Rewards for Heroic Deeds

"now since it has been five months since I named you as my fourth son I want to offer you another reward because by simply making you my last son to inherit the throne it does not seem as though I have done enough for you to compensate you in whatever way I can." King Austroon said to me as I kneeled at him when he was on a Black throne and there were two smaller thrones on both of his sides. To his right is where the queen set silently observing everything without uttering a word.

To his left was a throne that was actually empty when I entered the room.

"King Austroon; I have been given enough conversation for my services to you and your house. If you give me much more I will have to do another great deed to balance out with you because I do not like owing anyone any favors of any kind no matter who they might be". I said as I was kneeling on my right knee and bowed down with my body at a ninety degree angle.

"Rise up to your feet my youngest son. I will not tolerate you looking down upon me since you were able to achieve something that no dwarf was ever able to do before.

Orcs are a very war oriented people and they usually win most of their fights that they are involved in.

You and your friends did not just defeat Commander Zog and obliterate his body you also caused his wife to flee from the battle and we have not heard from or seen her in the five months of peace that we have had. I do believe that those achievements demand more than just a title". I heard him say before he rose to his feet and got off the throne.

"Okay if you are going to demand that I receive something then I would like only one thing for now". I said as I stood up and looked him directly in the eyes so that he knew that I was serious with every word that was about to leave my lips.

He had an Aura around him that I had never felt before.

I could sense the stare of a man who did everything with the utmost conviction and seriousness behind every action.

"The truth is if I could have anything I actually would want to have myself a personal trainer to help improve my proficiency and the use of both rune magic as well as the greatsword."I said to him as I maintained my focus on his eyes without moving them to their side.

"All right then I will personally instruct you in the use of our rune magic. After I believe that you have had sufficient training to understand how it works and the many ways to apply it both on and off the battlefield then I will find you an instructor for your sword play". The king said to me as he offered his right hand so that I could shake it to confirm the deal.

After I shook his hand he made it back to his throne and asked for the next person to enter into his Chambers so that they may also receive the reward.

Then I saw the door open as I stepped to my left side and joined a group of nobles and royal household members by standing next to Binyail.

As soon as the door opened I saw that Robert and Aleecia both entered the room.

Whenever they made it within a few feet of King Austroon they both bound to show respect even though he was not their King.

"Oh great Austroon king of the dwarves and slayer of the goblin lords thirty years ago". They both said in unison.

I noticed that Robert was wearing a with a lab coat that was made out of a black material and a pair of black pants.

Aleecia had on a dark red dress that went all the way down to the floor. Her hair was tied into a knot and held together with black hair pins that were made out of metal.

"Since I have given something to Gilltrude foreign services now I want to give something to both of you". He said to both of them without moving from his throne.

"Well then if I may King Austroon; I would like to ask you if I could in access to knowledge on how you craft your rune magic? I know that if I had access to such knowledge I would be able to progress one of my personal goals a whole lot further". Robert said is he looked up at the king.

"That is blasphemy. Do you think us to be fools? We would have to be purely foolish to allow...." Binyail said to Robert as he stepped closer towards him.

"You will hold your tongue when talking to a hero of this world Binyail". And there king Austroon said as he interrupted Binyail which caused his third son to stop moving any closer to Robert.

"Well if you will not allow me to have that then I would like to have a dwarf Craftsman come work with me on my latest project in the human capital city of White Falls?"

"I will permit that request from you Dr. Robert The Imperial Alchemist of the human empire".

"I appreciate you allowing me to do this".

"Now that I have covered the alchemists reward then I want to know what your reward would be Aleecia; The Queen of Frost?"the king said in a much more respectful town as if he had much more respect for her than he did for Dr. Robert".

"The thing that I would like is to have the clearance to explore some reported ancient elven ruins within your territory?".

"Oh and why is that; might I ask?"the king asked as he set up and began to look more interested in her conversation.

"I am more than just a hero of the world I also made a living as an adventure before saving it from Commander Zog and his orc armies.

Also when I was reading up on the history of this world a lot of ancient elven ruins were only accessible by their elves or humans who possess really powerful magic.

So in the end as long as we get claim on all items found that are of value to either the humans or the elves then I will also return whatever items are found that belong to your people."

"That is a simple enough request to fulfill as long as you hold up your end of the bargain and heading over any Dwarven technology that you find I will allow you and your party to have clearance across the Dwarven border and gain access to the ruins that you speak of before anyone else".

"I am okay with those terms". She said that she bowed to him.

"Now let it be known that I King Austroon of the dwarfs have done anything within my power that would not compromise my people to reward those who have helped us in our time of urgent need". He said as he stood up and addressed everyone in the room.

It was followed by him walking out of the throne room through a side door and both his guards and the Queen followed him out of the room.

Everyone then started to shake my hand and thank me for what I had done for our people and as soon as they were done thinking me they started thinking Robert and Aleecia.

It did not take long for me to notice how annoyed they both were at everyone else just giving them the same answers when it came to thanking them as if they were just following a script instead of speaking from their hearts.

In order to catch up with them I rushed over to them and made up an excuse about us having to go do something urgently and I left the throne room with both of them and I headed towards my new room that I was allowed to stay in as part of my reward for my services to the dwarf royal household after I said goodbye to both of them.

The thought of learning how to appropriately use rune magic excited me as well as the fact that the king will be taking a persnal approach towards my training.