glanced at the monitoring screen, only to see a silver iron ball in the middle and rear of the aircraft carrier.

  A door in the middle opened, and a dense crowd of robots emerged!

  The one at the front is a silver-white robot, plus a lot of strange-looking black robots behind it.

  "It's really full of robots!"

  A black flying robot quickly flew to the monitoring area, and the monitoring screen flashed, suffering an electronic intrusion.

  "Everyone, be careful. There is a virus invasion, and they want to seize control of the spacecraft!"

  In the control room, an expert in front of the screen thought and quickly disconnected the monitoring network.

  The same thought came to everyone's mind, "Sure enough, it really wants to seize this aircraft carrier!"

  General Guo's face showed a murderous look. As a veteran, he had experienced real war on the Dyson Sphere battlefield. At this moment, he no longer had ink marks and picked up the laser weapon on the power armor.

  "Let it taste the power of our soldiers!"

  One minute later, the central host on the screen began to flash continuously, showing signs of virus invasion. Several engineers with quick eyesight and quick hands directly disconnected the network cable connected to it. This time, people are indeed well prepared. These network cables are all constructed separately. Even if one is disconnected, it will not affect the use of other monitors.

  A steady stream of soldiers began to rush to the front line to reinforce the battlefield. Under the interference of various electromagnetic pulse shells, even the monitoring was a bit unstable. Only the most basic wired phones could still work, allowing the command center to understand the battle situation on the front line.

  Regardless of what was going on at the front, General Guo hurriedly took out the special electromagnetic gun from the secret room at the rear...

  It looks unremarkable, not much different from a normal electromagnetic gun tank.

  "Is this a secret weapon?" Several Hemisphere commanders were a little doubtful and reached out to touch the tank. They wanted to find out what was unique about it.

  It really looks like an ordinary electromagnetic tank.