A small narration
The last two years were spent in learning a great deal of magic, having lots of fun, hiding treats from Kippy and playing games. They had gone back to SunSpot Alley a few times so the boys could see the wizard culture. They had also made many trips into New Salem to show off their new nephews. Now that half the town wasn't scared of them, the boys didn't meet much adversity, but they did have to deal with a few taunts from some of the meaner kids. No one questioned why the witches had new children in the house, though they did wonder why they were boys, since the oldest niece had girls. It was not uncommon to see orphans of the Owens family move in after the death of their parents.
Aunt Frances made sure to tell the boys who was okay with them and what families to watch out for. It was something she was good at, she could just look at a person and tell you if they were cheating and with who. She was very good at deciphering body language and reading minds. She read in the books this was called Legitimacy, and that it was against the law in the Wizarding World to use it on the non-magical. She would have to rein that in. She didn't even know she was doing that, until she read about it. Now she was practicing Occlumency to keep it from happening, mostly.
It was the beginning of the school year for the kids in town and the Owens wanted to start the boys in pre-school. They decided to hold off on hiring tutors for charms and non-magical education and instead teaching charms themselves and letting the boys go to the pre-school in town. This way they could at least meet some children their age.
The teacher, Patricia Paisley, at the pre-school was nice, but she treated the boys in a standoffish manner. She was always leery of anyone who came from the Owens' house. These two boys were well behaved, but they would fight anyone who said bad things about the Owens women. These 'fights' were mostly screaming matches and some shoving, but someone always got there before it got out of hand. Patricia was worried about the boys doing magic. After all they were being raised by the Owens witches.
Those witches were always causing trouble in her mind. Weird things happened when they were around. She once saw someone get slapped, when there was no one seen doing it. It was at a time that they were all gathered for a PTA meeting, and the woman who was smacked had made a snide comment about the redhead. Then next thing they knew there was the sound of flesh meeting flesh, but the younger Owens witches were nowhere near her. They did giggle though. Ever since then, well… she would just keep an eye on the boys.
Frances read all of this in her mind and made a mental note to make sure to that that teacher treated the boys fairly.
The boys' guardians were still going to hire tutors after pre-school, to teach them what they couldn't. Kippy tried, but she was so small and funny that the nephews had a hard time listening to her. She would lay out proper clothes, but if they wanted to dress as firemen for the day, well the aunts let them. Kippy was insistent they get a tutor—now. They were making arrangements with the bank. At the moment, they only wanted to get someone for about a half an hour, twice a day, and every other weekday to teach the boys etiquette. Since pre-school ended at 11:30 a.m. it should be okay.
Gilly had Kippy take a letter to Goldsworthy to see if he knew anyone that would teach Harry and Neville manners, but not be too stuffy about it. The manager replied with an address and phone number of a half-blood wizard named, Luis F. Butterworth. The boys were only four, but if Mr. Butterworth could come to their home when Kippy had them eating that would probably work out best. So they sent a letter to the man, via the US mail, to set up a meeting for 12:30 today, which is when Kippy set the boys down for a nap.
September 7, 1984
At the correct time there was a knock on the door and Gilly answered it. "Mr. Butterworth?" She greeted.
"Yes. Miss Owens, I presume," came the cultured reply from the rather normal sized man in a sharp, grey business suit. He had neatly combed blond hair and blue eyes. "It is lovely you meet you, Miss Owens. You may call me Luis," he said as he took her hand and kissed the knuckle.
Gilly giggled. "Sure, thanks. Come on in, we're in the kitchen. I'm Gilly," she said and turned to lead the way, with perhaps a little wiggle in her jean clad hips.
"Pleasure," Luis said, following at a clipped pace, though his eyes did roam to those nice hips. He wasn't in a relationship, but he knew better to mixed business with pleasure, however those were some nice curves, not that he let that show on his features. That would be uncouth. They entered a very clean kitchen and he noted the two older women attired in some very old-fashion dresses.
"These are my aunts, Jet and Frances," she said, pointing to each aunt, who nodded their head to their names. "I'm not sure what the goblins told you, but we wanted to meet you because we are looking for tutors for our charges," Gilly explained as she sat at the table and gestured for him to do the same. "They're only four years old; they came to us right before they turned two. We don't really believe in manners and etiquette, we're kinda free spirits. However, the man who asked us to take the boys in said they needed to be taught —something about family obligation. He didn't tell us much more than that. Just that it's needed."
"I see, so you three lovely ladies don't feel as if you can teach these young men what they may need to know for later in their lives?" Luis said, putting his coat, neatly folded in half, on the back of his chair and kissing each aunt's hand, before he sat down and placed his folded hands on the table. "However, you do not wish for them to use their manners at all times," he paused and rubbed his chin. "You should know that this goes against all my teaching. When I train young ladies and gentlemen I expect them to behave all the time," he stated, tapping his fingers on the table.
"I get that, I really do, but we don't want them to be proper all day. We want them to have spirit and to explore their own way in the world. However, we were told that they needed to know how to… comport their selves in certain settings," Gilly said sincerely, wanting to make sure he understood that they didn't want to make the boys something they were not.
"I see," Luis stated, drumming his fingers lightly on the table, thinking about what she was telling him. "So you propose they be… part-time gentlemen and only use my teaching in formal settings? And that you do not have the knowledge to teach them yourself," he said in a questioning tone.
"Yes, we know manners, but until we hired our servant, we didn't really use them and we don't want the boys to use them all the time. She is very insistent that the boys eat at the same time every day and that they use proper forks and such. Why she won't even let them have chocolate for breakfast," Frances explained in fond exasperation, causing Luis to lift an eyebrow at just what a challenge this would be.
"We adore her and she is such a little dear," Jet continued with an equally fond smile. "However, we will always be happy that it is her and not us that will keep the boys in line. Now that our nephews are older, we don't want to repress their spirit. We're still teaching them to think freely, but we do understand that the families they have left will want them to be on their best behavior when they need to be."
"May I meet this servant to see what she has taught the boys already?" Luis inquired, thinking to himself that this was going to be quite an experiment. Taming free spirited boys without crushing that spirit will take some careful maneuvering. Chocolate for breakfast indeed, he thought with a frown. What other bad habit will I have to break every day? Am I up to this challenge? Yes, yes, I am. He was brought out of his thoughts, when Gilly answered him.
"You're a wizard, right?" Gilly questioned, and then waved her hand in an apologetic manner. "Sorry, I know you are, or Goldsworthy wouldn't have sent you, but you do know about house elves, right?" she asked, not sure how that worked in the Wizarding World. As far as she knew they were only purchased by the rich, and while he did look refined, he didn't look overly wealthy.
"Yes, of course, I know about house elves, but did you say you hired her?" Luis asked with a gobsmacked look upon his normally stoic face. "I have never heard of such a thing." His face took on a look of confusion. What a novel idea, to free and hire a house elf. He was sure it would never catch on, for why pay for something that was free. Well, there was the initial fee, but after that it was free labor.
"Yes, we set her free when she was given to us and hired her right after. We think of the little dear as part of the family," Frances cooed as Jet nodded in agreement. "Kippy, can you come here dear?"
"What can Kippy be doing for Missy Witchy Frances?" Kippy said still dressed in her robe. The Owens women saw no need to have her dress in anything else. If she was comfortable wearing bath wear, then who were they to complain?
"Kippy, this is Mr. Butterworth." Jet said pointing to Luis, who was staring at the robe clad house elf in utter astonishment. "We're interviewing him to see if he can tutor Harry and Neville in manners. He would like to know what you have taught them so far."
Kippy sighed; her shoulders slumped in disappointment as she wrung her hands and turned to the man at the table. "Kippy is not teaching the young Masters much. She is mostly keeping Missy Witchys from teaching them bad manners," the little elf said with a slight glare at the women, who didn't look ashamed at all, as a matter of fact they were smiling at her in a fond way. "They is knowing when to eats and when to go to beds. They is still sneaking to get snacks from the Missy Witchys after Kippy is telling them nos. They is eating with forks and spoons and will sits at the tables. But they is wearing whatever they wants, Missy Witchys is telling them they can. Kippy puts out proper pants and shirts, but Kippy is fighting losing battle," she sighed again.
This shocked the already flustered Luis even more, as he had never seen an elf show emotions such as anger to their owner, then he remember this was a free elf. He had also never seen 'owners' let a house elf talk like that.
After pulling himself together Luis looked at the bizarre house elf and said, "Yes, ummm, well, thank you, Kippy. I'm sure you have done your best. If I do teach the young masters will you be able to keep them from backsliding too much? I think, from what the ladies have been telling me, we might want to reach a compromise. Let us say…" he paused a minute. "Have the young gentlemen only use their manners for lunch and dinner. The rest of the times let them eat as the rest of the family does."
He was not staring anymore, because it was bad manners, shocked or not. If there was one thing he prided himself on it was to keep his calm demeanor in any situation, which had been taxed since he entered this house. Little did he know that was common place around the Owens women.
"Kippy can be doing that," the little elf bounced on her toes, glad that her masters would finally be learning something proper.
"Thank you, Kippy," Luis said with a small smile at her antics. "I would like them to be properly attired at noon sharp and six in the evening. So if you can get them to dress accordingly when it is time for lessons, that would be lovely," he cut a small glare to the unabashed witches. "Now, if I understand this correctly, they only need know how and when to use these manners. You, of course, can make sure that they don't fall into horrid manners and eat neatly every meal, without compromising the family's way of life."
Kippy sat and thought about it for a minute, conflicting emotions and thoughts filled her head. On one hand, the boys would learn what they needed. On the other hand, the witches were her Mis… bosses. Finally she decided on and answer, "Yes, I is understanding why Missy Witchys is doing what they has always done. Kippy just wants what's best for the young Masters. Kippy is knowing young Master Nevilles family and they is being very strict. Kippy is only wanting to help," she said a little distressed, wringing her hands. She well remembered the sharp tongued Madam Longbottom and had no desire to ever have her charges feel said tongue.
Jet got up, knelt down and gave Kippy a hug. "You're doing a wonderful job," she said as she sat back at the table still looking at Kippy. "The man who brought the boys to us said he wanted them to be both wild and well-mannered, so why don't we do as Luis says and compromise. We promise not to interfere with lunch and dinner, if you promise not to interfere with breakfast, snack and dessert. Would that work for you, you darling elf?" she asked in her gentlest voice. Kippy was quite prone to emotions still; it was in the house elf's nature.
"Yes, Missy Witchy Jet, Kippy can be doing that. Kippy will make the meals and then go and gather herbs and potion ingredients and be doings other housework at that time, but Kippy does not wants you to be letting the young Masters to be using their hands to be eating," Kippy said with a firm look.
"We can do that," Jet said with a smile.
Kippy nodded her head and turned to Luis. "Master Luis, Kippy will make sure the young Masters listens to yous. Kippy has to goes back to the young Masters, they is not sleeping yet," And Kippy popped away.
"That is one very unusual house elf," Luis said with a thoughtful look on his face.
"Isn't she? We wouldn't trade her for the world," Gilly said with a big smile and a twinkle in her eye that could rival Dumbledore's. "So how would you like to work this? We wanted to have you come by for lunch and dinner every other weekday until you get table manners down. Then maybe come for a half an hour in the afternoon for the rest. I don't know what else can be taught to them at this age, but you're the expert. You can fill in your own timetable and let us know, though the boys are in pre-school right now. It gets out at 11:30," she explained, wanting to make sure he knew what was what.
"We do have a contract for the boys," Jet said, reaching to the side table where there was a stack of parchment and grabbing the top one. "It's a magically binding one so you can't tell anyone who they are or where they are. They're known in town as our nephews with the last name Owens," she explained, putting a contract on the table in front of Luis.
Gilly had already filled out her part as the boys' magical guardian. Goldsworthy had the bank's wizarding lawyers draw it up. He had looked it over and made sure it was written so that it was ironclad. They weren't taking any chances.
"It's not that we don't trust you, but when you know who our boys are, you will understand," Frances added, making sure that he understood they were simply protecting the children.
He looked at them and nodded, and then took up the papers and wondered who these soon to be pupils were that they needed a non-disclosure contract. It seemed to be a standard magical contract with provisions that he could not tell the non-magical world either. It was all written in legalese; however, it didn't mention the children's names. It simply referred to them the wards of Gillian Owens, the pupils or the students.
Technically he was swearing on his magic not to tell anyone. He pondered on this for about twenty minutes trying to decide if it was worth it, while the Owens women sipped their drinks. The money was very good, and if he stayed on as the boys grew older it would be better. Plus, the goblins vouched for the witches, saying that they had been spoken highly of by a very powerful man.
Gilly was starting to worry that he was taking so long to decide. She knew they were asking a lot, but they had no other choice. She shared a look with the aunts, who were also starting to get concerned.
Finally Luis nodded to himself. He decided that he would take the job, so he took out his pen and signed where indicated, and then he pricked his finger and added a drop of blood next to his signature. There was a flash of blue light and the contract copied itself twice and the original one disappeared. Luis took up one of the copies, folded it and put it on the table in front of him. Jet took the other copy and put it on the stack.
"I can come to the house every Monday, Wednesday and Friday just before noon and 6 p.m. I would also like to come on Sunday around 4 p.m. for tea. If you would ask her, I would like it if Kippy can join us so she will know what is expected from the boys. Have her have the meals prepared, something simple for now, and the boys dressed and ready. I will take it from there," Luis stated his timetable and looked around to see if they agreed.
"That sound fine, we can eat either here in the kitchen or in the living room," Gilly said after a silent conversation with her aunts.
"Wonderful," the tutor stated. "Now that the contract is filed, can you tell me who I will be working with, so I know just what needs to be taught? I need to know if they need to be educated on the basic or high society etiquette," he asked, wanting to make sure he had all the knowledge he needed for his new students. Etiquette had many branches after all; some casual, some very upper crust, some stiff lipped and some very political.
"Oh, ummm, yeah, the boys' names are…" Gilly took a deep breath; she had no idea how he was going to react, "Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom. Don't worry," she quickly stated, holding up her hands at his shocked face. "We have the paperwork stating that they're here legally, and it is signed by their guardians."
"Yes it is all properly legal," reaffirmed Jet, who was once again reaching for documents and handing them over. "Also, we'd like if you'd treat the boys as you would any other client."
"Yes, well," Luis said as he sat in shock, quickly scanning the parchment that was handed to him. He knew there was a global search for these two young men, headed by none other than Albus Dumbledore. He just realized what kind of conspiracy he had signed on to. "I think that I will need to brush up on my British etiquette," he mumbled to himself and then shook himself out of his stupor and place the guardianship papers on the table.
"Yes, from what we know they will be going back at some point in the future. So, yeah, something British," Gilly said, hearing his muttering. She took the documents and placed them back on the stack.
"Yes, well, now that that is settled, I thank you for seeing me. Do not worry; I do not want to lose my magic by telling anyone who my clients are. Give me a day or two to think of the required teaching." He got up and in a daze. He kissed the back of their hands on reflex. This whole meeting was one surprise after another; part-time gentlemen, a free house elf, and now the Boy Who Lived.
"It was great meeting you, and I'm glad you signed on, so to speak," Gilly said when he kissed her hand. The women rose to see him out but he just waved them away.
"The pleasure was all mine, I assure you. I will see you lovely ladies next Monday around noon. I can see myself out," he said as he gathered his coat and left as quickly as his manners would allow. He really needed to think about what had just happened. He was already going over what books he had and what he'd need to purchase. British etiquette was a bit different than American.
"Well, that went better than I thought. I hope we aren't teaching them too young," Gilly said as she sat back down and watched the confused man leave, a concerned look in her eyes.
"Don't worry dear, he seems like a lovely man. I got good vibes from him," Frances said, patting Gilly's hand.
"I know I'm just worried that I'm doing the right things. Most of the books say that the pure-blood kids learn this from the time they can walk and talk. And you know there's no way we could ever teach them," the red-blonde sighed and put her cheek in her hand, elbow on the table and absentmindedly picked at a cookie in front of her, making it crumble all over the table.
"Well, we'll see what happens. No matter if he stays or not, the contract will make it so he can't tell. Nifty that. So, shall we go and steal the boys from Kippy and go to town?" France said, getting up and heading for the stairs.
"Aunt Frances, Kippy is going to yell at you again and maybe take away your chocolate," Gilly said playfully as brushed the crumbs away and ran after her. Kippy was so fun to get riled, her squeaky voice and foot stomping was so cute.
"What's life without a little fun, dear?" Frances laughed gaily. She so enjoyed annoying Kippy, who actually took it in good humor. "I can live without chocolate for a little while. I'm sure she will forgive me."
"It's your chocolate."
October 19, 1984
"Tum on 'eville, I wants to see the snake again," Harry said as he ran outside looking for the snake he had met yesterday. The snake had been complaining that it was too cold and was looking for a place to hole up for the winter. Neville had said he couldn't understand the snake, but Harry wanted to ask the aunts if the snake could come into the house where it was warm. He just wanted to see if the snake wanted to first. The poor thing didn't stick around for him to ask, it slithered away complaining the whole time.
They had just changed their clothes from the lessons the aunts were making them take. Right now, they were dressed as wood sprites, in thick brown trousers and green tunics. The boys didn't really understand why they had to dress funny two times a day. However, Mr. Luis and the aunts told them it was important.
"I'm tumming, Harry," Neville said, running after Harry as fast as his little legs would carry him. They were trying to get outside before Kippy found them and made them come back in. She was such a meanie-head sometimes, but they loved her.
The boys looked for the snake for about fifteen minutes before they gave up and went back into the house where it was warmer. Being like any other little boys, they hadn't put their jackets on before they went out. They went into the living room where Aunt Frances was.
She looked at the flushed cheeks and down faces and patted the couch next to where she sat. "Oh, my little darlings, what has you so sad?" she asked as she gave them both hugs after they clambered up next to her. The aunts never liked seeing the boys upset. It didn't happen often they were such good boys, but when it did they did everything they could to make it better.
"We tan't find the snake," Harry said sadly as he cuddled into her side. He had been hoping to have a pet for the winter, since the poor snake had been so cold. Now, it was gone and he missed it. "I looked and looked, but it was goneded," he sniffed.
"Okay, sweetie, what snake? And why do you want to find him?" she questioned softly. If they wanted a snake she was all for it.
"I's talking to a snake 'esterday and it was tomplaining it was told. I wanteds to ask it if it wanteds lives with me, but it's goneded and we touldn't find it," Harry said, looking really put out, with his lower lip sticking out, little tears glistening in his emerald eyes. He was quite upset about the snake being gone. Talking to it, when Neville couldn't, made him feel special. Like his brother did when he could do school work that Harry couldn't. Not that Harry was a stupid child, he just didn't like studying, and Neville was really good at his ABC's. Harry was getting better though, Ms. Paisley said so.
"You were talking to a snake?" she asked a bit flustered, and then she looked at his sad face and gave him a hug. "Oh, my darling boy, I'm so sorry your friend had to leave. However, you know, honey, it is time for all snakes to go to sleep for the winter," Frances explained, as she ran her hand down Harry's hair. She didn't know what to think, she hadn't read anything about wizards talking to snakes. Maybe she would ask Luis when he came for the boys lessons tonight.
"Ummmhmm," Harry said, nodding his head, "'eville said he tan't hear what the snake said. But I heareded it I really, really did."
Neville was cuddling up on her other side, not really paying attention. He was looking at the knick-knacks on the shelves wondering if he could play with them. They were too high up for him to reach; maybe he could float them down like the games they played in the playroom. Then he remembered Kippy said he can't play those games in this room and with a disappointed sigh, he cuddled deeper into Frances' side.
"Oh, honey, I believe you," Frances said to Harry as she drew both boys closer. "We'll just have to see why you can talk to snakes. Maybe, we'll see if we can't get you one as a pet. Not a wild one, but one from the pet store and hopefully we can get a magical one for you," she said excitedly, thinking about where they could put a snake without keeping it in a tiny container, but away from their many cats. "We should see if we can't find something for Neville too."
That had Neville perking up. The thought of having a pet made him happy. Maybe he could talk to dogs or something.
"Otay Auntie 'rances, tan we go play now?" Harry said happy that he might get a pet snake he could talk to.
"Of course, my darling boy, just let Kippy or us know where you are," she said as she smiled at the now content boys as they scrambled off the couch and ran to find Kippy.
As the boys were running out of the living room, they almost ran over Gilly. "Whoa, where are you two running off to?" she asked with a laugh as she grabbed the two boys in a hug.
"We're gonna play with Kippy. Aunt 'rances says we tan get me a snake and 'aybe a pets for 'eville," Harry said through his giggles.
"'eah, a pets," said Neville as he tried to squirm out of Gilly's hug.
"A snake, huh?" she asked as she glanced at her aunt's thoughtful face before she turned back to the boys. "Well, I'll talk to Aunt Frances and see why. Kippy is in the laundry room, why don't you go and see if she will play with you in the play room? Remember to pick your toys up or Kippy won't let you have dessert," the red-blonde said as she let the boys go and watched them run off. She turned to her aunt with a raised eyebrow, a questioning look on her face. "A snake? As in a scaly reptile, no arm, no legs, slithers around and hisses at everything? Any reason for that? Or was it just random?" she asked as she settled next to her aunt.
"Yes, dear, a snake," Frances confirmed inattentively. "Harry came in here upset that he couldn't find the snake he was talking to yesterday, and I told him we'd talk about getting him one from the pet shop in the Alley. I was thinking we could corner off part of the spell room and make a terrarium for it. That way Harry can talk to it. It would be comfortable and the cats won't try to eat it," she explained as she pat Gilly's hand distractedly, still thinking about how they would rearrange the herb room. "We should think about getting Neville and pet too," she added, not wanting to single out Harry.
The spell room had gotten pretty full with all the stuff Kippy had bought and they had set up a wizarding potions lab in there. Maybe if they got more cabinets like the ones in the catalogs from SunSpot Alley they could set it up better. That and there were room expansion charms… her mind was whirling with ideas.
"Um, Aunt Frances are you even listening to me?" Gilly asked as she poked her aunt in the arm to get her attention. "Did you say Harry could talk to a snake?"
"Yes, dear, he can talk to snakes," she answered, turning her attention to her niece. "I figured, we could ask Luis about it when he gets here tonight. I'm sure it is nothing to worry about." She waved her hand airily. She truly couldn't see how talking to an animal was something to worry about.
"Okay, we'll talk to him. I'm going to go and see if there is anything in the books we bought," Gilly said. She, on the other hand, was pretty sure that talking to snakes wasn't normal even in the Wizarding World, and she wanted to make sure that Harry wouldn't be picked on for this. If they needed to keep it a secret, then they needed to word it correctly so Harry didn't think he was a freak. She got up and started out of the room to begin her quest. "I'll see if I can't find Aunt Jet and let her know we need to talk to Luis tonight."
"Okay dear, I'll see you then," was the distracted reply.
Gilly had spent most of the day researching, not finding much, only a few notes in the history books about how Voldemort, Salazar Slytherin, someone called Herpo the Foul and a few others were something called parselmouths. That didn't paint a really good picture to her as they were all known as Dark Wizards. She could only find one reference about a parselmouth that was a healer and not a Dark Lord; it was that person who coined the phrase, parselmouth.
The aunts spent the rest of the day looking at the spell room to see if they could change it around. They were thinking of asking Luis to show them how to expand it so everything would fit in that cluttered room. Though they had gotten pretty good with meshing the magic, there were some things beyond their scope of experience. All they needed was someone to show them how it was done with a wand and they copied it in their minds and a wave of their hands.
That evening, just before 6 p.m., Luis knocked on the door. He was dressing in his normal business suit, and had on some gloves, which he removed when he entered the house.
"Hey, Luis, come on in. We were wondering if, after the boys were done with their lesson, you could talk with us about something. It's kinda important," Gilly said as she opened the door and ushered Luis in.
Luis tucked his gloves in his jacket, hung it up and turned to her. "I will be more than happy to talk to you lovely ladies. Let me go and see if I can put some manners into your boys, and we can talk when I am done," he said with a bow as he. He then turned towards the dining room where he could see the boys trying to sit straight in their chairs and in their proper clothes, waiting for him. The food was already on the table and everything was set up perfect.
"Okay, yeah sure, we'll see you then," she said to his back and with an amused shake of her head she turned to go to the living room. "We'll join you in the dining room for dessert at 6:30," she called to him. He just waved in acknowledgement and closed the newly added dining room door. Gilly went to join her aunts. The Owens women didn't eat with the boys during lunch or dinner; they took their meal in the living room or kitchen, just as they said they would.
At 6:30 p.m. exactly, the women went and joined the others in the dining room. There were a few desserts on the table and the boys had pieces of cake in front of them. They looked so adorable as they tried not to make a mess.
Luis was sitting at the table, across from the boys, drinking a cup of tea and smiling at how well behaved his students were. The children picked up things rather quickly, although there were a few times they threw fits when they had to sit still for too long. On the other hand, they were overcoming that.
Everyone sat down and claimed the dessert and drinks they wanted. "What can you tell us about snake talkers? I think Gilly said it was called parseltongue," Jet asked, taking a sip from her glass of fruit juice.
Luis' head snapped up in shock. The cup he had been holding dropped to the table with a clatter. He waved his wand and cleaned up the mess without even thinking about it. "Why on earth do you want to know about parselmouths?" he asked as he glanced to each woman's face, trying to figure out why they wanted to know by their expressions. He saw that they were only curious, though now signs of fright were showing.
Gilly had already been apprehensive, and with his reaction she was now fearful that this was indeed a bad thing.
"Harry came to me earlier upset that he couldn't find the snake he was talking to yesterday. So we looked it up and couldn't really find anything except a few names in the history books," Frances explained, a little concerned at his response.
Harry and Neville continued eating their cake. They had been good students tonight and Luis said they deserved it. They weren't about to be distracted by silly adults.
Luis jerked his head around and stared wide-eyed at Harry. That was not anything he expected. He had hoped that they had just come across the term in their studies. He took a few deep breaths to calm down. He knew these boys, and he knew they weren't evil. After he relaxed a little he turned towards the women and saw how worried they seem to be.
He tried to smile to relieve them of that worry. "I am terribly sorry for my reaction. Parselmouths don't have a good reputation. It is said that it is a form of Dark Magic and that anyone to can speak to snakes is a Dark Wizard." They could hear the capitals in his sentence, punctuating just how serious this was. "However, I know Harry and I know he is a good boy. It just took me a moment to see logically. I am sorry I frightened you," he explained, hoping to calm everyone's nerves.
"Yeah, I wasn't expecting you to lose your cool. That is very out of character for you," Gilly said, taking a sip of her milk. "Can you explain it to us? I don't want people going around calling Harry names for something he has no control over," she said firmly.
Luis smiled and said, "I understand your reaction, and again I apologize for mine. They are good boys and a delight to work with. I suggest you ask the goblins. I know, from what we've talked about before, you are in good standing with them. They might be able to give you an unbiased opinion that you will not find in the wizarding society. I will tell you this," he punctuated with a tapping of his finger on the table in front of him, the hollow noise carried in the now quiet dining room, "if you want Harry to continue to talk to snakes, make sure that he doesn't tell anyone he doesn't trust. Harry is quite a hero in Britain and if they found out, he will be labeled a Dark Lord. They will not listen to reason about something that has been used against them too many times in their history."
"Yeah, we kinda got that from your response. I really don't want Harry to have to hide anything he can do; however, I understand what you're saying. We," Gilly said, pointing to herself and her aunts, "have never hidden anything, well, maybe a little. But, the whole town knows we're witches so I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around something that must be hidden."
If it hadn't been for the time they needed the women of the town to help her when she was possessed by Jimmy's spirit, they would still be rumor. Well, many women and men came to them for love spells, luck spells and such, but they were a well-known secret.
Frances reached over and patted Gilly on the hand and said, "Don't worry, dear, we'll handle this just like we handle everything. Besides, children love to keep secret. We might have to worry when he gets older and starts to feel guilty about it, but we'll talk to him then and make sure he understands." She beamed a smile at her charges and knew that this might be something that would come in handy in the future.
"Yes, Gilly-bean, we'll stand by Harry no matter what is said about him. Remember, Sally had a hard time with the gossips before she came out. We don't want Harry to have to suffer that," Frances said, giving her nervous niece a one armed hug.
Kippy popped in, "It is being time for the Little Masters to be getting their baths and readys for beds."
"Kippy, we have to talk to Luis. Do you think you can give the boys a bath tonight?" Jet asked the little elf.
"Kippy can dos. If yous can bring the little Masters upstairs, Kippy can be giving them their baths. Yous will have to come soon if yous wants to tell them beddy-bye stories," the little elf said, with a nod of her big head. She liked helping with the boys, it made them grow closer.
"I'll get them," Jet said as she got up and took the surprisingly clean boys from the table. She wrestled the squirming bundles up the stairs while Kippy cleaned up the dessert plates off the table with a snap of her finger. The tiny being left the dishes in the sink for one of the witches to tend to.
Luis, Frances and Gilly went into the living room and made small talk until Jet could join them. After about five minutes, Jet came and joined Frances on one of the couches. She turned to the tutor —their only human source of information. "Luis, we were wondering if you could help us expand our spell room. We tried to do it ourselves, but couldn't get the incantation right. So we figured if we watch you and get a feel for your magic. Then we can copy it," she said, veering away from the parselmouth subject for now.
Luis sat in one of the chairs next to the couches. "I will take a look and see. I need to know why you want it expanded so I know where to direct it to," he said, letting her change the topic to something not quite so volatile.
"We want to buy Harry a snake or two. Needless to say, we need somewhere it can be safe. We figured the spell room would be the best area to set up an enclosure," Frances explained with a thoughtful look. She wanted to get the conversation over with and felt no need to change topic. Jet cut her a glare, but she ignored her. "I don't think we should suppress Harry's ability. We'll contact the goblins, like you said, and maybe they can give us a different point of view, or direct us to where we can read about this and develop it. I know I'd be tickled pink if I could talk to an animal." Her mind was still going on how useful this could turn out.
"I see," he said thoughtfully, as he tapped his chin with his finger. "I can tell that you are going to help Harry in any way you can. I will not discourage you from this path. I will only reiterate my warning about how others will see him," he said with a stern look and then softened his features. "Let's go into the spell room and you can tell me what you need and I will help you achieve it."
And with that everyone got up and ventured in the room. They looked around and gave the man a small tour.
"As you can see we have two different kinds of potion making going on. Jet and myself were looking over this set up and decided that our herbal potions would go on the right wall, while the wizarding potions on the left. We can split the table here in the middle for each. The wall on the opposite side of the door is where we would like to set up a large terrarium for the snakes. We can have it enclosed in glass and have a heating lamp, or spell, to keep it warm. It will get plenty of sunlight as the wall faces the east," Frances described as she pointed and gestured to the things they wanted to change. "We're hoping you could slowly show us how to do it. We're pretty sure if we see and feel your magic we can do it ourselves next time we need more room."
Luis, who had been following along, looked around the room to see just what he could help with. He was pretty good at transfiguration and had a few ideas. "Well if you want your wizarding potion ingredients to keep longer, you need to keep them covered. I can turn some of these open shelves into cabinets with doors. They should last a few years before they convert back. That should give you plenty of time to get new ones. When you do, either you or I can banish the shelves to the attic. I need everyone to help me move the stuff off the shelves to do this. Let me expand the table a little bit to give us more room," he said as he took his wand out and expanded the table only a few feet, as there wasn't much leeway in the cramped room.
The women started to make little gestures and floated the things from the shelves he indicated and put them on the table. Luis had seen the women do this before and wasn't surprised. He had even tried to do some wandless magic at his home, and he was actually getting good at stirring his tea and floating small objects. He figured the more he was around the Owens women the more he would learn. Shaking himself from his thoughts, he started transfiguring the shelves into cabinets and making the other shelves a little more organized. He also showed the women how to expand the room without affecting the outside of the house.
After about fifteen minutes Jet left to tuck the boys in and read them a story. The other two women promised to show her what they learned either tonight or in the morning. Luis showed them the spells slowly and Frances was able to wandlessly cast a transfiguration on one of the shelves. Gilly was able to set up the herbal side of the room, and when Jet came back they started on the tank.
It took about an hour to get everything done and the terrarium set up. It was a large glass in enclosure and full of rocks, dirt and plants. They got the material from the greenhouse and around the house. There were a few rock caves and some big dead branches for the snake to lie on. There was a heating spell over the top that would turn off when the sun made it hotter in the case. All in all it was a nice setup for a snake, or two.
The Owens women tried to pay for his time. However, Luis turned them down saying he was happy to help. With a bow and a promise to not tell anyone about Harry, he took his leave for the night. They were just happy he didn't freak out and run from the house after his initial reaction.
The Owens women looked around their new spell/potions/pet room and decided that it was a job well done and went to bed happy. They would go to the Alley on the weekend and get some snakes for Harry. Neville would more than likely be happy with a small pet as well. Perhaps a hamster, or fish, those were easy enough to take care of for a four year old, and Kippy would help.
So that weekend they ventured to SunSpot Alley and took a look in the pet shop. There were many snakes to choose from. "Harry," Gilly said in his ear as he balanced on her hip, "I want you to pick some of the nicer snakes out. Make sure you don't talk to them here. I don't want people to pick on you," she said softly as she gave him a hug.
"Otay, Aunt Gilly," the little boy said as he squirmed to get down. He went to the tanks and just listened to them talk. After about five minutes, he pointed at a blue and black one, and an orange and red one. "Dese two are nice, and dey is friends," he stated firmly.
"Okay, sweetheart, we'll get them," Jet said with a radiant smile. They read the placard and it stated the two snakes were magical in that they would live a long life, but they were not venomous so the aunts were content. "Neville, do you see anything you want?" she asked the sandy-haired boy.
"I 'ant a 'amster," he answered, looking at the little rodents. The hamsters were running around the cage and making all sort of noise. He pointed to one that was off to the side, just sleeping and said, "Dat one."
"Okay, sweetie, we'll just have to take the darling thing home. I wonder if they are magical hamsters," Frances mused, moving over to the display.
"No, they are normal ones," the clerk said as he came up to them.
"Wonderful. We'll take these two snakes," Gilly pointed at the ones they wanted, "and that hamster," she added.
"Do you require supplies?" the man asked, not knowing if they were going to use them for potions or not.
"Well, we have a place set up for the snakes, though we'll need food for them," Jet said, "and we need everything for the hamster," she added, tapping her finger on her chin.
"Right away," the man said as he started to gather the supplies.
It took a few minutes, but soon they were out the door with their new purchases. They went home and put the snakes in the terrarium. The two reptiles loved their new area, and Harry had a wonderful time talking to them. Neville set his hamster up in the play room and let it out in the bubble-thingy they got for it to run around the house in. The two boys played with their pets for hours until dinner. They were both very happy to have them.