Family Reunion

"now I understand that you are frustrated at her for what she chose to do after her father died, but that does not mean that you should just lunge at her and punch her in the face as soon as you see her". I said to Sarah as I stretched my right hand out and helped up my daughter.

"I guess you are right my aunt. If I want answers I can always get them at a later time". Sarah said as I saw her start to walk away from Rachel as if she did not even wanted to talk to her right now.

"Anyways how did you even get to this world from Earth?" I asked my daughter as I held her by both hands so she would know that I was there for her.

"Well as you know I chose to end my life and commit suicide as a result of what had happened to father, and my final phrase on Earth was that if reincarnation exists I helped my next life is more fruitful than this one.

It seems that fate has a sense of irony when it comes to things like this because when I died on Earth I was reborn in a new body but I was able to choose what race I was a member of as well as my role in society.

The AI that spared me said that I was chosen due to my level of creativity and I chose to be a moon elf ice wizard. My end goal in this new life is to achieve unparalleled knowledge as well as unmeasurable wealth of either valuable items or monetary value.

Now that I have met you and my cousin I have something that is an even higher value to me than money or knowledge. I now have a deep connection that has been restored after I thought that it had been lost".

"I'm glad that you have found yourself a new life that you seem to have enjoyed in this other world, but it is going to take some getting used to since this world feels totally different than Earth".

"All right can we just go I want to see what this world has to offer me; especially since I cannot go back to Earth and to the life that I had started to build for myself".Rachel said as I saw her starting to make her way towards the door.

"I'll wait before I go I would like to know one more thing involving these facilities?" I asked the AI that was still standing at the terminal and being silent and what was going on.

"Yes Aleecia; how may I be of service to one of the heroes that defeated Commander Zog in his attempt to conquer the world?"

"Would it be possible for me to bring one of the other heroes here so that he might be able to be rewarded as well as learn the truth for himself?".

"He can come and learn the truth for himself, but his reward will not be as strong as yours was since you were the one who originally found this place. I do apologize for the inconvenience but those were my instructions given to me by my creator". The AI said before he walked through the doorway out of the room.

I started to walk out of the room and continued to hold my daughter's hand as I was overwhelmed with waves of excitement as well as worry.

"Well my daughter since we are back together again I want to know about all of the things that you have done and accomplished in this new life you have been given". I said to her as we walked out of the room.

"Mother I chose to live my life as an adventurer so that I could make a name for myself as well as money. Then I met other candidates of The Reincarnation protocol and we formed an unlikely friendship. We used our different skills and items that we had obtained to overthrow Commander Zog when he was trying to unite the world under one banner.

Oh yeah he is the leader of the orc species, and he was trying to prove that orcs were the superior species of this world". She said to me as I saw her smile and jump up and down out of joy.

It felt as if part of my heart had finally grown back and that I had only lost one member of my family on that dreadful day.

"I am very proud of you Rachel; it makes me feel great when you tell me of all the things that you have achieved in this new life that you have been offered".

I saw Rachel put her hand in front of me and stop both me and Sarah when we had reached the end of the main hallway.

"All right before we get out of here I want to get our facts straight since I did not come to these ruins alone".

"Why would we need to get facts straight".

"Think about it Sarah, if she came here with other people they would want to know where we came from and also how we happen to get here to this ruins with her". I said to her with a small amount of disappointment behind every word since I thought that she should know the answer to that question.

"If anyone within my group of adventurers asks how I found or met you two; I will tell them that there was a portal to this location and that you are both members of my family.

I mean technically they are both true but we rewarded them so that they are arranged in a way that they can understand despite their general primitive knowledge in comparison to the knowledge that we all know from Earth".

"I will agree with this plan; I trust in you as my daughter and a full grown woman". I said to her as I started to cry tears of joy from both of my eyes.

"Mother why are you crying so much?"

"It's just amazing to see that you have grown into such a beautiful and mature woman in this other world. I know that I am very proud to be your mother and I will see all the results of the work that you have done over the time that you have been here".

"I am glad that you are proud of me. Now remember our story and do not get any of the facts wrong so that we can just simply leave these ruins and head to the elf City where I am the leader of a group of elfs, halflings, and humans for the most part."

I nodded my head after she spoke and followed her out of the scientific lab and was baffled by the statues that I had just stepped in front of.

Then I saw a group of different elves wearing battle armor and carrying a variety of different weapons as they were rushing at us.

"Aleecia where did you go, and who are these people?" A tall male elf asked her.

"I found nothing major except for a portal and I had called both of them here to the ruins. Just so you know they are my mother and cousin".

"Hi my name is Zileena; and as she said I am her mother". I said as I stepped up and bowed to him.

"I am her cousin as she had stated previously and I am called Syndra". My niece said ends she approached but did not bow or try to offer her hand for them to shake it as if she was still pissed off about what happened to Rachel back on Earth.

I was very glad at the fact that my daughter had made some very trustworthy friends and they seem to be a very nice group of people. In the end I will talk to her about everything that happened on that dreadful day when we have some time to outselves.