World travel Tool's

Li Fi calmed down and asked A yin " Senior when can we start finding the tools for Opening a connection to type world where brother is?"

A yin " The tool's we need for opening the connect to other world's are

Red Dragon Blood

Teeth of Space Type Beast

Bone of Deer Beast who has reached General Level of Cultivation

Time Sand"

A yin" These are the four thing's we need to opned a connection to other world's but since I don't know which world Li Fu is we can only try multiple times to get To Li Fu "

Li Fi heard the tool's required she felt that to get there they would he yo do a lot of work

A yin" The first tool we are goings to look for is Teeth of Space Beast "

Blue world

Li fu who was resting Looked ming who came with food

Li fu" Thanks "

Ming" Why thanks?, this isn't for you "

Li fu" So you can eat that much? "

He said looking at the food which was enough to feed Ming 3 Times

Ming started to eat food Infront of him without reservation making Li Fu drip saliva

Gulping his saliva Li Fu could only look at Ming eat away food Infront of him without a care in the world

Ming ate a small portion of food and after that he gave the remaining food to Li Fu

Ming " Here you how your food"

After saying this he left Li Fu alone who didn't understand what happened

Li Fu" did this guy ate my food?"

Li Fu said to himself but he stopped paying attention as he started to eat to recover his energy and Gain more points

Taking bite of the meat

[ Host ate a Deer Beast Gain 2 Points!]

Hearing this Li fu was surprised he didn't expect that the food was a Beast meat

Li Fu " Now that I look at it Ming only ate fish and drank water, did he use me as a ginny pig to test if the beast food was edible?"

Li Fu" so Should I tell him it's edible"

Thinking for a few minutes Li Fu gave up the thought of telling Ming because as long as I don't tell him he should give him more meat after all he should give me meat two or three Times before asking if there is any side effects

And he could also gain more points silently

Li Fu " I should not tell him if I went to ask or tell him about anything related to meat I might have to tell him how I know it's the food of beast's!"

Li Fu" So I should better put my mouth shut!"

Hello please vote one power stone at every 10 power stone I will update an extra chapter so please give power stone if you want to read chapter more early!