Jack's Old Life

"Jack are you going to get ready for class today?". I heard a female voice say to me that was quite calming as I laid in my bed and was staring at the ceiling.

"Yes mother I will be getting ready just give me a little bit of time". I said quickly to her in a respectful tone.

I set up and got in my wheelchair so that I could move around. It never truly bugged me that I was unable to walk on my two feet like everyone else. I actually used this disadvantage to motivate myself so that I would look past it and become a better person than the average male of my age.

The room that I lived in was a simple square room with white paint on the walls. I had a variety of different anime posters on the wall as well as some anime figures on on a table that was to the left of my bed.

The only other thing that I had in my room was a HP Omen desktop computer and a Xbox One that I used for both my gaming as well as managing a YouTube channel that I ran when I was not at school on which I did all kinds of crazy gaming challenges to prove to others that I was better than most gamers out there of my age.

By then looked in my closet and grabbed a red t-shirt and a pair of jeans and after I put them on before I had to leave the room so that I could get breakfast before I had to go to class today.

As I rolled out of the room I felt ready to take on another day.

"Hello Jack is there something that you need for me to get for you?" My mother said as I rolled out of my room and through the hallway of our house.

"Honey remember Jack is very independent let him do things himself he will not learn if you baby him forever". A deep male voice said to her as he looked up at me from his newspaper with a look of seriousness in his eyes.

"Well eat your food before it gets cold". My mother said as she placed a plate that had two fried eggs, three strips of bacon, and two pieces of toast on it.

I rolled over to the area of the table that was reserved without a chair for me to sit in and began to eat the food that was in front of me as if I was in the middle of an eating contest since I knew that my brother would try to steal most of my food if I did not eat it as soon as possible.

"Well it seems that Jack has beaten me to showing up first for breakfast". My younger brother Tim said as he made his way to the one vacant chair that was in between my location and my father's on the opposing side of the table.

Tim was quite tall in height he had on a suit and tie which looked quite well on him and made him look as though he was about to run a business or possibly go to a very important board meeting at some point today even though he was only seventeen years old.

Tim was always arguing with me and trying to belittle me which frustrated me because life was already difficult for me as a disabled person; but I did not want that to slow Me down on my goals that I had set for today.

Today was going to be our last day of class and after that I was going to be staying at home to work on my YouTube channel since it had been growing at an alarming rate in popularity for the last five months.

"That food was quite delicious mother. You have done amazingly as always." I said as I grabbed the empty plate and put my silverware on it before rolling it over to the sink.

"No Jack remember that you as the eldest have the most responsibility out of the two of you, and I will not have my eldest son bring any kind of disrespect to this family name; after all you are a Ritheon. Always remember that that name has demanded respect from everyone since the first of our bloodline landed in America over 300 years ago to escape from the Irish King."

"Yes Father I will remember all of that on this day". I said to my father respectfully even though I truly did not care about my family name which is why I wanted to focus mostly on my YouTube work after school because that was going to be my ticket out of this house to my life of Independence and freedom.

"Also remember Jack that you are in charge while we are gone today we are going to be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary tonight; so you know the rules of the house when we leave." My mother said as I began to walk out of the door.

I knew that it was going to be a very interesting day since I finally would have some peace and quiet due to my parents being away for the night when I got home for the first time in quite a while.

When the bus came by I waited for the handicap part to activates that I could get on in my wheelchair. After I had made it to the bus I was positioned in a locked section that was reserved for disabled people right behind the bus driver.

It was not very long until my best friend named eric came and set in the seat behind me since nobody wanted to sit behind a crippled person no one had ever taken that seat before I got there everyday.

Eric was a little overweight which made him not very popular at school; but I did not care I found his company quite interesting because he was a very creative person since he spent all of his spare time designing art on a sketch pad which I found quite interesting.

"So Jack do you want to see one of the pieces of art that I was working on last night?"he asked me with a large amount of passion in his eyes.

"Sure Eric I always enjoy your art especially the fantasy art that you make of dwarves and elves". I said to him as he pulled out his sketch pad and opened it.

When he handed it to me I took a good look at what he had drawn which amazed me because of the level of detail that he had created on this piece of art.

He had created an image of a dwarf that was wearing heavy armor welding a great sword that had magic runes on it in one hand and he held the head of a dragon in the opposite hand.

As I was lost in the amazement of his art Eric tapped me on the shoulder. "Well what do you think Jack I truly find this to be one of my better types of fantasy art".

"Yes I do enjoy the detail and the level of description that you have given to every small detail on this work of art you have definitely improved dramatically over the last year". I told him as I closed the sketch pad and gave it back to him.

"So now that you have seen what I have been working on did you finally send out the letter showing a link to your YouTube channel to see if you could register for beta testing for any of the top gaming companies?" He asked me when he took the sketch pad back.

"Yes I have sent out a request letter with my link to EA games, blizzard entertainment, Microsoft studios, as well as Nintendo. I truly hope that at least one of them except my request so that I can start my career as a beta tester". I said happily to Eric.

When the bus made it to the school I was the first one let out and I waited for Eric so that we could walk into school together. After he got off the bus I allowed him to push my wheelchair at least until we made it to his first class where he had a final today which was Spanish.

I then rolled my way down the hallway to calculus which was my first final. Even though I enjoyed the class I did not like the teacher that much because Miss Katie always was really bad at describing math in a way that I would understand it; despite this fact I still kept a 3.5 GPA and all of my classes up to this point.

It took me about an hour or two take this class and after that I went into my physics class with Mr Jones which I was quite sad that this class was ending because I enjoyed every moment of it.

I was able to finish all of my finals by about 2:30 in the afternoon so I waited for the bus to show up at 3:00. When it did I got on it and went back home; but I was not able to discuss anything with Eric this time since his family usually picked him up after school and drove him home themselves.

As I made it home I saw that Tim came up in his car shortly after I got home but he was not alone he had all of his friends with him as he started to enter the house.

"Tim you know mother's rule while they are gone we are not to have any guests here without their permission". I said as I blocked his way into the house with my wheelchair because I was getting tired of my younger brother's schemes against our parents.

"Oh come on Jack you need to relax a little bit more because this is just a one-time thing while they are not here. You should even find yourself a girl or something to bring home have a fun time while they're in here". Tim said as he stood in the doorway waiting for me to move.

"Isn't that the same thing that you said when it came time for you to try weed for the first time two years ago while they were on a vacation for a week despite the fact that it is still illegal in this state for any use at all?" I asked him so that he knew that I was always paying attention to what he had said throughout the years; and that I was not a moron like he thought I was.

"Come on Jack nothing went wrong last time; what could possibly go wrong this time". He said is he kept trying to get past me.

"Just do not expect me to side with you if mother and father find out about this since I already warned you. You know exactly how father will react when he finds out that you broke one of his and mother's rules while they were not present". I said as I backed away from the door and rolled back into my room.

Then when I made it into my room I closed the door and locked it behind me because I did not want to get interrupted by my brother and all of his shenanigans while I was working.

I powered up my Xbox and my computer so that I could check to see if any progress had been made with the growth of my YouTube channel. When I checked it I saw that my subscription number had risen to a thousand which made me happy because that meant that I was doing something right.

After checking that I started to stream and record myself doing a large variety of different crazy gaming challenges until later in the night.

As I finished streaming I went to the kitchen to grab some of the steak that mother had left in the fridge; but I noticed that the house was a mess due to Tim's social gathering and the recklessness that usually came from it.

I avoided all of the disaster the best of my ability on my way to the fridge so that mother and father would see all that he had fiddled with while they were gone.

As I started to open the fridge I heard a ringing of the doorbell and I closed it as soon as I heard it and made my way over to the door to answer whoever it was that found it important enough to bug us this late at night.

"Is this the residence of Jack and Tim Ritheon?" To police officers said as I opened the front door.

"Yes it is I am Jack; is something wrong officers?". I asked them

"I am sorry son but we are here to inform you that both of your parents were killed by a drunk driver while they were on the road tonight". Do the cop said as they look down at me out of sadness.

I suddenly started to cry because I knew that these policemen were telling the truth which made me quite sad.

"Where is your younger brother Tim?" They asked me.

"Let me get him and you can tell him the news officers if you don't mind waiting on the porch for him since he is most likely asleep". I told them as I close the door and rolled my way around the house to his room which was on the opposing side of the hallway the mine was on.

"What do you want Jack?" He asked as he was mostly naked except a set of underwear and a t-shirt that he was wearing when he opened the door.

"Tim you need to get dressed we have something very important to discuss it's about mother and father; and this is nothing that you can just worm your way out of as the eldest is my responsibility to make sure that you know this". I told him with a straight look on my face so that he knew I was serious with every word that I had just said to him.

If you close the door and came out shortly after dressed in a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

When he got out I bought him to the door and the policeman explained everything to him which caused him to break down on his knees which surprised me because I honestly thought he hated mother and father; but I suppose even dicks like him have a heart somewhere inside.

After the policeman had finished telling us everything they left and I had to arrange the funerals for our parents as the oldest which I knew was going to make our world turn upside down.

Would I be able to survive under this new pressure as the person who has all the responsibilities of taking care of Tim for at least another year or would it cause my life to fall apart and make me lose every ounce of sanity that I had left only time would be able to tell me that.