Reincarnation Protocol Origin

"hello there Rachel". The AI projection said to me which caused me to almost freeze and surprise since I thought no one other than the other Reincarnation Protocol candidates knew anything about my origin.

"How do you know my original human name". I said to the AI since I thought that there was no point in hiding anything since it already knew my original name.

"The truth is is that I know all about your former life. I know things like how you died, why you chose to die, and what your true deepest desire is in this new life".

"How is that possible how would you know all of these things about me?" I asked as I started to relax since the fact that he knew the truth about me started to sink in and I stopped getting stressed about it.

"I was created by one of the original people who came from Earth to this world. He has chosen all three of you for very specific reasons".

"Wait are you saying that it was not just by random year chance that we were chosen as candidates for The Reincarnation Protocol?"

"All will be revealed to you if you follow me. In the rooms around us I will be explaining to you all of the data that I have involving that topic". The AI said to me as it started to move down the hallway.

I followed him until he stopped at a doorway that was to the left of me and then he stopped moving.

"Why did you stop moving? Is there a reason why you can't go through that door?".

"The store can only be opened by either a founder; or a candidate of the protocol not by anyone else. So I need you to step up here and allow this device to scan your eyes".

"All right then; what do I have to lose".

I stepped up to the door and a blue beam of light scanned both my eyes; and as soon as that was done the door slid open.

As I walked into the room the lights turned on and I saw a bunch of computers against the rear wall. In the center of the room I saw a black table that had four screens on it that showed information and details about each of the candidates that were still alive and on one of them I saw a giant red x and it said deceased.

The screen of the deceased candidate showed all of the information about a human that lived in Detroit as a thief for the sake of his siblings and it stated that he was killed in a gang setup.

When he reincarnated he chose to be a hobbit thief that specialized in pickpocketing.

Then I checked on the information involving his death and saw that it said that he was killed during zogs invasion of the human imperial capital city of White Falls.

"How in the world did they know all of this information involving the four original candidates including the one candidate that is now deceased and I never got to meet him so even I didn't know anything about him?" I asked as I started to back out of the room in fear of what I might hear.

Then as soon as I started to make my way to the door my bat companion flew off of my shoulder and turned back into the AI form that I originally saw it in only a year and a half ago.

"The truth of the matter involving the Reincarnation protocol was that all of you were destined to die on the days that you did. If things had not turned out the way they did for you some other unfortunate event would have happened on those days it was predetermined by the original people who came here from Earth". My AI said to me trying to get me to come down.

"Wait who are these original people that you're talking about, and how did they come from Earth to this world? This is so confusing". I told them as I brace myself against the table since I thought that I was about to fall due to the shock of what I had just seen.

"I will explain all that I am able to involving why and how The Reincarnation Protocol was created". The AI that showed me this room said.

"All right let me sit down before you begin then since I sense that this may take some time to explain". I said as I looked around for a chair and found an office chair in front of one of the computer screens that I set in on the other side of the center table.

"All right our story begins in the year of 1998 A.D. in this year a group of scientists for an independent company we're working on a project to test a time travel theory that their founder had come up with only two years ago.

While they were working on their time travel theory a different corporation that was funded by the German government had been working on a very similar project involving teleporting items through a wormhole instead of working on time travel.

In their endeavors both of these companies had miscalculated something and there wormholes actually lead them to this other world that we are all in now.

Whenever they had stumbled on this world the founders of the independent research corporation chose to use their technology as a means to possibly help Earth in a way so that they could bring people over to this world.

The world around them was not technologically advanced even in the slightest so in order to keep the people of this world from freaking out and panicking they introduced them to medieval level technology since that was a very simplistic technology compared to the modernized technology that they had left behind on Earth.

It did not take long for the people of this world to divide into races and start fighting with the technology that they had been given.

During a great struggle the original civilization that was created with what this world calls elves was almost obliterated due to a demon invasion that was led by one of the workers from the government ran corporation.

In an attempt to stop them the humans from Earth teamed up with all of the other races that were known at the time to push the demons back into the netherrealm where they belonged.

After that was done they obliterated the base of operations for the private corporation and the demons swore revenge on the descendants of the founders of this world.

Now in modern times you have all come to ensure that the demons cannot attack again because if they are able to attack this world the founders feared that the government ran corporation would find a way to open a massive portal between this world and Earth.

If the villain succeed in doing this the world will become overrun with too many twisted individuals from Earth that the German corporation will allow to cross through the portal".

"So you are telling me that we were brought here to stop Zog, and whatever other villains might try to reincarnate to this world because it will lead to the total annihilation of this world as we know it". I said to him as I got out of the chair I'm back onto my feet.

"Yes and now that I have given you all of the information that I know involving the origin and intention of The Reincarnation Protocol; I wish to bestow upon you a gift. You are allowed to bring at least one person from Earth to this world of your choosing".

I had a look of surprise on my face because I honestly did not think that I was going to get to ever see anyone from Earth ever again.

"Then take me to the place where the reincarnation will happen so that I can make my choice on the way there". I said to him.

As I made my way out of the room my AI transformed itself back into its bat form and got on my right shoulder once again.

Who was it that I really wanted to help me on this journey that I had been given in this new world. I could get my cousin to come into this world, but at the same time I could also get my mother to come here and she would be of great help to me.

Other than the two of them I don't think anyone else close to me would be of any help in this world since my siblings are quite Young and ignorant about things; and they also would think that this is nothing but a joke.

The AI stopped moving and a door slid open as soon as I approached it after he phased straight through it.

This room also had a large amount of computers around it but this room was circular and computers were all around the edge of it. There were cabinets with different colored containers as well as glass tubes that contain different kinds of liquids.

In the center of the room there was a circular platform that looked like you were either supposed to walk on to it or someone was supposed to walk off of it. It had rails on the outside of it and a set of stairs leading from the platform to a few feet from the door which was behind me.

"All right I need you to grab the glass container that has black goo in it and put it here" he said to me as he pointed at an area in the center of the computer terminals that contained two circular openings as if something was supposed to be placed there.

I followed his instructions and found a glass tube that had black goo that seemed to move around as if it were alive inside of the tube.

Then I placed it in the first terminal opening that he had pointed at.

"Now what?" I asked him.

"Now you need to go to the computer that was to the left of that device and type in the name of the individual you wish to reincarnate into this world. After that you need to find a blue vial and put it in the other opening to ensure that they are reincarnated at this facility instead of one of the villain facilities".

I went to the computer and punched in the name Diana Roberts which was the name of my mother because I honestly thought that she was the best option for reincarnation.

After which I went looking for that blue vial like the AI said I should and put it in the other opening by the computer where I had punched in my mother's name.

As soon as I did that the computer started to power up at a much faster Pace than before and I could see that the platform in the center of the room started to light up with a blue energy which meant that my mother was about to come out of that portal and she would be totally surprised if not pissed for seeing me. I would have to deal with whatever she said to me when she first saw me because of the choice that I had made almost 2 years ago through killing myself by jumping off of the hospital rooftop building where my father had died of a heart attack.