Chapter 2 - Its a Trap!


Inside a large house a handsome man could be seen feeding a baby with a bottle.

This man was none other than, Winston Oxton and in his hands was his daughter Lena Oxton.

For the past few months Winston had been taking the best care he could of his daughter following David's advice and guidance, thanks to this Lena was healthier than ever which relieved Winston deeply.

A day after Winston adopted Lena, he went to make the adoption papers official, which didn't take long as he was an important person for the country.

He then went home and ordered several things for Lena, a crib, several bottles, toys, etc. He also bought the food and ingredients recommended by David.

Finishing with the count in his mind, Winston stopped feeding Lena, gently patted her back to burp her and went to put her in the crib, the child soon fell asleep.

After putting Lena to sleep, he went to the kitchen to prepare some food, who knew taking care of a baby could be so exhausting. While he was preparing the food he couldn't help but think about the call he received a few hours ago....


"Hello, is this Winston Oxton?" asked a man's voice on the other end of the line.

"Yeah?'s me, who am I speaking to?" asked Winston.

"This is John Vegas and I'm calling from the Department of Scientific and Technological Intelligence to inform you of some recent information provided to us by the Department of Security." Winston's eyebrows shot upward in surprise at the man's identity. "As you may know many scientists have recently been disappearing overnight without a trace, this situation put the Security Department Heroes to work overtime."

'Right... with how busy he was with Lena and his retirement he had forgotten about the disappearances...' Winston thought with a bitter grimace.

"After 2 months they have found proof that the reason for this is a villain who calls himself Bad Hood, his particularity is Warp Door with which he can create a door anywhere to teleport to somewhere he has been before. Fortunately we have managed to find the list of his targets and have discovered that you are on it."

Winston's brain shut down for a moment as he processed the information.

"WHAT?! WAIT! WAIT! WAIT! WAIT, ARE YOU TELLING ME THERE IS AN ASSASSIN ON THE LOOSE PLANNING TO KILL ME?" shouted Winston in fright, he could hear how the scream woke Lena up but he didn't care right now.

"Yes, but don't worry, as you have contributed a lot in the advancement of science and our country, we have decided that you can move to any other place, be it, state or country to keep you safe from this killer, obviously there are conditions for that" Explained John calming the scientist.

"I...I see...tell me the conditions please..." Winston said in a barely audible whisper.


'This is very sudden...' Winston thought feeling anxious about his current situation.

Leaving the city where he has lived for so many years is not something he likes, besides it's not just the city, the memories he forged here, his dreams, his achievements, his friends, everything is here, just thinking about the idea of abandoning it all is something that disgusts him a lot....

But what options did he have?

His life was in danger...not only his life but also his daughter's life was in mortal danger....

Opening the fridge to grab a beer, he drank almost all of it in one gulp before taking a breath.

"At least the options are acceptable....". Winston said to himself, in an attempt to convince himself. He went to the living room and rested on the couch as he stared at the ceiling lost in thought.

There were several countries he could go to.....

Although they first had to meet certain conditions before they could move, such as security, taxes and a good education for Lena.

Spain, during the war years, Spain played an important role as a resource provider and mediator between countries giving the go ahead to many countries.

This is possibly one of the best places to go, it is a peaceful country where not many large scale incidents occur, so security was good. The problem was employment and education. Spain was not particularly noted for education or employment, most of the income you earned from a job 36% went to the government in taxes, which although you still have enough to live on and have many luxuries, it is not ideal. And your education is not very good compared to many other countries, average at best if you went to a public school.

Russia, during the years of the wars, Russia and the United States had become somewhat closer to each other, giving each other reinforcements and helping each other, sometimes for their own benefit and sometimes simply to demonstrate their superiority over the other. Arguably, the two countries maintained a strange rivalry with each other.

But going to Russia is not one of the best ideas, mainly because he doesn't know how to speak Russian, but also because scientists and people with Quirks were strictly controlled by the government and the education wasn't the best either as almost everything was focused on the military. Although thanks to this it was one of the safest countries in the world.

Japan, during the war years, Japan had a very active role due to the highly trained soldiers they had on hand, not only that, but they also possessed especially strong Quirk people which allowed them to stand out in the war and get many resources from their opponents, although at the end of the war they withdrew and settled the enmities they had with other countries, it still gave them enough prestige to be well remembered when talking about the war.

Today Japan is the safest country in the world, thanks to figures like the former Nana Shimura, the famous All Might, or the grumpy Endeavor, among many others. Its education, no matter in which sector, stands out in almost everything, being named top 7 as the best educational country. But if there is something they excel in, it is the effort they put into training new Heroes, especially their golden goose, the UA. The only problem with Japan is that something big almost always happens, but that shouldn't be a problem with the number of Heroes that inhabit the country....

Taking a last another swig of his beer, Winston made a decision.

"Japan huh..."


A hooded person was quickly but stealthily approaching a large house in the middle of the night.

Today he was going to eliminate one of his targets Winston Oxton, the underworld is paying a very good sum for his head.

For some reason the High Commanders are interested in eliminating scientists lately, not that he's complaining, the money is always good.

When he arrived at the big house he slipped through the upper window and entered a strangely empty room, not giving it any importance he left the room and stealthily checked each of the rooms with extreme care not to make any noise.

He quickly cleared the second floor of the house.

Quietly descending the stairs to the living room in silence....

When all the lights in the house came on.

"Finally! I was getting tired of waiting!" Loudly exclaimed a voice he recognized almost immediately making him panic.

The hooded man stood on guard and analyzed the huge woman in front of him, almost as if he didn't want to confirm her identity.

She had yellow hair and wore extravagant clothing that resembled the flag of the United States, it didn't take a genius to figure out the woman's identity....

Star and Stripes

He reacted quickly, knowing that he could not fight against the strength of the country's star heroine, and ran in search of the nearest door to teleport and flee.

When he tried to open the door.

It was locked.

Before he could think of anything, he was suddenly on the floor with Star on top of him looking down at him with that hateful smile. "Bitch let me go!!!"

"You think I'm going to let you get away so easily after the murders you've committed!" Star shouted as she pulled out her phone and made a call. "I caught Bad Hood the plan was a success...sure, I don't mind waiting a few minutes, he won't be moving anywhere anyway HAHAHAHA!".

At that moment Bad Hood knew he had been set up, he couldn't place who, only the High Commanders should know where-.

Oh no.

With a loud bang to the head, his world went dark until he fell unconscious.

The villain known for murdering the scientists that day was placed under arrest by the Security Department never to be seen again....


"Are you sure about this, John?"

On top of a large building two people could be seen, the first one talking is a blond haired person with black horns. The second person was smoking a cigarette, his build large and tall, he has black hair and a pair of black wings coming out of his back.

Both men were dressed in formal suits.

"No, but we had no better choice" John said as he took a puff on his cigarette and stretched his wings a little. "Things are getting a little crazy lately..."

"But... why let Winston go free, isn't he an important person for the evolution of the country?" Asked the horned aide uncertainly. "Couldn't we lock him up with some contract, or force him to stay-"

"We had no choice but to let him go, I remind you that Winston is under David's protection making him almost untouchable by us" John replied as he continued to smoke, his eyes vaguely watching the city below them. "Besides this isn't as bad as you think, we get his help on a few projects that's better than nothing, I remind you he was on the order of retirement. Besides we've already used him as bait for the Assassin which has been a pain in the ass for us for the last few months. And above all, Star gets more reputation and fame by catching the Killer."

The aide was silent as he looked at the big picture, and he had to admit that it wasn't a bad outcome. Sure, it was a shame to lose Winston, but it was better than being on the bad side than David and all of I-Island.

"By the way he should be arriving in Japan by now right?".

"Yes, he is already on Japanese soil, he will live in a normal house that does not stand out much but of good quality, he will have a small laboratory in the basement with everything necessary for research in medicine and technology...currently the house is located in Musutafu prefecture."

"Well... I hope he doesn't complain and that he does well in his new life as a father..."



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