CHAPTER 20: Lucid Dream.

Liang carried Mae carefully into her cabin, her body heavy with the weight of the water that clung to her clothes. She was shivering with cold, her skin clammy to touch, and her eyes were closed as if in pain and exhaustion. She felt weak and dizzy from the adrenaline that was still coursing through her veins. Liang could see the strain etched across her face, the lines of worry and fear that had taken hold during her encounter with the sharks.

Liang laid her down gently on the bed, trying not to jostle her too much. Mae's skin was pale and damp, and her breathing was shallow.

He could feel his heart racing with fear and concern for Mae's well-being. Initially, he wanted alone time with her to get the Amethyst but why is his mind drifting far?

Liang couldn't help but notice how delicate and fragile Mae looked at that moment. She was always so strong and capable, but now she seemed so vulnerable. He knew that she needed to rest, to recover her strength and regain her composure.

He quickly fetched a towel and began to dry her off, being careful to avoid any sensitive areas. As he dried her hair with a towel, he could feel the heat of her body beneath his hands. His heart skipped a beat when she moved slightly, calling his name.

"Liang..." Mae spoke softly, her eyes fluttering open to look at his handsome face, with the blurriness fading out each second.

"How are you Mae? Are you feeling better?" Liang asked, his voice laced with concern.

She felt a comforting sensation as Liang brushed a strand of wet hair away from her face.

Gradually, her surroundings came into focus. She was lying in a cozy cabin, her body wrapped in blankets. The soft glow of a lamp cast a warm light on the room, and the gentle swaying of the yacht made her feel like she was being rocked to sleep.

Mae nodded weakly, but still held tightly onto his hand. "Please stay with me, Liang" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"I'll stay with you Mae, I'm not going anywhere." he reassured her, looking deeply into her innocent eyes.

Mae found herself lost in Liang's deep, piercing gaze. She had never felt so captivated by someone's eyes before. They were fiercely grey that seemed to sparkle in the light, and Mae could not help but feel a shiver run down her spine as she looked into them.

As she lay there, her heart racing, all she wanted was for Liang to wrap his arms around her and comfort her.

Without even realizing it, Liang leaned closer to Mae, drawn in by her warmth and magnetic presence. He seemed to sense her need for comfort, and he reached for her soft lips.

Mae felt a rush of relief as Liang's strong, warm hand enveloped her body, pressing against her lips with his. She looked up at him, and for a moment, everything else in the world seemed to fade away.

He smooched over her body as she also felt his chiseled body, then a sense of realization knocked his head, reminding him of the Amethyst stone which he seeks.

He stopped mid-way breathing through his mouth, wanting more. "A viper has to be focused. What on Earth is happening to me? Is she my little temptation?" His thoughts smacked the walls of his cranium.

"Is everything alright?" Mae asked, feeling a little bit embarrassed.

"Can I show you real magic?" he spoke in a smoky voice, raising an eyebrow at her.

Mae bit her lower lips, occupying nasty thoughts in her head as she held unto his pants "Sure, naughty boy" she responded in an alluring tone.

He held out his palm and a scale appeared, floating in rotary motion then its form turned into a dagger, suspended in the air as it points directly to her throat.

"Where is the Amethyst?" his voice grew deeper and darker as he fixed a vicious gaze upon her.

"I.. I.." Mae froze, her heart racing like a wild animal pounding on her ribcage. Goose bumps trailed her skin, leaving her ice cold. She tried to move her muscles but it was like she was stuck, paralyzed on the cozy bed. It seemed as if something was holding her down.

"What is happening? What are- What are you doing to me? What is happening to me!!!" Mae wailed aloud, struggling to let loose.

It did not startle Liang, he knew the humans were having a blast, dancing to the loudest beat on the deck. Jade could care less, ceasing her celebration for Mae. "What a joke. Scream all you want, no one can hear you" he said in his thought.

Liang held his index finger across her lips. "Shh... Shh... Shh..." He leaned forward slowly, tracing his finger down to her neck vein as he sings and hums in melody;

🎶Where is the Amethyst my darling, I'm not gonna hurt you... Hmm hmm hm hm hmmm hmm.🎶

"Please stop... Please, I beg you" Mae burst into tears, persistently pushing against her paralyzed muscles that weren't able to respond still.

"I'm not going to harm you. I promise" Liang spoke in a hushed tone, leaning gently towards her neck. He kissed her softly on the neck, injecting sedative venom into her system, through his sharp hollow canines.

In a jiffy, her nerves tranquilized, reducing tension with her eyes closing gradually.

He had just made her hallucinate lucid dreams, forgetting the recent struggles.

Mae's eyes gradually opened, and at first, her vision was blurry and unfocused. As she blinked several times, her surroundings began to come into focus. She realized that she was lying down and that Liang was sitting beside her, brushing her wet hair off her face.

Mae's eyes slowly adjusted, and she could see the gentle expression on Liang's face as she woke up. Mae felt a sense of calmness wash over her as she took in the sight of Liang's kind and caring demeanor.

As Mae's vision cleared, she noticed the details of the room around her. She was lying in a cozy cabin, her body wrapped in blankets. The soft glow of a lamp cast a warm light on the room, and the gentle swaying of the yacht made her feel like she was being rocked to sleep.

"How are you Mae? Are you feeling better?" Liang asked, his voice laced with concern.

She felt a comforting sensation as Liang brushed a strand of wet hair away from her face. It was then that she fully realized where she was and what had happened earlier with the sharks.

Mae nodded weakly, but still held tightly onto his hand. "Please stay with me, Liang" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"I'll stay with you Mae, I'm not going anywhere." he reassured her, looking deeply into her innocent eyes.

As she lay there, her heart racing, all she wanted was for Liang to wrap his arms around her and comfort her.

He had just read her mind. Liang leaned in to wrap his warm hands around her, covering them both with a blanket. She felt a rush of relief as Liang's strong, warm hand enveloped her body.

Feeling exhausted and weak, Mae closed her eyes, letting the soothing sensation of Liang's touch lull her back to sleep.