Chapter 24 - The End of USJ



From one moment to the next a large hole appeared in the roof of the USJ, making it shake as if an earthquake had come out of nowhere.

Kyoka barely managed to hold Lena's unconscious body with the strong tremor that shook the whole place. Looking at Lena's body she was glad to see that she was still breathing but her skin was abnormally pale which worried Kyoka a little.

Turning her head to look at Reaper, he simply stood up as if he had barely been erased from existence.

Before Kyoka could do anything, a dark purple portal took Reaper away in the blink of an eye.

"He... just escaped?" Kyoka whispered as the force left her body by way of relief.

"It seems so..." Replied Midoriya sitting on the ground exhausted both physically and mentally mind.

Leaving the field with a tense silence, until he was interrupted by a loud voice.

"THE CAVALRY HAS ARRIVED!" Resounded President Mic's voice throughout the place, relieving all his students and forcing the lowly villains to surrender.

Kyoka simply stood hugging Lena as she thought, 'This is the life of a Hero?'


After the USJ incident, classes were cancelled for the next two days to look for security lapses at the AU.

Police arrived shortly after securing the students in Class 1A and questioned each of them about their version of events. The police also arrested most of the villains, the police informed the UA staff that most of the villains were only of Low Rank and very few of Lower-Middle Rank.

This information shocked most of the students in the class because they felt they were much stronger than that, but this experience only proved how far they had to go to become great heroes.


"I have something to report to you all... it's disturbing, to say the least..." Naomasa said looking over the new report that had just come to him not too long ago. "Catastrophe Rank Villain Nomu has been found, he was in a forest not far from where UA was he seemed to be passed out..."

"That's good" All Might said as he relaxed in his seat he didn't want to fight that thing again with its current state.

"Yeah, but the worrying thing is this, apparently it's dead" As those words came out of Naomasa's mouth the whole room turned their gaze to All Might, who cringed a little. "It wasn't All Might's fault, apparently his body had been dead for quite some time even there were signs of advanced decomposition. We called some doctors and medics to get a better understanding of Nomu, and they said his body was modified but they couldn't get much more out due to his Quirks preventing a more thorough analysis, with your permission he will be sent to Tartarus to keep him under supervision"

"I agree with that decision" Nezu replied with a sigh, a creation with several Quirks...could be the return of All For One or someone with very advanced knowledge....

"Continuing with the report, Shigaraki, Kurogiri and Reaper have been categorized as High Rank villains" Naomasa reported finished in report. "While Shigaraki does not seem to be a very intelligent person, the dangerousness of his Quirk is what advances him to High Rank. On the other hand, we have Reaper... which we already had information beforehand, apparently he is a mysterious mercenary, it is not known who he works for or if he works for anyone but he is known to be very lethal, apparently he was skilled enough to eliminate Germany's Top 3... but this case is not confirmed."

'That was to be expected... this incident can't be hidden from the masses, there are too many people knowing about this matter and it's only a matter of time before the information leaks out' Nezu thought sipping a cup of tea and looking at the people around the table who were discussing some matters related to the Incident. 'The Security Commission will surely want to take this opportunity to infiltrate our territory, but I won't make it easy for them. On the other hand, we must prepare for the sports vacations, we must prove that our school is safe at all costs...'


Inside a cave-like place, stood a woman who looked no older than 30 years old watching the recordings on her large monitor. In the cave, several hospital gurneys, wires, cameras, microscopes and many giant tubes could be seen but with nothing inside.

"I knew this would end badly" Said the woman with a sigh, she had infiltrated some of her henchmen in this "assault" on the Society of Heroes to keep her informed of everything that was going on inside. But knowing that the one leading this "raid" was a rookie she could already get an idea of how the raid would go but she was still surprised.

She was surprised by what an imbecile this "Shigaraki" was, if he had taken this assault seriously he could have easily won. He would have just told Nomu to slaughter all the students and that was it... but the idiot decided to play around a bit.

At least her star soldier didn't seem to let her down. After all, she had given him the order not to kill anyone. 'Although he did kill someone... but even he couldn't predict that, because a someone would sacrifice their life for someone else's?...'

"Um..." The red-haired scientist contemplated the matter for a few minutes before sighing. "I don't understand Heroes..."

However, there was one matter that intrigued the scientist. That same girl that Reaper killed, revived somehow.

Healing Quirks were VERY rare and extremely valuable. And while not as valuable, Regeneration Quirks were even rarer than healing Quirks.

However, this girl's Quirk was clearly Superspeed.

On the other hand, no matter how much she slowed down the camera, the girl simply couldn't be seen....

'I don't have time for this' Thought the scientist before dialing an ancient phone.

"Sombra" Said the scientist when the line was answered. "I need you to give me information, I'll pay you of course".

"Hola Moria!" Answered a very animated female voice. "I guess you never call to say hello, do you?"


One of the most wanted criminals in the world for hacking several countries and spreading sensitive information about them, internal wars, assassinations of politicians, corruption, human experimentation, and many more.

The funny thing is that no one knew what her face looked like, every person who tried to look for even a single clue about her was met with a dead end or a mysterious death. The only thing the governments of the world knew was her pseudonym "Sombra".

"I don't have time Sombra, time is money. In my case, the more time I waste the more humanity is delayed in moving forward into a dazzling future" Moira sighed as she leaned back in a chair looking at one of her hands. "Even if the price is losing you along the way..."

"As deep as ever huh?" a faint chuckle was heard from Sombra through the phone, Moira simply frowned. "Alright, tell me what you want."

"I need you to hack UA and give me student information on the entire institution" Moira replied with annoyance, she didn't like Sombra's oddly cheerful personality. "There is a student with a very interesting Quirk, as far as I know her name is Lena, I want all the information on her."

"Alright, but I warn you it may take a while, UA is an impregnable fortress, but not for me, give me a few days and I'll tear their defenses apart" Replied Sombra going into her business mode. "Now my pay."

"Alright, now what do you want in return?" Moira asked.

"Well... I know you have research on Quirks and how to force their Awakenings, don't lie to me your little star soldier is proof of that" Sombra said after some thought, Moira wasn't surprised that she had been hacked while they were talking or even years before. "I want you to wake up my Quirk, and three million."

'Now this is interesting...' Moira thought with a new twinkle in her eye and a rare smile on her face.

Unbeknownst to anyone in the world the first steps were being taken towards the founding of the organization that would later become known as Talon.

An organization that would turn the entire world upside down.....



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