CHAPTER 97: Submission.

Master Yuze's face contorted with suppressed rage, in his hand was a tightly gripped container of white powder and a piece of black chalk. He fixed his piercing gaze upon the shiny mirror that hung on the wall before him. With a heavy breath, he began to write aggressively on the mirror's surface, inscribing the words, 'SUMMON CHEN ZHAO NOW!!!' He recited incantations, and then, in a dramatic flourish, he blew the white powder onto the reflective surface.


The letters on the mirror swirled in a mesmerizing 360-degree dance before slowly fading away. Growing impatient, Master Yuze furiously etched the message again, repeating the incantations, and once more released the white powder onto the mirror. The letters spun and vanished, leaving the mirror pristine.