How to join the alliance?

 What shocked these Lenino people even more was that these planetary fortresses were completely moved from other star fields and may have traveled hundreds of light years.

 "A hundred light years is such a long distance."

 "It would be great if we had technology like this."

 With this dream in mind, one of the white-haired orangutans plucked up the courage to ask a human diplomat about the price of warp technology. In the list they obtained, they did not see the corresponding information.

 "Oh, it's like this... Warp technology is the core technology of level four civilization. Generally speaking, you have to use equivalent technology to exchange." The young human receptionist said very politely.

 "Then what level of civilization are we at now?"

 "Your civilization should generally be considered a first-level civilization, and some of its technologies are already at the level of a second-level civilization."

 The young man briefly introduced the division of civilization levels.

 These Lenino people were suddenly speechless. The gap between the two sides was so huge...

 Aoun, the great nobleman of the Lenino civilization, had deep doubts in his mind. If it was their civilization, it would be impossible to be so polite to the lower-level natives... Well, in the end, it can only be attributed to the differences between the two sides. Culture is very different.

 "What do you think? Should we...stop those military productions?" He asked a nearby staff officer.

 According to the current situation, there seems to be no point in producing more spaceships, and the plutocrats who are responsible for building spacecraft deliberately set the price very high, which makes them rich. If we could stop weapons manufacturing, we would undoubtedly save a lot of money.

 This elderly staff officer is very old and has witnessed many ups and downs. Members of the family all respect this old man.

 But at this moment, even this well-informed staff officer was speechless, because all the scenes were completely beyond his imagination.

 "Sir, the gap between us... is really indescribable. But I feel that if you can come back alive, you will be the first heir in the family. Even if you don't have any merit, you will still be so."

 "As for military production, part of it can be cut off, but most of it must continue. This part of the military is not for external use, but for internal use! If this alien civilization really leaves in the future, we must control enough military force to avoid military conflict."

 Aoun soon felt great joy in his heart.

 Yes, this experience is enough, this is political wealth!

 Since this powerful alien civilization has shown goodwill, after returning, their group will have greater political capital and can easily obtain further benefits...

 This time the big adventure was a success!

 In the following time, these Lenino people visited some of the Kyushu's infrastructure, alliance schools and interstellar trading venues. Along the way, they were so surprised that they couldn't bear to blink, for fear that they would miss it in just a moment. some content.

 Advanced, everything was advanced, they couldn't describe it, a machine the size of a mountain.

 Moreover, this civilization is extremely fair from the institutional level, so fair that it is difficult for these wealthy plutocratic nobles to imagine...

 Some literary workers could not help but shed bitter tears when they thought of their treatment in the Lenino civilization.

 "What's wrong? What happened?" The human diplomat found that a small number of white-haired orangutans were emotional and thought that something was wrong, so he asked quickly.

 "Nothing, nothing!" These literary workers said in fear when they saw some chaebol leaders staring at them.

 They also know that family scandals should not be made public. If they complain to aliens here, they might mysteriously disappear when they return!

 This is definitely not impossible!

 It's just a pity that their world is monopolized by capital, and they don't even have the right to sign their works... This kind of unfair treatment is also the main reason why these literary works cry bitterly.

 Seeing that none of them spoke, the human diplomat could only shake his head and stop meddling in other people's business.

 The group of people continued to move forward...

 In the interstellar trading market, these Lenino people saw at least 3 different intelligent species!

 One is a relatively normal species, which is the new human civilization that is mainly responsible for hosting them.

 The other two are even stranger. One species can rotate its head at high speed, just like a motor. In the trading market, it sells some high-tech products, and then claps and wiggles its butt at every turn; the other species is like a reptile. , has scales on its body, seems to be selling stone handicrafts, and occasionally sings and dances. It still looks like a rather backward civilization?

 I don't know what this indigenous civilization is here for.

 Could it be that the special hobby of an interstellar civilization is collecting stone handicrafts?

 After visiting here, some Lenino people have already started to think about it. If even the most primitive indigenous people can join this alliance, why can't they?

 Maybe they can join this dream-like alliance and reach the sky in one step?

 Thinking of this, Aoun stepped forward and carefully observed the stone spear sold by a pangolin.

 This spear was definitely made from a stone picked up from the ground and then polished. The price is not low, a full 300 federal coins.

 The Lenino people also have some federal coins, but they cannot use them at will. Their federal coins are all redeemed with points. One point is almost 10 federal coins. Only a devil would buy it for 300 federal coins!

 Of course, Lenino people can only buy supplies, but cannot sell them at will. Selling things here requires approval from the alliance government, and you also need to pay taxes. It does not mean that any civilization can open a shop here, and even if you open a shop, you must have goods and people will buy them in order to make money.

 The high-tech products in this trading market are not open to the Lenino people. What is currently on display are basically cultural and entertainment products. But even so, it was an eye-opener for them, and it was quite interesting for them to experience alien culture.

 "Forgive me for asking, how can our civilization... join the alliance?" Aoun mustered up his courage and finally asked the diplomat leading the way.

 When he asked this question, almost all the Lenino people stretched their necks. Even though they were currently communicating with headphones, when faced with this question, they seemed to be able to listen if they stretched their necks. Gotta be clearer in general.

 "Oh, that's it. First of all, our alliance has its own purpose..."

 The diplomat was stunned for a moment and said: "The so-called Galactic Progressive Alliance, where various civilizations come together, is naturally for better progress. If your civilization can bring progress in an overall sense after joining, then the alliance government The probability of passing the review will be very high."

 "If not, the probability of passing will be very low. So if your civilization wants to join the alliance, it needs to undergo a comprehensive inspection."

 Of course, this statement is only a very general explanation, and there are a lot of details, including what is progress, what is regression, what is the civilization of the fallen, etc. These concepts have very precise definitions, and many are calculated using mathematical formulas.

 "So, what about them?" Aoun's eyes looked at the pangolins who were selling handicrafts. "With all due respect, they don't seem to be a very developed civilization..."

 "Whether it is developed or not is not important to us. After joining the alliance, it is easy to make up for the corresponding shortcomings. What we care more about is the spiritual quality and cultural values ​​of the entire civilization."

 "The Gliese civilization is a race that is good at mathematics. Those who sell goods in the mall are just a small number of people without professional skills. They are willing to spend their energy to create income for the civilization. They are worthy of admiration."