The Best Deer Meat Around

The room began to heat up and shards of glass shattered around me when I cord in a red substance into one of the central vials that was on my chemical mixture table.

I then ran out of the room and into the room of the shop of my new master wow the concoction was blowing up to save myself from injury.

"Damn it I can't get it right! I honestly thought it was going to be as easy as when I made potions in the past but using blood as a catalyst to enhance my potions is becoming a very taunting task." I said as I pounded the ground out of frustration.

"Well I guess you now see why I did not want just anyone learning my trade of potion enhancement." My master said to me as he walked up to me and offered his right hand so that I can get back on my feet

"Even though I am frustrated I will not give up after all I was one of the brightest minds from where I was originally born. In the end it just means that avenue that I took did not work and then I must try another one to get the result I am after". I told him as I Rose to my feet and started to turn my back to him so that he knew that I was going to go right back to work.

"Most of our people believe that our blood that we collect can only be used for combat enhancement to either enhance their weapons or to drink so that they can use it to enhance their bodies which shows their stubbornness and inability to adapt to new possibilities". He said to me as I entered back into my lab.

When I made it into my lab I opened a drawer that was under my experimental table and used a pen to blackout another line on my page that reads: percentage of blood required to enhance potions.

"That means that I have only three more percentages left to use for the appropriate mixtures".

I then started to mix the potion together by crushing up some white rose petals with a blue liquid that when mixed together made a light blue mixture. Then I took a vial of blood elf blood and this time I only put in twenty percent of it inside of the vile.

This time the mixture did not explode it suddenly changed to a light purple color and glowed brighter than any potion that I had made had ever glowed before.

I waited a while just to make sure there was not going to be any delayed explosion and after about five minutes I turned around and left the room so that I could tell my master about my success.

"Master I have done it I have finally found the perfect amount of blood elf blood ti include in the mixture for it to remain stable".

"Then let me go and look at it so that I can see the results for myself. If you have succeeded then I will take my teaching with you to the next level after we grab something to eat from the food district of the city. I was told that today's specialty is going to be slowly roasted venison". My master said to me as he smiled from ear to ear showing that he was excited about the special for today.

I followed him to my experimental table where I saw him pick up the vial and examin it a few times before placing it back down and looking at me.

He then smiled and not his head up and down out of approval of what I had done. "I knew that I had made the right decision in teaching you and this is proof since you are the first blood elf to ever succeed in the basics of my special use of our blood".

I walked out of his store and he followed me back to the main road.

This section of the city was quite lively unlike the area reserved for alchemy research and other forms of science. This section was full of life and I felt as though I was back on Earth again due to the hustle and continuous movement of everyone around me.

After I had gotten my mind out of that state that was causing me to think about my past life my new blood elf body started to move on its own towards the amazing smell of the Vinson meat as if it was being guided by past habits.

"It has been almost a year since I last had Vinson meat since it is only available during fall time". My master said as he got in line behind me.

I nodded in agreement to what he said so that he would think that I had always been a member of his race and also since I did not know if I could trust him enough yet to reveal the truth of my origin into this world.

I got my portion of the food that was prepared for me on a plate when I made it to the place where they were cooking and preparing the meat. then I made my way to an open table where no one was sitting since I preferred to either eat alone or only around those that I truly knew and trusted.

After I sat down my Master's sit across from me and offered his hands to me palms up and my body started to react on its own again.

My hands were over his and then he looked up at the sky and said. "We think Borvenda allowing us to slay this deer so that we can eat it's meat after another day of hard work".

I guess that the blood elves are religious but they do not seem as religious as the high elves or the mysterious sun elves that people only see on the rarest occasion. If I was to make this place my home I would have to get used to these religious customs of theirs.

I grabbed the piece of meat and ate it and my body began to get a shiver of excitement and relief to finally have this food once again even though to me it was the first time I had ever had it.

The meat had a variety of red peppers on it and it also hand something that tasted almost like vinegar lightly drenched over it which amazed my taste buds.

After the first bite almost scarfed it down and finished the whole steak in a matter of a few minutes without caring what others would say or how they would look at me because of the fact that this was the best meat that I had had since I had reincarnated.

"Man you were right this is definitely worth the intense nine month weight that we have to go through every year to have it available to us". I said with a tone of satisfaction behind every word as I finished off the meat.

"I could not disagree with you at all it is always definitely worth the wait.

Now that I am done with eating the meat we can go back to the lab so that I can show you the next step of your training". My teacher said to me.

My master raised his plate in the air and a monkey spirit came from one of the baron trees around us and took the plate from him. So I did the same exact thing that he did to maintain my cover no matter how much it did not make sense to me.

I've been ose from the table we were sitting at and made my way back to the lab with excitement behind every step because I knew that I was going to learn something new that would help improve my potion making and thus also improve my livelihood as an alchemist and scientist.