CHAPTER 115: Gunpowder.

El Capone's relentless struggle intensified as the rest of the gang attempted to subdue him, the desperate cries for his father ringing out in the night air. 


Don's frantic plea resonated through the chaos, his voice laden with a sense of impending danger. "Come on, let's go. Please, let's go. There is nothing we can do now," he implored, his words punctuated by the sound of distant gunfire.


"We're running out of time. We have to leave, Capone" The others urged, tugging at El Capone's arm and coaxing him to retreat. Reluctantly, he acquiesced, allowing himself to be pulled away from the perilous confrontation.


Don's grip tightened on Eva's hand as they made a swift escape, their feet pounding the ground in unison. He cast quick glances behind, ensuring that none of his comrades were left behind in the frenzied scramble to safety.