CHAPTER 8: Leave Me Alone.

Mae stomped into her house and slammed the door behind her. Tired and disheartened, her eyes darkened as she looked around the living room, breathing rapidly. She threw her bag on the couch, then pressed on her stomach when it rumbled.

She hadn't eaten anything since the beginning of dawn.

Mae walked into the kitchen, expecting to see a meal ready as usual. Instead, she saw her grandmother frantically trying to salvage the burnt food from the stove.

"What's going on, Grandma? Why does it smell like something's burning?" Mae choked, waving her hands to clear the atmosphere. She went around the countertop, inspecting inside the pots.

"I'm so sorry, Mae. I fell asleep whilst waiting for the Nian Gao Cake to steam for three hours and the food got burnt. I'll make you something else instead." Nana replied.

"You always mess things up. I can't believe you burnt the food again." A loud, high-pitched sound travelled up and out of her chest, mixed with frustration, guilt and anger. She forcefully kicked the kitchen cabinet.

Her sightless eyes broadened in surprise, "I know, Mae. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. What would you like instead? I can make some toast or eggs quickly." Nana replied calmly.

"I don't want anything you make. I'll just have cereal instead. You always ruin everything." Mae ran her hand through her hair, further disheveling it.

"Okay, Mae. I understand. I'll make sure to set the timer properly next time. And I'll make sure the cereal is fresh and ready for you." said Nana, as she used one hand to feel the utensils in the kitchen, with her white cane in the other hand, guiding her path.

"Whatever. Just don't mess things up again." Mae flicked her tongue, walking out of the kitchen.

Her Grandmother gulped, feeling uneasy with the new display of character. Her blind eyes widened in awkward confusion. She surveyed through the countertop for the heated jug but the splash of hot water that escaped when she jerked her hands away from the heated jug landed on her arm.

"Ouch!" She quickly ran cold water on her skin.

"What is going on with her? Is it the time of the month or there is something actually wrong with Mae? Hmm.. I can sense strange but familiar energy around her. What she carries is too mighty and beyond her control. I must have a word with her" Nana pondered as she prepared dinner for her granddaughter.

Nana walked to Mae's room, scanning for obstacles in her way with her white cane as she held the bowl of cereal on the other hand.

She knocked on the door, communicating in an endearing tone "Mae sweetie, the cereal is ready".

She waited for a response but Mae wasn't answering her.

"Mae honey, your food is here" She knocked on the door again.

"The door is open Grandma... You know, you don't have to bang so hard on my door, old lady. Do you even have basic health insurance to fix my eardrums when they get damaged? Just come in already!" she wrinkled her face, rolling over on the bed to sit up.

Nana's ears pound, increasing blood flow with elevated pulse. Her shaking hands clenched, with her teeth gritting. She gulped saliva down her dehydrated throat. Exhaling a breath of alleviation, she turned the doorknob gently.

She walked delicately with the bowl of cereal in her hand when she tripped over a rug at the door entrance. She regained her balance with the food flying over the room and landing on the floor with little splashes of oat bran on the walls and some sticking on Mae's face.

Mae boiled inside, clenching her fist and jaw. " GET OUT OF MY ROOM. GET OUT!!!" She pushed Nana outside and slammed the door in her face.

"Open this door immediately!" Nana bashed her palm on the door.

"Mae Gia Li!" I'm talking to you. Open this door now young lady!" she persistently knocked on the door, fuming.

"Leave me alone!" Mae's voice trembled as teardrops swelled in her little eyes, before flowing down her face.

She fell to her knees, squeezing and pounding on her heart as she sobs with her throat constricted with air.

"Mae honey, please open the door" Nana could no longer stop herself from doing the same. The tears she was trying so hard to hold back finally rolled down her cheeks as she sobs with her dearest granddaughter.

Shortly, Mae got up and walked to the door. She sniffs in, wiping the tears in her eyes and then twisted the doorknob to see her grandmother sitting on the floor with tears flowing from her eyes.

She bent down "Why are you crying Nana?" she asked, wiping Nana's tears with her hands.

Nana raised her head and rushed into Mae's arms, the sound of her weeping muffled in Mae's dress. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I couldn't measure up to your expectation" she cried out with a cracked voice.

Mae hugged Nana tightly, shedding tears in her gray hair "No Nana, I'm the one to apologize to you. I am sorry I couldn't be the best granddaughter for you. I've tried so much.. So much... It feels like I'm living a cursed life. Ev-everyone in school despises me. You-you did nothing Nana, I'm the one to blame. I should be up early in the morning, preparing breakfast for you. I should come home, asking you what you'd like to eat before going to bed. I'm really sorry for being so insolent. My obnoxious character made you to cry Nana. I'm really sorry. I-I don't k-know where I went wrong. I-I I am a monster grandma. I should never have been born---"

Nana quickly covered Mae's mouth, interrupting "Don't say that child, you were born for a reason" Her visionless pupils dilate as she listened closely to Mae Li's heartbeat, imagining what terror her granddaughter may have passed through.

"B-but but.." Nana felt her warm breath as she mumbled in her palm.

She smooched her hands through Mae's face, wiping away her tears. "Do not cry my child. I understand how you feel. With time everything will fall in place"

"B-but Nana, how can I show my face in school again? Everybody is afraid of me now. They call me a monster grandma. Th-they said I'm a hideous freak with purple eyes....".

Nana gasped "What... P-purple eyes?" She held Mae Li's face, dilating her pupils, wishing she could see her dearest granddaughter right now "H-how did it happen? Have you been seeing things in your sleep?" Nana was curious.

"Ye-yes Nana. How did you know" Mae eagerly held onto Nana's shoulders.

Then Nana let out a sly smile "It found you my child, the Amethyst got its way back to you!" Nana exclaimed.

"Was it the Amethyst that threw Saleem off that locker in school today?" Mae wondered.

Looking at her grandmother in the eyes, she said "Nana, I can't keep this stone, I think it's inside me. My eyes took the color of the Amethyst. I don't know what else it would do to me. How can I get rid of it? It's too dangerous Nana. I'm scared... I'm scared Nana." Mae burst into tears, holding Nana closely.

"Yes child, I understand how you feel. The stone is very dangerous but comes with great powers. It's only a matter of time for you to adjust and learn how to control it inside of you. Don't let your emotions get the best of you. You can do this Mae, I believe in you" Nana said, pointing to Mae's chest.

"B-but but..." Mae stuttered.

A sound came from the kitchen. Nana had heard drawers shutting. Someone had broken into the house.

"Shh..." she held her index finger across her withered lips.

Mae held her breath, covering her mouth with both hands as they listened again. They heard the floorboards creaking, followed by stealthy footsteps and rattles.

Nana got up calmly signaling Mae to get hold of a boom at the corridor. She tiptoed to the kitchen with Mae guiding her path quietly.

His ears twitched when he heard them coming his way. He scrambled over the counter, hiding with his hands covering his mouth as he held his breath thereafter.

Mae scrutinized the kitchen with her eyes, checking the cabinets in the kitchen "Nothing here Nana" she said, exhaling in relief.

"I sense strange energy here"

His ears twitched when he heard Nana's thought.

She walked directly to the counter, surveying for obstructions. Then she held up her white cane to hit his head when he got up suddenly, grabbing the stick in her hand.

"Liang Fang?" Mae gasped, dropping the broom in her hand.