CHAPTER 134: Forgotten.

As the day of the Valentine's party arrived, Liang found himself taking deep breaths to calm his nerves. Jade looked stunning in her traditional attire, and he couldn't help but feel captivated by her beauty. She smiled warmly at him, which briefly eased his apprehensions.


Throughout the evening, Liang tried his best to embrace the unfamiliar customs, but the fear of making mistakes still loomed over him. Jade, oblivious to his inner struggle, enjoyed the evening, confident in his presence as her plus one.


Meanwhile, Liang's thoughts drifted to his friend Mae. Unable to ignore the unresolved tension between them, he finally mustered the courage to approach her during a break in the festivities.


"Mae, can we talk?" he asked, nervously.


Mae's expression softened, "Sure, Liang."


As they stepped away from the crowd, Liang gently probed, "I noticed that you seemed upset with me. Did I do something wrong?"