The group spent an hour reading and destroying aliens, or in Harry's case cooing and giggling at colors. Then Hydrus said they should start making plans, so everyone reluctantly put away their toys and paid attention to the time traveler.
"Right, so, I have a few ideas I want to go over with you guys," Hydrus started, rubbing the back of his head. "Lily, I was wondering if you had any ideas about Mrs. Lovegood." He turned to the redheaded woman.
"Well, I really don't know her that well. I mean, we were in the same year at Hogwarts, but in different Houses," Lily replied thoughtfully, all she knew about Pandora was that she was a bit flighty, a genius to be sure, but well, it well known that she and Xeno made a perfect couple because they were pea of a pod. "Do you need to set up businesses now?" she asked, bringing herself back to the conversation "Or should we wait until after the war? I mean, you've already changed the timeline so we don't know when or how You-Know-Who will be taken down. I think we should worry about that first."
James and the others nodded in agreement.
"You're right, of course. I was always told you were the smartest witch of your generation," the immortal said with a beaming smile, then let it fall to a frown as he thought over what she said. He really didn't want to have to fight Pandora again, but he'd think of something. They were right Tom, had to be taken care of first.
"You said you have a way to take out the Death Eaters. Can you use the same method on the Dork Lord?" Sirius asked, taking up Hydrus' nickname for Voldemort.
"I'm not sure," Hydrus replied. He knew he could get the Death Eaters, but would Tom fall for the same trap? He didn't think so, and now he was in a quandary on how to get Voldemort in the open. He knew he was a match for the man, but Tom was not a Slytherin for nothing. "When is your next Order meeting?" he asked, looking at the men.
"Tonight," Remus answered with a questioning look.
"Good, I need to know what Tom is doing now," the immoral said and then explained who Tom was at the confused looks. "I need to see if he is acting differently with his inner circle gone."
"We cannot spy on the Order," Remus said softly, a look of betrayal crossed his face. "You should not ask us to. Besides, what about the vow?" he asked, a frown on his face. That and no matter what this man said, well, he respected Dumbledore. Even after a nights thinking he didn't totally trust the time traveler.
"I'm not asking you to spy. I really don't care what your group is doing. All I want to know is if Tom is in hiding or is he still leading raids," Hydrus argued, wondering at the betrayed look. Neither of the other Remus' had doubted his word after he had given his vows and shown them the memories. He had to wonder why the change.
"We can do that," Sirius said, cutting a glare to the werewolf.
"Lily, there is something you can do," Hydrus said, changing the subject, but casting a worried look at the man he used to respect. "I need you to see if you can get Snape out of the country. I don't think he's gone to Dumbledore yet. In my timeline, it was about a month from now, right before you guys were attacked, which was why you were put under the Fidelius in the first place. I thought about this all last night and I know I can't use the same reasoning to get him to leave. However, I can give you a crystal, money and a watch. The crystal has a spell on it to release the Dark Mark and the watch will change his appearance. Well, you know what the money is for," he explained, pulling said items out of his space.
"Now, wait, just a bloody minute," James said angrily, sitting up in his seat and glaring at the older man. "What makes you think I want my wife around that Death Eater?" he snapped. He didn't want his wife anywhere near that man. Especially after seeing what a horrible man he turned into.
"And what makes you think you can control what I do?" Lily snapped back, smacking him hard in the chest, making everyone turn to her. She had been going over all she learned about her old friend, and felt pity for the life he led in the first timeline. Oh, she hated the petty and bitter man he became, and if she could save him from that fate, she would.
"But, Lily, it's Snivellus," her husband whinged, rubbing the sore spot. Sirius was nodding in agreement from his chair. Remus held his tongue.
"I know, I'm only thinking of Harry," she hedged, mostly true. "Remember how he acted in Hydrus' first class? Do you want that repeated? If we can get him gone, then Harry never has to meet him. I can do this James. He was my best friend." She turned her determined face to her husband, showing that she was serious.
"Fine, but I don't like it," he accepted with a pout. She patted him on the hand and turned back to the immortal and lifted an eyebrow.
"Right, now that that is settled, he still lives where he did when you were growing up," Hydrus said, making her wrinkle her nose. "I think you'll have an easier time making him go. I'll leave it to you what to say, but if you have to, tell him that the prophecy is about you and your family and that you know he's the one who spilled it to Tom." He hoped it didn't come to that, as it was information that the Potions Master really didn't need to know.
"Yeah, he is the one to told on us and got us killed twice," James said triumphantly, pointing a finger at his wife.
Lily just gave him a look and he quieted down with a fearful appearance.
Hydrus handed her the watch, the crystal and the Mokeskin money pouch. "The watch will change his appearance, last time it was pretty drastic. But first, hold the crystal over the mark and say 'activate'. It will say a spell in parseltongue, so don't freak out. It might make him weak, but the mark will be gone. Keep your wand at the ready, I don't know how he will react. Do you think you can handle that?" he asked, worried that Snape would try and talk this woman into leaving with him. It won't work, she loved James, but it might make her think that her old friend had reformed. One thing you could say about Snape, or any Slytherin, they were smooth talkers, well except Draco and his cronies.
"You have an invisibility cloak, right?" she asked, though she did pity the man, she didn't trust him. He had taken the Mark in the first place.
"Yes, I have a few," he answered vaguely, not wanting the non-Potters to know he had a Deathly Hallow.
"Give one to James, his is with Dumbledore. I can sneak him in with me and, if need be, together we can take care of Severus." It would make James feel better if he had her back.
"Right," Hydrus said, calling up a cloak and handing it to James, not the real one of course, but a mundane one. The Deathly Hallow stayed with him at all times. He wasn't even sure it would work with anyone else. "You can keep this one," he told the younger Potter.
James took the article and fleetingly felt the loss of his family heirloom, but understood that it was a Deathly Hallow and really didn't want to have that curse fall on any of his family. One immortal in the family was enough. "Thanks, Dumbledore has mine," he added as an afterthought.
"Let me get some portkeys made up for you guys. If you get injured in a spell fight they will bring you here." Hydrus took out some of his portkeys and programmed them to bring them inside the wards, if they got hit. He handed a bracelet to each of the Potters and watched as they put them on.
They took them with a grateful look as they placed them around their wrist.
"Sirius, did you write your grandfather?" Hydrus asked turning to the younger man and hoping to move some plans along. They really didn't have much time. He reached out and took a sip of tea.
"Yeah, but I haven't heard from him yet. And I don't expect to for at least a week," Padfoot replied, sulking that he had to talk to the man at all.
"Right, Remus, do you actually know any other werewolves?" the immortal asked, turning his attention to Moony.
"Yes, Albus has me talking to them. There are many that are joining the Death Eaters ranks," the werewolf answered a bit sadly, knowing that bit of information wasn't secret. He had talked a few into remaining neutral, but You Know Who was making some pretty impressive promises to them.
"Right, that's too bad, they did that in the second war too," Hydrus confirmed with a nod, making a mental note to make some silver bullets for his gun.
Everyone sat silent for a minute wondering what to do next. The happy moments they shared this morning gone, except little Harry still cooing over his color ball.
"When did you want me to talk to Severus?" Lily asked, breaking the silence, a bit nervous about what was going to happen when she made the offer. Severus had changed a lot since Hogwarts; he would've had to, to become a Death Eater.
"The sooner the better," Hydrus replied, glancing between the couple. "I'll leave it up to you."
They held another silent conversation. "I think we should get it done as quickly as possible," James said, standing and taking Lily's hand, pulling her up. He then gathered the cloak and made sure his wife had everything.
"Okay, will you guys watch Harry? I know you have experience, Hydrus," she said with a small smile, trying to relieve the tension.
"Of course, I will," the older Black answered with a smile of his own.
So the two Potters left and Lily side-along Apparated her husband to the park that divided her old neighborhood from Severus's. When they appeared, she started down the street to where she knew he lived.
James looked at the shabby side of the park with a grimace. "Snivellus lives here? I should've known," he sneered. He always knew that man grew up poor, it was one of the things they teased him about, but this neighborhood looked like it should have been torn down years ago. He didn't know if he could ever live in such squalor, yeah he was a bit full of himself.
"James, stop being a prat, put on the cloak and silence yourself," she ordered as they got closer, ignoring the comment. She always hated that condescending tone.
James did as she asked and the two went up the walkway to where the wards stopped them. Lily pushed on the wards to let Severus know she was there.
Snape opened his door; wand raised and almost dropped it when he saw who was there. "Lily! Merlin, what are you doing here?" he asked in an awestruck voice, completely out of character. Never in a million years would he have thought to see this woman at his house, let alone unaccompanied, and it caught him flat footed.
"Severus, you look well," she replied a bit surprised and he did. His hair was clean and his robes were well made. Being a Death Eater must pay well… or something. She might not have such an easy time convincing him.
"You do as well, Lily. What brings you here?" he asked again, looking around the neighborhood trying to see if she brought company.
"I have something important to tell you, well, offer you," she said in a gentle voice. She gave the man a fond look, hoping that would help her along if he didn't think she was a threat.
He waved his wand and dropped the wards. Then he held open the door and said, "Come in."
James pressed against her back, making sure she knew he was there. They made it into the house before Snape erected the wards again. Lily sat in an armchair, while James stood behind her, his hand on her shoulder.
"To what do I owe the pleasure? Not that I'm not happy to see you, Lily, but your being here could get me killed," Snape said, taking a seat on the chair across from her. He had a hopeful look in his eye, like she had left Potter to join him. His hopes were dashed when she spoke.
"Just like you telling the Dark Lord a prophecy that could get me and my family killed. I think we're even," she said softly and took a bit of pleasure when his face drained of what little color it held. It was because of her childhood friend that she and her family were in hiding, so yeah, she was glad to see him in shock.
"How, pray tell, did you know about that?" Severus asked as his voice carrying across the room, and his mind whirled over that fact and that there might be a traitor in their midst. Maybe that pitiful rat, who went missing with the others. Oh, he felt the displeasure from his Master, being the only one in the inner circle that had not vanished. Hours were suffered under that animal's wand. He had to show the Dark Lord that he had nothing to do with the disappearance of the others. It had been a painful experience.
"I have my sources. Look, Severus, I have an offer for you. I have a feeling that you don't like being a Death Eater, the man I remember wouldn't," Lily said as friendly as possible, shivering slightly at the tone. Severus always knew how to make his voice carry, no matter how softly he spoke. "I have something that will take the Mark off you. I can hand you a device that will help you with a disguise and I can give you enough money to leave the country."
"I chose to be a servant to my Lord," Snape said with a sneer, losing all the friendliness he held before, all thoughts of running away together were gone. However, just the thought of leaving the country while she lived made him bitter. Plus the fact that she seemed to want him to disappear didn't help.
"Please, Severus," Lily begged, taking out the pouch and laying it in her lap.
"What makes you think I would leave him?" he asked, glancing longingly at the bag in her lap, and then firming his face. He did want to go, he hated being a Death Eater, there was no power to be had from it, but he was unsure of Lily's motives. He would have to find his own way. He had plans.
"I was really hoping you would. I just want give you the means to get away," she said as gently as she could, putting hope into her voice. "You are my friend."
James gripped her shoulder when Snape took on a hostile look. He drew his wand and was ready to fire at any second.
"You gave up our friendship years ago," the dark man sneered, looking down his long nose. "As I recall, I apologized to you many times and you snubbed me each and every time. So what has made your heart suddenly feel different, Mrs. Potter?" Snape spat out the name as if to remind the woman before him that she was the wife of his enemy. To him that was her greatest betrayal. Oh, he would always love her, but he may never forgive her.
"Severus, please, I didn't come to fight. I have a solution for you," she reiterated, holding out the Mokeskin bag. "It is up to you whether you take it or not. I'm not going to force it on you," the redhead all but begged. Why would he not want this? was the question in her mind.
"No, I believe I will take my chances with my Lord. I think you should leave now, Mrs. Potter," was the snide comment back.
Lily deflated and dropped the bag as James firmed his hold on her shoulder. She got up and whispered, "This will be your only chance." Praying he would listen.
"Leave," Snape barked, not moving from his seat. His hands gripped the arms of the chair and his face morphed with betrayal.
Lily debated for a minute about leaving the pouch, but the look on the dour man's face made her take it with her. She tucked it back in her robes and made for the door, James pressed on her back.
"I'll miss you, Severus," she said as the door closed behind her. And the two Potters left. They made it home and told the other three what happened.
"Well, damn, that didn't go as planned. I thought for sure that if it came from you he'd jump on it," Hydrus said, rubbing the back of his head. He knew now that there was no chance in getting Snape to leave. He'd have to figure out what to do with the greasy git. "So, why didn't you just drop the bag in his lap?"
"I thought about it, but he probably would have burned it," Lily said sadly, hurt evident in her voice, and a few tears escaped her eyes.
"So, what do we do now?" James asked as grabbed her hand. He knew that little scene had been hard on her, and she was going to beat herself up for it. He only hoped that Hydrus would somehow rid of that overgrown bat.
"I really don't know. Like Lily said, the timeline has changed. Tom can't get to you guys, so…" he trailed off. Then he remembered something vital—Neville. He jumped to his feet and started shouting, "James, Sirius, Remus, we have to get to the Longbottoms. NOW!" He had a bad feeling about this, like time was running out.
"What? Why?" James asked as he too jumped to his feet.
The other two men followed and looked around to see what caused the time traveler to spring up like that.
Lily looked at the oldest Black and then at Harry, the color drained from her face, "Neville," she whispered, now very concerned for the Longbottoms.
"The Prophecy," was the succinct answer as Hydrus ran from the house. Then he stopped; he had no idea where the Longbottoms lived. He turned his desperate eyes to his father.
The three Marauders had looks of stunned horror on their faces. James nodded his head and took Hydrus' arm and apparated him to the Longbottom manor.
The wards were down; screams and maniacal laughter were coming from the house. The four men ran as fast as they could to get to the fight. They belted through the destroyed door and followed the sound of pain, pounding up the stairs to the nursery.
They got to the room and saw six Death Eaters and Tom. Two of the minions were holding Alice and Frank under the Crucio. Neville was screaming in the background, calling for his mum. Voldemort was standing back laughing at their plight. His bone chilling cackle filled the room, making Hydrus want to hurt him more.
Hydrus had to wonder why Tom was attacking now and why he wasn't just killing them, like he had the Potters in the last two timelines. Maybe he didn't really feel Neville was the prophesied one as and was trying to find out where the Potters were. He turned his wand to the Death Eaters that was attacking Alice and fired a Reducto and bringing up a strong little brick wall around Alice and Frank in quick succession, then turned his attention to Tom and let out a string of offensive curses. Surprised the Dark Lord snarled, batted them away and started fighting back, not paying any attention to the Death Eater's body falling on the ground next to him - headless.
The Marauders jumped into the fight, driving the Death Eaters away from the Longbottoms. Using the element of surprise they managed to stun one of them but the other ones quickly pulled up a shield. For a moment they seemed as if they weren't going to fight but when their companions head fell in between them they retaliated with spells as brutal as they could get.
Neville cried louder.
Hydrus kept up his attack on Tom, his spells borderline dark, mostly darker grey, spells that would kill. There was no way he was going to go with stunners, like the Marauders were doing. "Curse to kill or maim," he shouted to his allies.
Then they started with the more offensive spells. If anyone had been watching the fight they would've be able to tell that this wasn't the first fight they fought together and if they didn't know it was a fight for life and death, it could've been called a beautiful performance. Sirius and James stood to either side of Remus. While they were shooting curse after curse at the remaining death eaters, Remus was keeping a shield up around them and Alice and Frank, who were still on the ground, shielded by the brick wall.
Next to them, Hydrus and Tom dueling, curse after curse bombarded Tom's shield and soon he was backed into the corner. The whole room was destroyed with everything being used to block and attack.
The immortal had learned a lot from his previous timelines training and was giving the Dork Lord a good run for his money. However, he was sorely out of practice, years of peaceful living had made him soft. He managed to hit him with a cutting curse in his wand arm, but Tom seemed to be ambidextrous. He cursed the fact that he couldn't get past the Dork Lords defensives.
However, he, unlike the man he was fighting, truly couldn't die and so he was far more reckless in his defenses and assaults, banishing things, ducking and throwing every curse he knew at him. He also kept trying to transfigure the Dork Lord, as well as kill him, but the damn man wouldn't stand still. If he could get him into a rock and hide him in his pocketspace then he could find the rest of the thrice-damned horcruxes and be done with this.
"I don't know who you are, but you should join me," Voldemort said in a sophisticated voice, which was very out of place considering where they were and what they were doing. "I will give you power, more power than you've ever known," he offered the man he was currently trying to kill.
"Yeah, right, give it up, Tom, I will never join you," was Hydrus' comeback as he threw a Reducto at his nemesis head.
Voldemort's eyes narrowed at the name, making him look more dangerous than he already was, and he threw the Killing Curse that the unknown wizard, who brought a bit of the wall down to intercept it. He was good, very good, not enough to defeat the Greatest Wizard ever, but he seemed to be holding his own. "Who are you?" he asked.
"Your worst enemy," was the snide answer as Hydrus threw a slicing curse to the man's head.
Then suddenly James was there, and he stood by Hydrus' side and the two of them continued to barrage Voldemort with curses. Hydrus was glad to see that his younger self's father was finally taking the fight seriously. The immortal again tried to transfigure the bastard into a chamber pot, but Voldemort banished a piece of the broken wall in front of the spell.
Remus and Sirius were holding their own against the remaining Death Eaters. Frank was up and had their backs. Alice was still curled on the floor, covered in debris of the wall that had shielded her and her husband from the fight and any stray flying Unforgivables. Neville was in a cupboard, hysterically crying and screaming for his mum. They had to ignore him for the time being and continued to fight and with a well-placed stunner from Remus, another Death Eater went down.
Voldemort, seeing his men were losing, snarled and portkeyed away, after calling them fools and swearing retribution.
Hydrus sniffed annoyed, he had always known the Dork Lord was a coward, letting his minions do most of the fighting. For someone who thought he couldn't die, he gave up very easily.
Hydrus hurried to Alice and made sure she was still sane while throwing a powerful shield. "Mrs. Longbottom, are you well enough to get up?" he asked the shaken woman.
"Yes, I have to protect Neville," the blonde woman stated firmly, her body still wracked with the shakes.
So, he helped her up and rejoined the fight. For a few more seconds, curses flew around the room and items moved to block them. The Longbottoms were now joining the foray and giving back the best they could, determined anger etched their faces.
Very quickly another Death Eaters died and one was injured enough not to continue. One got smart enough to follow his Lord and portkeyed out of the room. The rest were bound and the Aurors were flooed.
Two dead, three captured and one got away, not bad. Too bad we didn't get Tom this time. Hydrus was thinking as he kept his wand trained on one of the captured minions.
Alice ran and got her son who was still screaming hysterically while Frank, with the other four men, stood guard over the three that were still alive.
Soon enough the red-robed wizards showed, questioned everyone, checked wands, and carted the Death Eaters away. The dead were portkeyed to St. Mungo's. It was a long hour.
"James, Remus, Sirius, thank you for coming. How did you know?" Frank said, shaking all of their hands, pausing at Hydrus, who he didn't know.
Alice and Neville were crying, one from joy that her family was mostly unharmed and one from fear.
"I'm Hydrus, Sirius' cousin. Lily had a bad feeling and we acted on it," the immortal lied, shaking the sandy-haired man's hand. He was slightly winded and could feel a nasty cut on his back, which he was ignoring. One of the Death Eaters must have gotten him while he was distracted with Tom. He had stuff at home to take care of his wounds, and Tippy would look after him.
"Women's intuition," Frank said with a knowing nod, buying into the story. He went over and caught his wife and son in a firm embrace. "Tell her we are thankful."
"Frank, Hydrus here has some pretty wicked wards. He invented them himself and we can put up the Fidelius charm for you," James offered, looking over to Neville and Alice meaningfully.
"And how much will you charge for these wards?" the Longbottom male asked, knowing nothing was ever free unless it was ill intended, especially during times like these.
"One hundred Galleons, that's the price I'm going to charge when I set up my business. It'll be the going rate for the complete package," Hydrus quoted. It was a reasonable price to keep ones family safe. "You are more than welcome to be my first customer, and to tell others about them," he smiled like a business man.
"Eighty, that's all I'm willing to go," Frank haggled, though he knew if this man said one hundred was the firm price, he'd pay it, but it never hurt to negotiate. "If they are any good, of course you'll have my endorsement."
They settled on ninety-two, money changed hands and then Hydrus started erecting the wards, using the Elder Wand, discreetly. He moved to the outside and put up the Fidelius and made James the Secret Keeper, since he too was in hiding. He then showed them what the wards would do and gave them all the proper warnings, like a good salesperson. The male Potter wrote the secret on a piece of parchment, so the Longbottoms could invite family in.
Frank and Alice, who was still holding Neville, were watching in awe. James was right; they were wicked wards. Both of their bodies were still vibrating with the aftershock of the curse and they felt as bad as they looked, if not worse.
The time traveler pulled out some pink potions, "This will reverse the effects of the Crucio. For this there is no charge, consider it part of you package." He handed them to Frank.
"Where did you get it?" the sandy-haired man asked. Taking two of the vials and examining them.
"A very good friend of mine invented them. I've had to use them once or twice myself." He shrugged as if it were nothing to be held under the pain curse.
"Thank you," Alice said, still shaken from the spell and not wanting to leave the wards to get treatment. She took the bottle and downed it, making her tremors stop almost instantly. "Take it, sweetheart, it's brilliant!"
So Frank swallowed his and he too was better. "Thank you, Hydrus. If there is anything you need, any of you, we, the Longbottoms, will do our best to help." He looked at each of his new heroes.
"The fact that you are now safe, is all I need," Hydrus assured them. He wanted to warn them about their Uncle Algie, but since the man hadn't done anything yet, he left it alone. After a bit more thanks and consolidations, the four men left, weary and worn. They made it home and gave Lily the good news and then settled to talk some more.
"Those Death Eaters were not from… Tom's inner circle," Remus noted, looking to Hydrus.
"No, I don't believe they were," the immortal answered with a tilt of his head.
"Were they the ones that attacked the Longbottoms before?" the werewolf continued as he tapped on the arm of his chair.
"No, the Lestranges and Crouch Jr. attacked them the last two times. Well, just the brothers last time," Hydrus wondered where this line of questioning was going.
"Now, do you understand why people should not mess with time?" Remus accused, pointing a finger at the oldest man.
"Are you telling me that attack was my fault?" the time traveler snarled. His hands clinched into fists until his knuckles were white, doing his very best not to hit the werewolf.
"I am saying had you not come back in time, they would not have been attacked today," was the rebuttal.
"Remus!," Lily gasped.
"No, he´s right," he said with a solemn nod. "If I hadn't gone back in time, the Longbottoms wouldn't have been attacked today. But, they would have been attacked after Lily and James died and they would've spent their entire lives in St. Mungo's," he spit out pointedly, his voice laced with fury. "Are you telling me that would be better?" he glared at the werewolf as he leaned forward and got his Remus's face, ready to deck the man.
Remus backed away, his face paled at the accusation and then he deflated. Hydrus was right, it wouldn't have been better. He still didn't feel it was a good thing to change the past.
"Right, now that that is settled, we have a meeting to go to," James said, giving Moony a strange look. "Lily, are you staying here?" he asked his wife.
"Yes, after today's events, I just want to stay home," she answered as she kissed him on the cheek and then she gathered up Harry and took him into the kitchen to feed him. The men would get something at the meeting.
"I think I need to go as well," the peeved immortal said, standing and saying his good-byes. He all but stomped from the house and Apparated home.
James gasped at the wound on his back and called after him, but he was already gone.
"I think you pissed him off," Sirius said, turning to Remus.
"What came over you?" James asked.
"I have no idea… I was… I just… I really don't know," Moony said remorsefully. "I just cannot seem to get my head around the time travel. I did not mean to make that accusation; I have no idea why this time I am so different." He rubbed his hand through his hair. His thoughts were rapidly running around his head, weighing all the ramifications of Hydrus' actions, the good and the bad, and how it would go from here. There was just so much that could go wrong. "I want to believe it will all work out, but something is holding me back," he offered.
"Well, I think you had better apologize to him, when you see him next," Padfoot said with a shake of his head.
"Let's go," Prongs sighed. And the three Marauders left for the meeting.
Meanwhile, Hydrus made it home, but this time he was not a happy man. He had no idea what Remus' problem with him was, and why this timeline was so different. Last time the werewolf just accepted him, now it seemed that he was going to defy him at every turn. He stomped up the stairs to his bedroom and took off his shirt, glad Lily hadn't noticed. He lied when she asked if they were hurt, not wanting her to fuss.
"Tippy," he called.
"Master Hydrus is calling Tippy?" the little elf asked when she popped into the room.
"Yeah, could you get the balm for cuts and put it on my back? Make sure it is the one for Dark curses, the purple one," he asked softly. He was really glad she was here, he didn't want to burden the Potters into looking after him. He was going to have to start to train more, that fight should have been over far sooner than it had been.
"Oh, Master Hydrus is hurt. Yous sit down and lets Tippy take care of yous," she ordered and scurried to get the correct cream.
Hydrus chuckled at her antics and sat cross-legged on the bed, so she could reach his back. He was still mulling over the fight and why the timeline had changed so drastically. He didn't care what Remus said, he was ecstatic that he saved his younger self's parents this time. Now, the Longbottoms were under better wards and he could move on to getting that Snake Face.
Tippy came back in the room and climbed up on the bed. "Yous has a very nasty cuts, Master Hydrus. Is yous being sure this medicine wills be helping yous?" she asked as she spread the ointment, making him wince at the pain.
"Yeah, it is something I brought back with me. The cut will be gone by tomorrow," the immortal assured her. Hermione, in the last timeline, had grown to be a wonderful Potions Mistress, though it was only a hobby to her.
"If yous is saying so, sir," she said and continued to apply the salve.
"That feels much better. Thanks, Tippy," he said when she was done.
"Yous is being very welcome, sir," she squeaked. "Is there being anything else?"
"Can you make me a sandwich? Turkey and cheese," he asked, not wanting to cook. "Perhaps some crisp and tea?" he suggested, he just wanted to eat and go to bed.
"Tippy can do," she said and popped away.
Hydrus got up and changed for bed in a loose T-shirt and pyjama pants. He went to the dining room and ate the sandwich Tippy made. He reflected on how the day went and did not like these changes. He made plans to visit the Potters in the morning, but he was going to spend the afternoon Death Eater hunting. He would have to get together with Sirius about robbing the houses, but he wanted as many of Tom's minions taken out before they go.
Those decisions made, he went to bed and hoped the rest of his group slept better than he would tonight.