CHAPTER 158: Hidden Agenda.

The determination to discover the truth consumed him, and he swiftly donned a black hood, prepared to follow her at a discreet distance.

As he stealthily followed her, he couldn't shake the feeling of being drawn into a clandestine world of hidden motives and unknown intentions.

Finally, they reached a secluded clearing, where an ancient tree stood adorned with peculiar symbols. His mother approached it with a whisper, her voice barely audible as if she were communicating with someone or something unseen. His heart pounded in his chest, and he struggled to comprehend the significance of the eerie encounter.

As the encounter concluded, his mother turned to retrace her steps, seemingly unaware of his presence. Liang knew he couldn't let the opportunity pass; he needed to know what was going on. Emerging from the shadows, he called out softly, "Mother?"