Chapter 10 - First Day


Lena walked down a long empty hallway with some large windows on the sides, from time to time several large doors could be seen which had different numbers or letters on them, but not the letters and number Lena was looking for.

'Class 1A... Class 1A...' Lena thought with a smile as she walked quickly through the halls of the school, she was very excited and a little nervous, she still had a hard time believing she had made it into UA.

After walking a little more she managed to see the door 1A.

Once she entered she quickly looked around the room where she could see that there were a total of 4 rows of desks with 5 desks in each row, in the center of the room was a podium and behind the podium was a modern whiteboard.

After looking around the room I looked at the few people inside the classroom.

At the back of the room, there was a beautiful black haired girl deep in thought, she couldn't see her well as she was sitting at her desk but Lena deduced that she was quite tall and had a voluptuous body.

Then there was...

'How the fuck did he get in...' Lena thought as she looked at the red eyed blond with a dead stare, how did someone with an attitude like that get into UA?. 'Maybe he has some weird Quirk like Teleportation or something...'

The blond looked around boredly as he placed his feet up on his desk.

And lastly there was a raven boy staring at the ceiling with a blank stare, Lena could have sworn he was sleeping with his eyes open....

As Lena shook her head, she went to sit in her own seat which had a small number written in the corner.

It turned out that her seat was in front of the black-haired girl, she seemed to snap out of her thoughts when she saw me.

(A/N: Basically Lena sat in Mineta's seat, by the way, fuck you Mineta).

"Hello nice to meet you my name is Yaoyorozu Momo" The black-haired girl introduced herself politely although Lena could see that she was a little nervous for some reason.

"Err, nice to meet you, my name is Oxton Lena, though just call me Lena it's a little awkward if they use my last name" Lena spoke with a smile trying to sound as friendly as possible, she was going to try to take her Father's advice to be more sociable with people.

Yaoyorozu sighed in relief for some reason, before giving me her own smile. "Likewise, err... can I ask you a question?" Yaoyorozu asked before quickly adding. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

Lena shrugged. "Sure no problem."

"Are you a foreigner? The surname Oxton isn't very common and I think you have a tiny accent in your voice."

Lena blinked a couple of times in surprise before answering carefully. "Well, it's complicated... technically I'm a foreigner since I was born in the US but most of my life was spent here in Japan for something to do with my Father's work."

Lena answered half-heartedly, she wasn't going to reveal to someone she just met about her incident or her Father's profession. But she was surprised that Momo could tell at a glance that she wasn't Japanese, well, not counting the obvious facial features that is.

'I'm pretty sure that my accent is perfect...' Lena thought in confusion before mentally shrugging her shoulders.

"I see-"

Suddenly the door opened and in walked a tall dark blue haired boy with glasses, Lena's first thought was that if he was a robot as he moved like one.

The new boy's gaze swept around the room before stopping on the red eyed blond, the robot boy approached the blond before speaking to him in an authoritative tone.

"Hey, get your feet off the table it's disrespectful to the institution."

The blond had the decency to look the robot boy in the eye with a mocking look. "Ahh? What are you talking about? Did they shove a stick up your ass at birth or are you just an idiot?"

Robot boy was in shock at the blond's vulgar way of speaking.

Deciding to take a different approach the robot boy gave a slight bow before introducing himself. "I think we got off on the wrong foot, my name is Iida Tenya, I'm from the School of-"

"So the school stuck a big stick up your ass?"

After that point the discussion got heated, with Iida trying to reprimand the blond and the blond teasing Iida.

After a while the door opened again to reveal a short boy with dark green hair and freckles, he seemed to be super nervous looking around the room as if it was his biggest fear.

Iida noticing the boy in the doorway approached the boy, scaring the poor kid who looked like he was going to go into cardiac arrest at any moment.

"You are the boy from the exam..." Spoke Iida coldly looking with all his stature at the little green haired boy, the poor boy shrank as much as he could due to Iida's intense gaze on him.

"Y-Yes w-well..."

It looked like he was about to start a fight when suddenly....

"SORRY! I should have realized there was more to the elimination points, I shouldn't have belittled you, after all we will be heroes from now on, I hope you can forgive me for my mistake" Tenya made a big bow towards the lettuce while apologizing.

"Ah! N-no I j-just..." Lettuce tried to explain himself but nerves got the better of him preventing him from finishing a single sentence.

'This is funny' Lena thought laughing quietly at the scene.

Following the nervous lettuce walked in another girl with brown hair and a bob cut, she was also short and very.... well, let's just say there was a lot of meat in the butcher shop.

After a few minutes the other students began to arrive, in the meantime I started talking again with Yaoyorozu, who allowed me to nickname her Yao since her last name in my opinion was too long.

As the last students were arriving someone arrived whom Lena recognized but was surprised by her presence at UA.

'Jiro?' I thought with surprise as I looked at a very short girl with a slim build and very dark violet short hair.

Jiro Kyoka had been the girl I had spent the last week of school with on the rooftop, we never spoke beyond a brief greeting and the occasional sentence. Lena was surprised to see the rocker girl at UA since she didn't seem to have a reason to be a Hero before, though the same may apply to her....

"Mn?, Oh Lena" Jiro was also surprised to find Lena at UA and in her same classroom. "You also applied for UA too? That's a surprise"

Greeted Jiro lightly as she approached Lena, the two started talking about how she did on the entrance exam, at some point in the conversation Momo walked in and became fast friends with Jiro.

Lena was quite pleased on her first day of school and already had two friends to talk to, that's a new personal best.

'Now I can show off to dad' Lena thought with a smug look on her face with confused Jiro and Yao.

"Well, what do we have here..." Said a hoarse voice that sounded like thunder in the lively Class 1A classroom.

They all looked around for the source of the voice and saw.... a yellow caterpillar.

"It took them 8 seconds to calm down, this is not going to work. If you want to be heroes you must be prepared for anything, now put this on and wait for me outside" Said the caterpillar as a person came out of it, he was a medium tall man with jet black hair and black eyes, and judging by his eyes he looked like he hadn't slept in days.

When he finished talking he took out some sports clothes and gave them to each of us, apparently they had our names and numbers inscribed on them.

I quickly went to the girls' bathrooms to change, and quickly noticed a few things, most of the girls here looked like they didn't work out, except Yao, the pink girl and me.

Another thing I noticed is that I am quite tall compared to most of the girls, only Momo is 2cm shorter than me.

"Good" Clapped the brown haired girl. "Since we're all here why don't we do some introductions."

"Good idea! I'll start with me. I'm Ashido Mina. I like to dance and meet new people. If you need to learn how to dance you know where to find me!" said Ashido while doing some dance steps.

"My name, I'm Uraraka Ochako, I like to help people! Uraraka exclaimed as she looked at all of us with a charming smile. "Nice to meet you!"

"My name is, Asui Tsuyu, call me Tsu" Tsu spoke with rolling eyes and a muffled but strangely full of life voice. "I like to swim."

"My name is Hagakure Toru! I like pretty things!" Toru exclaimed in a cheerful tone as the school uniform bounced around, Lena had barely noticed her. "And shiny things!"

"Nice to meet you my name is Oxton Lena, but call me just Lena" Lena said as she smiled her trademark smile. "I like athletics and sleeping!"

"I'm Jiro Kyoka, I like music and I play various instruments" Jiro said as her headphones jingled and she averted her gaze. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, my name is Yaoyorozu Momo, I like to learn new things" Yao said with a graceful bow towards us. "It's a pleasure to meet you all."

After that we quickly changed into our sports outfits that our teacher assigned us.

Now you are probably wondering, what about the Slipstream?.

Well, my Father upgraded my Slipstream to make it combat ready, as well as adding new features to it.

The most notable are that it is now smaller and lighter, also a little more resistant than the previous model.

And its main feature: it can turn invisible, 'how' you ask?

Well, it turns out that my Father knows a person with a Quirk capable of fusing the attributes of different materials. My Father contacted this person and asked him the favor of fusing the metal that the Slipstream is made of with another material, I don't remember exactly what material it was since my Father was not very explanatory in that aspect....

Anyway, the point is that with an app on my phone I can make the Slipstream invisible or visible at will.

After changing we went out to where we were directed and saw that the guys were already waiting for us.

"Why do women always take so long every time..." Grunted the professor as we lined up next to the guys. "Anyway, since we're all here we'll start with the test."

You could feel the nervousness for miles as all the students swallowed unconsciously under the professor's chilling gaze.

"Alright, this will be a Quirks Apprehension Test, I need to know what you guys are capable of so I know what I'm working with" Explained the professor as he looked at his students, more specifically nervous lettuce who looked terrified for some reason.

"W-wait a minute, shouldn't we go to the Orientation Ceremony?" Asked Ochako feeling intimidated by her teacher's attitude.

"We don't have time for those pathetic and useless things, as you know this school is famous for its great freedom when it comes to form future heroes, this is because the teachers can do whatever they want with their students" Explained the teacher while he closed the mouths of several students who were about to retort, then he indicated to the blond, who approached the circle. "Anyway, Bakugo, you got first place in the exam so come stand in this circle."

'First place?! Then his Quirk must be really strong...' I thought as I frowned. 'Too bad his personality is so nasty'

"What was your highest high school ball toss score?" the teacher asked as he pulled out a ball and what appeared to be a tablet from who knows where.

Bakugo raised an eyebrow. "67 Meters."

"Not bad, now use your Quirk to throw that ball. The only rule is don't go outside the circle " Replies the professor nonchalantly as he throws him a Softball.

Bakugo smiles widely before taking a stance to throw the ball with all his might.

"DIE!" Bakugo yells as his palm explodes releasing a great force that sends the ball flying far, far away.

'Die?' Thought the whole class.

'Shit!' I thought wide-eyed at the display of power. 'His Quirk is Explosions or something like that?..., no wonder he came first...'

The professor turns to look at us as if nothing had just happened and shows us the tablet in his hand.

"I'm going to evaluate you guys to see if you have enough potential to become Heroes" The professor says as he shows us Bakugo's shot. "A good score don't you think?"

-705.2 meters-



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