Undead Origin

"now that I have given you what you wanted I hope that you will fulfill your end of the agreed bargain that we made three months ago." I said to the supposed guru that turned into an undead as he took off the necklace that was around his neck since we were alone in his restricted section of the city.

"I believe that I will fulfill this agreement at a later date; but if you ask about it again I will alter the deal so that I will end up as the more profitable individual out of the two of us". He said to me as he looked into my eyes and as I look back at him I saw nothing but an empty void with a giant Red dot in the center that was seeping out waves of hatred and rage.

"Then if you cannot do that right now will you at least explain something about yourself to me. I have an odd feeling that you have a similar origin as my husband did as if you do not belong in this world. If you don't mind me saying that". I said as I slowly backed away because I did not know how he was going to act to what I just told him.

"Well truthfully I assumed that your husband must have told you about what made him different than other orcs that were inhabiting this world besides being the commander of the entire species". He said to me as he sat down in one of the chairs that was around a circular table in the center of the room.

"Well if you ask me I had always suspected that he was possibly from another world or era; but I never knew the truth since he had never told me". I said as I sat down in the chair that was across the table from him.

"Well if you want to know the truth I can tell you most of what you want to know as well as how I have something to do with it as well". He said is he placed the bones of his hands on top of the table.

"I guess this would be the only way to learn the truth about my husband's origins". I said to the undead man in front of me.

"All right the first thing I'm going to do is explain to you about something called The Reincarnation Protocol. The reason I know about this is because of the fact that I am also from the same world as your husband. When we died our souls were spared due to the twisted intentions that we had so we were given the opportunity to reincarnate into this current world.

The AIS that had selected us gave us the freedom of choice to choose a large variety of different options on what we would become." He said to me.

"Well that would explain a few things like The shard that was on my husband's head." I said as I began to think about all of the different things that made my husband stand out compared to most works. Was it because of the fact that he was from another world that he had all thesr extra advantages that the other orc men did not have.

I chose to listen to the rest of the story without interrupting him so that I would get the full in-depth explanation that I was waiting for quite some time.

"Now I will explain to you how I came into this world and why I chose to be an undead rather than be among the living once again.

It starts in a different world that is much unlike this one where we have flying cars, we have advanced AIs; and we also have the ability to teleport anywhere with our advanced warp technology".


I could hear the intense sounds of traffic in the air above me. Every time that I heard all of the flying cars running by I truly did not enjoy what life had thrown at me.

The reason I did not enjoy my previous life was because of the fact that I had lost everything that I owned in a fire over two years ago. Ever since that day I started to spiral down until I ran out of money and ended up becoming a hobo after losing my job.

The year was 3845. In this environment people were no longer kind-hearted and willing to help those in need. Everyone was always in a rush to just go and fulfill their job quota for the day that was offered by The Father.

The Father was a mysterious being who ruled over the world and from time to time drones would come around and relay his messages to us all.

He had absolute authority and everyone either worshiped him or feared him. It was due to this blind devotion or fear that they all had towards The Father that ended up leading them to abandoning all basic human principles in a way to dedicate more time towards their devotion.

Despite all of this blind devotion I had found an unlikely friend who was also a hobo with me. Her name was Ashley. She never told me what her last name was since I'm assuming she had no more family ties remaining as a hobo in this era.

'so Jason; do you have any kind of regrets from your life when you were not a hobo?" She asked me with a smile on her face.

Even though I did not want to answer her and ignore it just like I would everyone else who asked me any kind of question I was somehow compelled and persuaded to inform her about my previous phase in life.

"The only thing that I truly regret is not being able to save my brother from dying of the black virus". I said to her in response to her question.

After that conversation started I ended up having more in-depth conversations with her about my past as well as what I would do if I ever became employed again.

Just as you would think all good things have to come to an end. It was not very long until some of the ground gangs started harassing us and forcing us to pay protection money since we were sleeping in their alleyways.

"Come on I know that you have got some kind of item that you have been begging people for". One of the men that wore a cheaply put together three piece business suit that was colored entirely black.

"How can I have anything for you if I am homeless. I do not have any kind of valuables that you will want from me". She said to the thug that was pinning her to the alleyway wall.

"Well if you can't help us with valuables then perhaps we will sell your body parts to the highest bidder. After all they will pay almost a thousand credits per body part when you give it to them so that they can use it for research". One of the men said as he grabbed her and started to carry her away.

I knew that I did not want to lose my closest friend so I did what any sensible person would do and I rushed at them trying to fight back with every ounce of strength that I had in my body.

This attempt was quickly met with the blade of a knife carried by one of these smaller men who thrust into my chest five or six times and I started to bleed out and die due to the insane amounts of blood loss.

When I knew that I was going to die I started to see a black light around me and I also saw a dark red AI in the light.

"You have been chosen as a candidate for The Reincarnation Protocol. I am here to fulfill your desires on this new life that you have been offered what do you want to become in this new life you have been offered?" The red AI asked me.

"I want to be reborn as something that does not need food, or feels pain; or is infected by disease that way I can focus on my goals without any major obstacles getting in my way.

"That means that you want to be an undead skeleton. The next option is what kind of Undead skeleton do you want to be in this new life". The red AI said to me waiting for my response.

I began to think about the different things I would want to achieve in this life. I know that I want to have the ability to master death and control what is either alive or not alive so that those who are important to me will no longer die.

"I want to have control over both the living and the undead". I told the AI.

"Then as an undead you will have specialization over necromancy as well as blood magic.

The final thing that I will need you to do is to choose what you want me to become in this world so that I can help fulfill your desires since that is the reason I was created".

"Then I want you to be a staff for me with a crystal ball on top that has the ability to see into the world around me with great depth". I said as I did my best to tell the AI what I wanted but this new life I had been offered.

"Okay then I will be as you request.

The final thing that I need to tell you is that there are four heroes that will be in this world at a time to stop you as well as up to three other villains that could possibly assist you in your endeavors". The AI told me as they vanished from my sight.

I noticed that I was in a dead forest and the only thing around me was a variety of Undead creatures were the only thing that I could see clearly was their bones.

With this new opportunity that I had been given I knew that I would master the art of the undead as well as the lives of all the living. It did not matter who stood in my way I would succeed without any failing of any kind since the normal limitations of being a human or no longer here to stop me.